Cirque Series Alta

August 23, 2025
Salt Lake City

Clockwise course direction, race starts at the base of Goldminer's Daughter (elevation 8650 ft.), continue on service road along the Transfer Tow, east up the Albion Meadows Trail. Immediately you start gaining elevation as you run through a forest of subalpine fir, Engelmann spruce, and aspen trees. The steep single track switches back at an old ski lift chair mounted on a pedestal with a view of the creek in Snake Pit on your right.

No time to rest here you still have 7 miles to go. Continue up the Albion Meadows Trail as you exit the forest and enter the Albion Meadows with a view of Devils Castle straight ahead. Don’t get lost in the wildflowers or you will miss the narrow single track with a sharp right that takes you to Alf’s mid mountain restaurant (elevation 9200 ft.) Turn right at Alf’s and follow the road under the Sugarloaf lift line and continue climbing up this road that zig zags East Greeley. Pass under Yellow Trail and you have a short flat stretch below Glory Hole before you climb up onto the Wide Track underneath the Sugarloaf lift line. You will have a great view of Cecret Lake below you but turn right and keep climbing.

This road is very steep and will flatten out as you turn right and run through the Keyhole and take you up through a high alpine meadow with a meandering stream. Continue bearing right to the top of Collins (elevation 10400 ft.) There will be an aid station here. Go south across the East Baldy Traverse towards Sugarloaf Pass (elevation 10500 ft.) turn west and head up the ridge to the top of Mt. Baldy (elevation 11,068 ft.) There will be a section w loose rocks, very steep, you will use your hands to ascend. Take in the views of Baldy summit, then head down the northwest ridge of Mt. Baldy, this area will be snowy, we ask you use extreme caution. Make your way to the top of Wildcat Lift (elevation 9780 ft.) From here turn right onto the service road and stay on it all the way past Watson Shelter (elevation 9280 ft.), there will be another aid station here. Please stay on service road all the way to the bottom of Collins Lift (elevation 8530 ft.) Continue to the finish where you started.  The race course is located on the Salt Lake Ranger District, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest.