                              PHONE:   (503) 531-3140                   

 COEUR d'ALENE 1/2 MARATHON                 

 SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2004            

  845 - # OF FINISHERS

| Top 10 Overall Males & Females |
| Top 10 Overall Masters Males & Females |
| Overall Results |
| Age Group Results |

 | Go To The Top Of The Page |

                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 
    1.  Kyle McNaught-Davis     Spokane, WA              1713  M   26  1:19:38   6:04   1 /  20     1 / 845     1 / 347   1:19:39   6:05       0:01
    2.  Matt Nelson             Spokane, WA              1915  M   33  1:19:51   6:05   1 /  39     2 / 845     2 / 347   1:19:53   6:06       0:02
    3.  Roger Thompson          Nine Mile Falls, WA      1639  M   32  1:20:12   6:07   2 /  39     3 / 845     3 / 347   1:20:13   6:07       0:01
    4.  James Richman           Spokane, WA              1332  M   43  1:21:04   6:11   1 /  56     4 / 845     4 / 347   1:21:06   6:11       0:02
    5.  Ted Burnham             Kalispell, MT            1467  M   34  1:21:36   6:13   3 /  39     5 / 845     5 / 347   1:21:37   6:14       0:01
    6.  Rich Hanlon             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1732  M   47  1:22:05   6:16   1 /  40     6 / 845     6 / 347   1:22:06   6:16       0:01
    7.  Christian Newton        Rosalia, WA              1593  M   25  1:22:23   6:17   2 /  20     8 / 845     7 / 347   1:22:30   6:18       0:07
    8.  Cory Yost               Spokane, WA              1676  M   45  1:23:12   6:21   2 /  40     9 / 845     8 / 347   1:23:14   6:21       0:02
    9.  Charlie Lucero          Great Falls, MT          1020  M   45  1:23:34   6:22   3 /  40    10 / 845     9 / 347   1:23:35   6:23       0:01
   10.  Hal Schmidt             Sandpoint, ID            1015  M   36  1:23:42   6:23   1 /  48    11 / 845    10 / 347   1:23:44   6:23       0:02

                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 
    1.  Heather Taylor          Post Falls, ID           1790  F   26  1:22:23   6:17   1 /  63     7 / 845     1 / 498   1:22:24   6:17       0:01
    2.  Amber Hamilton          Spokane, WA              1917  F   26  1:24:00   6:24   2 /  63    12 / 845     2 / 498   1:24:02   6:25       0:02
    3.  Marie Boyd              Missoula, MT             1457  F   44  1:24:06   6:25   1 /  73    14 / 845     3 / 498   1:24:06   6:25       0:00
    4.  Heather McLaughlin      Spokane, WA              1364  F   32  1:24:35   6:27   1 /  70    16 / 845     4 / 498   1:24:37   6:27       0:02
    5.  Nicolle Clutter         Coeur D Alene, ID        1586  F   21  1:27:54   6:42   1 /  26    25 / 845     5 / 498   1:28:03   6:43       0:09
    6.  Mary Foutz              Nine Mile Falls, WA      1039  F   40  1:30:29   6:54   2 /  73    32 / 845     6 / 498   1:30:33   6:54       0:04
    7.  Suzanne Endsley         Coeur D'Alene, ID        1431  F   38  1:30:46   6:55   1 /  86    33 / 845     7 / 498   1:30:47   6:56       0:01
    8.  Heidi Garvin            Spokane, WA              1878  F   32  1:31:04   6:57   2 /  70    36 / 845     8 / 498   1:31:06   6:57       0:02
    9.  Anna Tensmeyer          Coeur D'alene, ID        1179  F   21  1:31:07   6:57   2 /  26    37 / 845     9 / 498   1:31:13   6:57       0:06
   10.  Lori Buratto            Spokane Valley, WA       1475  F   33  1:31:50   7:00   3 /  70    40 / 845    10 / 498   1:31:57   7:01       0:07

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                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 
    1.  James Richman           Spokane, WA              1332  M   43  1:21:04   6:11   1 /  56     4 / 845     4 / 347   1:21:06   6:11       0:02
    2.  Rich Hanlon             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1732  M   47  1:22:05   6:16   1 /  40     6 / 845     6 / 347   1:22:06   6:16       0:01
    3.  Cory Yost               Spokane, WA              1676  M   45  1:23:12   6:21   2 /  40     9 / 845     8 / 347   1:23:14   6:21       0:02
    4.  Charlie Lucero          Great Falls, MT          1020  M   45  1:23:34   6:22   3 /  40    10 / 845     9 / 347   1:23:35   6:23       0:01
    5.  Kevin Dunton            Coeur D'alene, ID        1786  M   41  1:24:15   6:26   2 /  56    15 / 845    12 / 347   1:24:18   6:26       0:03
    6.  Martin Scates           Chewelah, WA             1716  M   41  1:24:50   6:28   3 /  56    17 / 845    13 / 347   1:24:52   6:28       0:02
    7.  Keith Comes             Spokane, WA              1721  M   41  1:26:07   6:34   4 /  56    19 / 845    15 / 347   1:26:33   6:36       0:26
    8.  Bart Brazier            Spokane, WA              1310  M   40  1:26:29   6:36   5 /  56    22 / 845    18 / 347   1:26:39   6:37       0:10
    9.  Shaun Gomez             Dalton Gardens, ID       1049  M   43  1:26:43   6:37   6 /  56    23 / 845    19 / 347   1:26:46   6:37       0:03
   10.  Neal Leen               Priest River, ID         1327  M   47  1:28:05   6:43   4 /  40    26 / 845    21 / 347   1:28:08   6:43       0:03

                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 
    1.  Marie Boyd              Missoula, MT             1457  F   44  1:24:06   6:25   1 /  73    14 / 845     3 / 498   1:24:06   6:25       0:00
    2.  Mary Foutz              Nine Mile Falls, WA      1039  F   40  1:30:29   6:54   2 /  73    32 / 845     6 / 498   1:30:33   6:54       0:04
    3.  Alison Scott            Spokane, WA              1751  F   40  1:32:40   7:04   3 /  73    45 / 845    11 / 498   1:32:43   7:04       0:03
    4.  Shelly Olin             Hayden Lake, ID          1745  F   41  1:34:34   7:13   4 /  73    54 / 845    15 / 498   1:34:36   7:13       0:02
    5.  Jennifer Boyer          Huson, MT                1598  F   46  1:34:56   7:14   1 /  63    57 / 845    16 / 498   1:35:04   7:15       0:08
    6.  Kris Ellis              Coeur D'alene, ID        1740  F   41  1:39:31   7:35   5 /  73    85 / 845    25 / 498   1:39:35   7:36       0:04
    7.  Carol McSweeney         Kalispell, MT            1562  F   49  1:39:43   7:36   2 /  63    89 / 845    26 / 498   1:40:09   7:38       0:26
    8.  Amy Leibensberger       Coeur D'Alene, ID        1274  F   47  1:40:54   7:42   3 /  63    99 / 845    32 / 498   1:40:58   7:42       0:04
    9.  Stefanie Wilcox         Liberty Lake, WA         1478  F   51  1:43:02   7:52   1 /  50   114 / 845    34 / 498   1:43:10   7:52       0:08
   10.  Janine Fraser           Spokane, WA              1624  F   41  1:43:40   7:54   6 /  73   125 / 845    35 / 498   1:43:42   7:55       0:02

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                                                                        CHIP                  PLACE         SEX            GUN
   NO.  NAME                         CITY & STATE      RACE # SEX AGE   TIME        DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL  PACE    TIME 

    1.  Mike Hill                    Coeur D'Alene, ID   1629  M   54  1:05:18    1 /   2     1 /   2     1 /   2  4:59   1:05:18 
    2.  Ron Bajadali                 Seattle, WA         1219  M   57  1:17:42    2 /   2     2 /   2     2 /   2  5:56   1:17:42 


                                                                        CHIP                  PLACE         SEX            GUN
   NO.  NAME                         CITY & STATE      RACE # SEX AGE   TIME        DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL  PACE    TIME 

    1.  Christopher Taylor           Spokane, WA         1879  M   17  1:26:23    1 /   2     1 /   2     1 /   1  6:35   1:26:23 
    2.  Jordan Clyburn               Spokane, WA         1825  F   14  2:14:01    2 /   2     2 /   2     1 /   1 10:13   2:14:01 


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Kyle McNaught-Davis     Spokane, WA              1713  M   26  1:19:38   6:04   1 /  20     1 / 845     1 / 347   1:19:39   6:05       0:01
    2.  Matt Nelson             Spokane, WA              1915  M   33  1:19:51   6:05   1 /  39     2 / 845     2 / 347   1:19:53   6:06       0:02
    3.  Roger Thompson          Nine Mile Falls, WA      1639  M   32  1:20:12   6:07   2 /  39     3 / 845     3 / 347   1:20:13   6:07       0:01
    4.  James Richman           Spokane, WA              1332  M   43  1:21:04   6:11   1 /  56     4 / 845     4 / 347   1:21:06   6:11       0:02
    5.  Ted Burnham             Kalispell, MT            1467  M   34  1:21:36   6:13   3 /  39     5 / 845     5 / 347   1:21:37   6:14       0:01
    6.  Rich Hanlon             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1732  M   47  1:22:05   6:16   1 /  40     6 / 845     6 / 347   1:22:06   6:16       0:01
    7.  Heather Taylor          Post Falls, ID           1790  F   26  1:22:23   6:17   1 /  63     7 / 845     1 / 498   1:22:24   6:17       0:01
    8.  Christian Newton        Rosalia, WA              1593  M   25  1:22:23   6:17   2 /  20     8 / 845     7 / 347   1:22:30   6:18       0:07
    9.  Cory Yost               Spokane, WA              1676  M   45  1:23:12   6:21   2 /  40     9 / 845     8 / 347   1:23:14   6:21       0:02
   10.  Charlie Lucero          Great Falls, MT          1020  M   45  1:23:34   6:22   3 /  40    10 / 845     9 / 347   1:23:35   6:23       0:01
   11.  Hal Schmidt             Sandpoint, ID            1015  M   36  1:23:42   6:23   1 /  48    11 / 845    10 / 347   1:23:44   6:23       0:02
   12.  Amber Hamilton          Spokane, WA              1917  F   26  1:24:00   6:24   2 /  63    12 / 845     2 / 498   1:24:02   6:25       0:02
   13.  Tom DeHart              Spokane, WA              1813  M   35  1:24:02   6:25   2 /  48    13 / 845    11 / 347   1:24:04   6:25       0:02
   14.  Marie Boyd              Missoula, MT             1457  F   44  1:24:06   6:25   1 /  73    14 / 845     3 / 498   1:24:06   6:25       0:00
   15.  Kevin Dunton            Coeur D'alene, ID        1786  M   41  1:24:15   6:26   2 /  56    15 / 845    12 / 347   1:24:18   6:26       0:03
   16.  Heather McLaughlin      Spokane, WA              1364  F   32  1:24:35   6:27   1 /  70    16 / 845     4 / 498   1:24:37   6:27       0:02
   17.  Martin Scates           Chewelah, WA             1716  M   41  1:24:50   6:28   3 /  56    17 / 845    13 / 347   1:24:52   6:28       0:02
   18.  Jim Powers              Spokane, WA              1718  M   38  1:25:49   6:33   3 /  48    18 / 845    14 / 347   1:25:52   6:33       0:03
   19.  Keith Comes             Spokane, WA              1721  M   41  1:26:07   6:34   4 /  56    19 / 845    15 / 347   1:26:33   6:36       0:26
   20.  Devon Dobek             Corvallis, OR            1845  M   29  1:26:12   6:35   3 /  20    20 / 845    16 / 347   1:26:15   6:35       0:03
   21.  Ron Parks               Genesee, ID              1278  M   39  1:26:24   6:35   4 /  48    21 / 845    17 / 347   1:26:35   6:36       0:11
   22.  Bart Brazier            Spokane, WA              1310  M   40  1:26:29   6:36   5 /  56    22 / 845    18 / 347   1:26:39   6:37       0:10
   23.  Shaun Gomez             Dalton Gardens, ID       1049  M   43  1:26:43   6:37   6 /  56    23 / 845    19 / 347   1:26:46   6:37       0:03
   24.  Scott Ward              Spokane, WA              1811  M   39  1:26:59   6:38   5 /  48    24 / 845    20 / 347   1:27:03   6:38       0:04
   25.  Nicolle Clutter         Coeur D Alene, ID        1586  F   21  1:27:54   6:42   1 /  26    25 / 845     5 / 498   1:28:03   6:43       0:09
   26.  Neal Leen               Priest River, ID         1327  M   47  1:28:05   6:43   4 /  40    26 / 845    21 / 347   1:28:08   6:43       0:03
   27.  Dragan Danevski         Bozeman, MT              1859  M   47  1:28:22   6:44   5 /  40    27 / 845    22 / 347   1:28:24   6:45       0:02
   28.  Jade Martin             Spokane, WA              1509  M   35  1:29:00   6:47   6 /  48    28 / 845    23 / 347   1:29:02   6:47       0:02
   29.  Todd Parkey             Lewiston, ID             1919  M   41  1:29:05   6:48   7 /  56    29 / 845    24 / 347   1:29:07   6:48       0:02
   30.  Ken Edwards             Hayden, ID               1537  M   28  1:29:06   6:48   4 /  20    30 / 845    25 / 347   1:29:07   6:48       0:01
   31.  Tim Brooker             Plains, MT               1567  M   53  1:30:04   6:52   1 /  56    31 / 845    26 / 347   1:30:08   6:53       0:04
   32.  Mary Foutz              Nine Mile Falls, WA      1039  F   40  1:30:29   6:54   2 /  73    32 / 845     6 / 498   1:30:33   6:54       0:04
   33.  Suzanne Endsley         Coeur D'Alene, ID        1431  F   38  1:30:46   6:55   1 /  86    33 / 845     7 / 498   1:30:47   6:56       0:01
   34.  Danny Ashenbrenner      Rathdrum, ID             1715  M   43  1:30:47   6:56   8 /  56    34 / 845    27 / 347   1:30:52   6:56       0:05
   35.  Brian Olsen             Spokane Valley, WA       1307  M   27  1:30:55   6:56   5 /  20    35 / 845    28 / 347   1:30:58   6:56       0:03
   36.  Heidi Garvin            Spokane, WA              1878  F   32  1:31:04   6:57   2 /  70    36 / 845     8 / 498   1:31:06   6:57       0:02
   37.  Anna Tensmeyer          Coeur D'alene, ID        1179  F   21  1:31:07   6:57   2 /  26    37 / 845     9 / 498   1:31:13   6:57       0:06
   38.  James House             Spokane, WA              1413  M   46  1:31:23   6:58   6 /  40    38 / 845    29 / 347   1:31:33   6:59       0:10
   39.  Lewis Watkins           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1011  M   38  1:31:29   6:59   7 /  48    39 / 845    30 / 347   1:31:48   7:00       0:19
   40.  Lori Buratto            Spokane Valley, WA       1475  F   33  1:31:50   7:00   3 /  70    40 / 845    10 / 498   1:31:57   7:01       0:07
   41.  Bill Funk               Newman Lake, WA          1463  M   50  1:32:10   7:02   2 /  56    41 / 845    31 / 347   1:32:12   7:02       0:02
   42.  Kristian Hedge          Coeur D'Alene, ID        1908  M   27  1:32:17   7:02   6 /  20    42 / 845    32 / 347   1:32:36   7:04       0:19
   43.  Paul Steele             Spokane, WA              1634  M   43  1:32:22   7:03   9 /  56    43 / 845    33 / 347   1:32:29   7:03       0:07
   44.  Rick Carlson            Hayden, ID               1529  M   46  1:32:37   7:04   7 /  40    44 / 845    34 / 347   1:32:41   7:04       0:04
   45.  Alison Scott            Spokane, WA              1751  F   40  1:32:40   7:04   3 /  73    45 / 845    11 / 498   1:32:43   7:04       0:03
   46.  Troy Roberts            Great Falls, MT          1925  M   34  1:32:48   7:05   4 /  39    46 / 845    35 / 347   1:33:00   7:06       0:12
   47.  Erika Saveraid          Pullman, WA              1362  F   29  1:33:05   7:06   3 /  63    47 / 845    12 / 498   1:33:21   7:07       0:16
   48.  Bruce Hunt              Spokane, WA              1422  M   50  1:33:16   7:07   3 /  56    48 / 845    36 / 347   1:33:22   7:07       0:06
   49.  Don Otis                Sandpoint, ID            1565  M   48  1:33:27   7:08   8 /  40    49 / 845    37 / 347   1:33:32   7:08       0:05
   50.  Jay Bonnett             Spokane, WA              1911  M   39  1:33:42   7:09   8 /  48    50 / 845    38 / 347   1:34:05   7:11       0:23
   51.  Andrew MacGillivray     Spokane, WA              1568  M   52  1:33:44   7:09   4 /  56    51 / 845    39 / 347   1:33:53   7:10       0:09
   52.  Michelle Neill          Spokane, WA              1734  F   33  1:34:00   7:10   4 /  70    52 / 845    13 / 498   1:34:03   7:10       0:03
   53.  Genny Hoyle             Bonners Ferry, ID        1024  F   31  1:34:34   7:13   5 /  70    53 / 845    14 / 498   1:34:39   7:13       0:05
   54.  Shelly Olin             Hayden Lake, ID          1745  F   41  1:34:34   7:13   4 /  73    54 / 845    15 / 498   1:34:36   7:13       0:02
   55.  Konrad Rehn             Greenacres, WA           1893  M   20  1:34:42   7:13   1 /  12    55 / 845    40 / 347   1:38:25   7:30       3:43
   56.  Roger Risinger          Spokane, WA              1679  M   50  1:34:48   7:14   5 /  56    56 / 845    41 / 347   1:34:50   7:14       0:02
   57.  Jennifer Boyer          Huson, MT                1598  F   46  1:34:56   7:14   1 /  63    57 / 845    16 / 498   1:35:04   7:15       0:08
   58.  Ester Ceja              Boise, ID                1004  F   27  1:35:06   7:15   4 /  63    58 / 845    17 / 498   1:35:10   7:16       0:04
   59.  Rick Wills              Kalispell, MT            1927  M   40  1:35:31   7:17  10 /  56    59 / 845    42 / 347   1:36:19   7:21       0:48
   60.  Mike Renteria           Mullan, ID               1763  M   49  1:35:33   7:17   9 /  40    60 / 845    43 / 347   1:35:37   7:18       0:04
   61.  Molly Obetz             Hayden, ID               1850  F   31  1:35:37   7:18   6 /  70    61 / 845    18 / 498   1:35:44   7:18       0:07
   62.  Dempsey Ortega          Spokane, WA              1447  M   41  1:35:55   7:19  11 /  56    62 / 845    44 / 347   1:36:09   7:20       0:14
   63.  Len Hodge               Coeur D Alene, ID        1846  M   61  1:35:59   7:19   1 /  16    63 / 845    45 / 347   1:36:02   7:20       0:03
   64.  Carl Guenzel            Spokane, WA              1356  M   36  1:36:04   7:20   9 /  48    64 / 845    46 / 347   1:36:14   7:20       0:10
   65.  Kara Kovatch            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1026  F   24  1:36:11   7:20   3 /  26    65 / 845    19 / 498   1:36:27   7:21       0:16
   66.  Steve Kramer            Spokane, WA              1503  M   38  1:37:00   7:24  10 /  48    66 / 845    47 / 347   1:37:03   7:24       0:03
   67.  Bob Simpson             Spokane, WA              1010  M   40  1:37:00   7:24  12 /  56    67 / 845    48 / 347   1:37:10   7:25       0:10
   68.  Mgan Holmes             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1903  F   20  1:37:05   7:24   4 /  26    68 / 845    20 / 498   1:37:48   7:28       0:43
   69.  Destry Henderson        Spokane, WA              1268  M   24  1:37:22   7:26   2 /  12    69 / 845    49 / 347   1:37:38   7:27       0:16
   70.  Tim Hildebrand          Atlanta, GA              1081  M   32  1:37:24   7:26   5 /  39    70 / 845    50 / 347   1:37:28   7:26       0:04
   71.  James Depaolo           Spokane, WA              1312  M   32  1:37:34   7:27   6 /  39    71 / 845    51 / 347   1:37:47   7:28       0:13
   72.  Kalani Iranon           Spokane, WA              1321  M   20  1:37:50   7:28   3 /  12    72 / 845    52 / 347   1:38:05   7:29       0:15
   73.  Teri Orr                Liberty Lake, WA         1501  F   35  1:37:55   7:28   2 /  86    73 / 845    21 / 498   1:37:58   7:28       0:03
   74.  Sarah Marossy           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1286  F   28  1:38:18   7:30   5 /  63    74 / 845    22 / 498   1:38:21   7:30       0:03
   75.  Jeani Natwick           Colbert, WA              1779  F   37  1:38:30   7:31   3 /  86    75 / 845    23 / 498   1:38:56   7:33       0:26
   76.  Gene Conradi            Spokane, WA              1070  M   48  1:38:32   7:31  10 /  40    76 / 845    53 / 347   1:38:43   7:32       0:11
   77.  Michael Mason           Spokane, WA              1495  M   29  1:38:32   7:31   7 /  20    77 / 845    54 / 347   1:38:54   7:33       0:22
   78.  Duane Haushild          Post Falls, ID           1492  M   34  1:38:51   7:32   7 /  39    78 / 845    55 / 347   1:39:13   7:34       0:22
   79.  Shane Sanders           Deer Park, WA            1217  M   40  1:38:52   7:32  13 /  56    79 / 845    56 / 347   1:39:48   7:37       0:56
   80.  Stephanie Thurston      St Maries, ID            1687  F   19  1:38:56   7:33   1 /  14    80 / 845    24 / 498   1:39:12   7:34       0:16
   81.  Robert Lyon             Cheney, WA               1796  M   36  1:39:01   7:33  11 /  48    81 / 845    57 / 347   1:40:08   7:38       1:07
   82.  Dan Finklestein         Heron, MT                1301  M   16  1:39:03   7:33   1 /  13    82 / 845    58 / 347   1:39:54   7:37       0:51
   83.  Robert Fisher           Pocatello, ID            1855  M   50  1:39:16   7:34   6 /  56    83 / 845    59 / 347   1:39:19   7:35       0:03
   84.  Don Larsen              Spokane, WA              1876  M   36  1:39:30   7:35  12 /  48    84 / 845    60 / 347   1:39:51   7:37       0:21
   85.  Kris Ellis              Coeur D'alene, ID        1740  F   41  1:39:31   7:35   5 /  73    85 / 845    25 / 498   1:39:35   7:36       0:04
   86.  Torrey Lowery           Spokane, WA              1109  M   26  1:39:37   7:36   8 /  20    86 / 845    61 / 347   1:39:53   7:37       0:16
   87.  Brian Clouse            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1506  M   30  1:39:42   7:36   8 /  39    87 / 845    62 / 347   1:40:39   7:41       0:57
   88.  Kenneth Collins         Spokane, WA              1826  M   34  1:39:43   7:36   9 /  39    88 / 845    63 / 347   1:39:57   7:37       0:14
   89.  Carol McSweeney         Kalispell, MT            1562  F   49  1:39:43   7:36   2 /  63    89 / 845    26 / 498   1:40:09   7:38       0:26
   90.  Shannon Overbay         Spokane, WA              1344  F   34  1:39:47   7:37   7 /  70    90 / 845    27 / 498   1:39:50   7:37       0:03
   91.  Marcy Bolding           Ephrata, WA              1164  F   37  1:39:56   7:37   4 /  86    91 / 845    28 / 498   1:40:09   7:38       0:13
   92.  Kathryn Codd            Spokane, WA              1460  F   21  1:40:07   7:38   5 /  26    92 / 845    29 / 498   1:40:15   7:39       0:08
   93.  Robin Bundy             Coeur D'alene, ID        1093  M   27  1:40:09   7:38   9 /  20    93 / 845    64 / 347   1:40:30   7:40       0:21
   94.  Patrick Warner          Liberty Lake, WA         1420  M   47  1:40:11   7:39  11 /  40    94 / 845    65 / 347   1:41:02   7:42       0:51
   95.  Lindsey Redfern         Spokane , WA             1232  F   20  1:40:13   7:39   6 /  26    95 / 845    30 / 498   1:40:24   7:40       0:11
   96.  Rob Wagner              Spokane, WA              1082  M   40  1:40:30   7:40  14 /  56    96 / 845    66 / 347   1:40:48   7:41       0:18
   97.  Tim Quinn               Couer D'alene, ID        1493  M   52  1:40:35   7:40   7 /  56    97 / 845    67 / 347   1:40:41   7:41       0:06
   98.  Jeanne McCarty          Spokane, WA              1680  F   38  1:40:35   7:40   5 /  86    98 / 845    31 / 498   1:40:52   7:42       0:17
   99.  Amy Leibensberger       Coeur D'Alene, ID        1274  F   47  1:40:54   7:42   3 /  63    99 / 845    32 / 498   1:40:58   7:42       0:04
  100.  Douglas Hart            Lewiston, ID             1781  M   36  1:41:00   7:42  13 /  48   100 / 845    68 / 347   1:41:03   7:42       0:03
  101.  Joe Silvernale          Yarrow Point, WA         1538  M   40  1:41:01   7:42  15 /  56   101 / 845    69 / 347   1:41:15   7:43       0:14
  102.  Chris Marr              Spokane, WA              1566  M   49  1:41:21   7:44  12 /  40   102 / 845    70 / 347   1:41:27   7:44       0:06
  103.  Ted Etter               Missoula, MT             1002  M   50  1:41:39   7:45   8 /  56   103 / 845    71 / 347   1:42:00   7:47       0:21
  104.  Kelly Amos              Coeur D'alene, ID        1709  F   36  1:41:40   7:45   6 /  86   104 / 845    33 / 498   1:41:57   7:47       0:17
  105.  Rex Porter              Spokane, WA              1805  M   46  1:41:44   7:46  13 /  40   105 / 845    72 / 347   1:41:58   7:47       0:14
  106.  Bob Lutz                Tucson, AZ               1802  M   41  1:41:51   7:46  16 /  56   106 / 845    73 / 347   1:42:05   7:47       0:14
  107.  Mike Walls              Pleasanton, CA           1578  M   48  1:41:58   7:47  14 /  40   107 / 845    74 / 347   1:42:18   7:48       0:20
  108.  Randy Sather            St Maries, ID            1726  M   46  1:42:09   7:48  15 /  40   108 / 845    75 / 347   1:42:34   7:49       0:25
  109.  Marc McCaslin           Spokane, WA              1574  M   43  1:42:09   7:48  17 /  56   109 / 845    76 / 347   1:42:25   7:49       0:16
  110.  Don Torbenson           Spokane, WA              1678  M   39  1:42:24   7:49  14 /  48   110 / 845    77 / 347   1:42:45   7:50       0:21
  111.  Bill Drake              Pullman, WA              1202  M   37  1:42:36   7:50  15 /  48   111 / 845    78 / 347   1:43:13   7:52       0:37
  112.  Jon Lewis               Sagle, ID                1758  M   58  1:42:36   7:50   1 /  25   112 / 845    79 / 347   1:42:43   7:50       0:07
  113.  Corey DuPont            Cheney, WA               1190  M   21  1:42:45   7:50   4 /  12   113 / 845    80 / 347   1:43:02   7:52       0:17
  114.  Stefanie Wilcox         Liberty Lake, WA         1478  F   51  1:43:02   7:52   1 /  50   114 / 845    34 / 498   1:43:10   7:52       0:08
  115.  Charles Joy             Spokane, WA              1671  M   26  1:43:12   7:52  10 /  20   115 / 845    81 / 347   1:43:21   7:53       0:09
  116.  Bill Boggs              Coeur D'Alene, ID        1646  M   56  1:43:13   7:52   2 /  25   116 / 845    82 / 347   1:43:28   7:54       0:15
  117.  Gary Klepec             Ephrata, WA              1710  M   36  1:43:18   7:53  16 /  48   117 / 845    83 / 347   1:43:30   7:54       0:12
  118.  Jesse Carter            Lolo, MT                 1373  M   27  1:43:21   7:53  11 /  20   118 / 845    84 / 347   1:43:32   7:54       0:11
  119.  Darin Vaughan           Post Falls, ID           1838  M   29  1:43:25   7:53  12 /  20   119 / 845    85 / 347   1:43:59   7:56       0:34
  120.  Randy Bennett           Coeur D'alene, ID        1496  M   50  1:43:30   7:54   9 /  56   120 / 845    86 / 347   1:43:35   7:54       0:05
  121.  Darren Brandt           Rathdrum, ID             1618  M   39  1:43:31   7:54  17 /  48   121 / 845    87 / 347   1:44:03   7:56       0:32
  122.  Bart Haggin             Spokane, WA              1757  M   67  1:43:33   7:54   1 /  11   122 / 845    88 / 347   1:43:38   7:54       0:05
  123.  Mark Sipe               Post Falls, ID           1528  M   40  1:43:36   7:54  18 /  56   123 / 845    89 / 347   1:43:39   7:54       0:03
  124.  Darrel Monzingo         Spokane, WA              1441  M   38  1:43:38   7:54  18 /  48   124 / 845    90 / 347   1:43:52   7:55       0:14
  125.  Janine Fraser           Spokane, WA              1624  F   41  1:43:40   7:54   6 /  73   125 / 845    35 / 498   1:43:42   7:55       0:02
  126.  Andrew Hohnberger       Kalispell, MT            1102  M   24  1:43:48   7:55   5 /  12   126 / 845    91 / 347   1:43:54   7:56       0:06
  127.  Demaris Taylor          Helena, MT               1175  F   43  1:43:49   7:55   7 /  73   127 / 845    36 / 498   1:44:12   7:57       0:23
  128.  Steve Zografos          Kent, WA                 1343  M   42  1:44:08   7:57  19 /  56   128 / 845    92 / 347   1:44:33   7:59       0:25
  129.  StevenE Lee             Spokane, WA              1519  M   36  1:44:08   7:57  19 /  48   129 / 845    93 / 347   1:44:22   7:58       0:14
  130.  Carol Hunter            Spokane, WA              1585  F   37  1:44:08   7:57   7 /  86   130 / 845    37 / 498   1:44:22   7:58       0:14
  131.  Greg McKenzie           Spokane, WA              1099  M   37  1:44:08   7:57  20 /  48   131 / 845    94 / 347   1:44:22   7:58       0:14
  132.  Kenny Bisagno           Elk, WA                  1658  M   40  1:44:10   7:57  20 /  56   132 / 845    95 / 347   1:44:21   7:58       0:11
  133.  Robert Massie           Spokane, WA              1494  M   65  1:44:11   7:57   2 /  11   133 / 845    96 / 347   1:44:28   7:58       0:17
  134.  Mike Coco               Pullman, WA              1534  M   35  1:44:15   7:57  21 /  48   134 / 845    97 / 347   1:44:53   8:00       0:38
  135.  Ron Haeger              Spokane, WA              1398  M   50  1:44:22   7:58  10 /  56   135 / 845    98 / 347   1:44:59   8:00       0:37
  136.  Brett Peterson          Spokane, WA              1502  M   34  1:44:38   7:59  10 /  39   136 / 845    99 / 347   1:44:43   7:59       0:05
  137.  Stephanie Yanuszeski    Spokane, WA              1696  F   36  1:44:42   7:59   8 /  86   137 / 845    38 / 498   1:44:57   8:00       0:15
  138.  Alton Leisle            Davenport, WA            1474  M   55  1:44:50   8:00   3 /  25   138 / 845   100 / 347   1:45:18   8:02       0:28
  139.  Jodi Inahara            Spokane, WA              1171  F   32  1:44:53   8:00   8 /  70   139 / 845    39 / 498   1:45:35   8:03       0:42
  140.  David McIlrath          Spokane, WA              1507  M   53  1:44:53   8:00  11 /  56   140 / 845   101 / 347   1:45:11   8:01       0:18
  141.  Robert Lafferty         Spokane, WA              1329  M   53  1:44:54   8:00  12 /  56   141 / 845   102 / 347   1:45:10   8:01       0:16
  142.  Melinda Hoekema         Newman Lake, WA          1750  F   40  1:45:00   8:01   8 /  73   142 / 845    40 / 498   1:45:19   8:02       0:19
  143.  Todd Rousseau           Post Falls, ID           1001  M   43  1:45:04   8:01  21 /  56   143 / 845   103 / 347   1:45:17   8:02       0:13
  144.  Emily Tremaine          Spokane, WA              1873  F   18  1:45:12   8:01   2 /  14   144 / 845    41 / 498   1:45:36   8:03       0:24
  145.  Jeff Atabelo            Spokane, WA              1667  M   36  1:45:14   8:02  22 /  48   145 / 845   104 / 347   1:45:56   8:05       0:42
  146.  Rich Olin               Hayden Lake, ID          1780  M   66  1:45:37   8:03   3 /  11   146 / 845   105 / 347   1:45:47   8:04       0:10
  147.  Reitha Weeks            Seattle, WA              1762  F   52  1:45:42   8:04   2 /  50   147 / 845    42 / 498   1:45:50   8:04       0:08
  148.  Eric Gibbs              Heron, MT                1107  M   17  1:45:46   8:04   1 /   7   148 / 845   106 / 347   1:46:38   8:08       0:52
  149.  Louis Crews             Heron, MT                1290  M   15  1:45:47   8:04   2 /  13   149 / 845   107 / 347   1:46:38   8:08       0:51
  150.  Christine Schultz       Spokane, WA              1753  F   37  1:45:47   8:04   9 /  86   150 / 845    43 / 498   1:46:03   8:05       0:16
  151.  Edward Hemenway         Liberty Lake, WA         1056  M   32  1:45:56   8:05  11 /  39   151 / 845   108 / 347   1:46:03   8:05       0:07
  152.  Luke Klohe              Spokane, WA              1729  M   14  1:46:13   8:06   3 /  13   152 / 845   109 / 347   1:46:40   8:08       0:27
  153.  Gail Nord               Spokane, WA              1621  F   43  1:46:16   8:06   9 /  73   153 / 845    44 / 498   1:46:22   8:07       0:06
  154.  Michael Stegmann        St Louis, MO             1054  M   44  1:46:22   8:07  22 /  56   154 / 845   110 / 347   1:46:25   8:07       0:03
  155.  Ron Inge                Spokane Valley, WA       1877  M   51  1:46:40   8:08  13 /  56   155 / 845   111 / 347   1:46:44   8:09       0:04
  156.  Kelly Willoth           Stanwood, WA             1231  F   38  1:46:41   8:08  10 /  86   156 / 845    45 / 498   1:47:13   8:11       0:32
  157.  Clay Sturgis            Spokane, WA              1906  M   31  1:46:43   8:08  12 /  39   157 / 845   112 / 347   1:46:59   8:10       0:16
  158.  Jeff Selden             Spokane, WA              1698  M   38  1:46:48   8:09  23 /  48   158 / 845   113 / 347   1:47:12   8:11       0:24
  159.  Leann Dunning           Spokane, WA              1649  F   43  1:46:50   8:09  10 /  73   159 / 845    46 / 498   1:47:13   8:11       0:23
  160.  Katherine Hunt          Moscow, ID               1627  F   19  1:46:50   8:09   3 /  14   160 / 845    47 / 498   1:46:58   8:10       0:08
  161.  Tina Hilding            Moscow, ID               1601  F   40  1:46:51   8:09  11 /  73   161 / 845    48 / 498   1:46:58   8:10       0:07
  162.  Dan Roark               Spokane, WA              1579  M   42  1:47:01   8:10  23 /  56   162 / 845   114 / 347   1:47:19   8:11       0:18
  163.  Douglas Elliott         Spokane, WA              1630  M   42  1:47:02   8:10  24 /  56   163 / 845   115 / 347   1:47:56   8:14       0:54
  164.  Craig Walker            Hayden, ID               1518  M   41  1:47:07   8:10  25 /  56   164 / 845   116 / 347   1:47:14   8:11       0:07
  165.  Mike Duquette           Spokane, WA              1208  M   46  1:47:12   8:11  16 /  40   165 / 845   117 / 347   1:47:23   8:11       0:11
  166.  James Tinney            Pullman, WA              1432  M   50  1:47:17   8:11  14 /  56   166 / 845   118 / 347   1:47:26   8:12       0:09
  167.  Ted Hogeweide           Otis Orchards, WA        1557  M   48  1:47:19   8:11  17 /  40   167 / 845   119 / 347   1:47:34   8:12       0:15
  168.  William Schroeder       Spokane, WA              1372  M   52  1:47:27   8:12  15 /  56   168 / 845   120 / 347   1:47:44   8:13       0:17
  169.  Gary Miller             Spokane, WA              1426  M   59  1:47:33   8:12   4 /  25   169 / 845   121 / 347   1:48:16   8:16       0:43
  170.  Dirk Swartz             Spokane, WA              1323  M   41  1:47:40   8:13  26 /  56   170 / 845   122 / 347   1:48:01   8:14       0:21
  171.  Kate Coomes             Spokane, WA              1583  F   40  1:47:51   8:14  12 /  73   171 / 845    49 / 498   1:48:32   8:17       0:41
  172.  Cliff Allen             Coeur D'alene, ID        1914  M   45  1:48:01   8:14  18 /  40   172 / 845   123 / 347   1:48:19   8:16       0:18
  173.  Shirley Cornelius       Colfax, WA               1410  F   43  1:48:03   8:15  13 /  73   173 / 845    50 / 498   1:48:25   8:16       0:22
  174.  Stacia Hagerty          Coeur D' Alene, ID       1062  F   38  1:48:07   8:15  11 /  86   174 / 845    51 / 498   1:48:07   8:15       0:00
  175.  Rye Bolinger            Missoula, MT             1262  F   29  1:48:10   8:15   6 /  63   175 / 845    52 / 498   1:48:30   8:17       0:20
  176.  Gretchen Kruse          Hayden , ID              1644  F   37  1:48:23   8:16  12 /  86   176 / 845    53 / 498   1:48:48   8:18       0:25
  177.  Jim Eickhoff            Missoula, MT             1058  M   52  1:48:25   8:16  16 /  56   177 / 845   124 / 347   1:49:14   8:20       0:49
  178.  Jeffrey Levine          Missoula, MT             1067  M   21  1:48:28   8:16   6 /  12   178 / 845   125 / 347   1:48:36   8:17       0:08
  179.  Joe Connors             Fairfield, WA            1736  M   46  1:48:37   8:17  19 /  40   179 / 845   126 / 347   1:49:09   8:20       0:32
  180.  Alexis Ware`            Nine Mile Falls, WA      1608  F   18  1:48:38   8:17   4 /  14   180 / 845    54 / 498   1:49:07   8:19       0:29
  181.  Sally Pritchard         Spokane, WA              1872  F   50  1:48:42   8:18   3 /  50   181 / 845    55 / 498   1:49:08   8:19       0:26
  182.  Mark Coomes             Cheney, WA               1440  M   46  1:48:45   8:18  20 /  40   182 / 845   127 / 347   1:49:26   8:21       0:41
  183.  Wes Lembeck             Hayden, ID               1540  M   44  1:48:46   8:18  27 /  56   183 / 845   128 / 347   1:49:28   8:21       0:42
  184.  Phill Weist             Hayden, ID               1471  M   38  1:48:51   8:18  24 /  48   184 / 845   129 / 347   1:49:34   8:21       0:43
  185.  Darren Wood             Bozeman, MT              1003  M   23  1:48:52   8:18   7 /  12   185 / 845   130 / 347   1:49:08   8:19       0:16
  186.  Chelsey Morss           Coeur D'alene, ID        1623  F   19  1:48:53   8:18   5 /  14   186 / 845    56 / 498   1:49:08   8:19       0:15
  187.  Amy Oviatt              Spokane, WA              1738  F   20  1:48:54   8:18   7 /  26   187 / 845    57 / 498   1:49:13   8:20       0:19
  188.  Derek Knudsen           Seattle, WA              1096  M   31  1:48:57   8:19  13 /  39   188 / 845   131 / 347   1:49:01   8:19       0:04
  189.  Julie Jackson           Spokane, WA              1025  F   41  1:48:57   8:19  14 /  73   189 / 845    58 / 498   1:49:29   8:21       0:32
  190.  Kathy Gentry            Post Falls , ID          1108  F   35  1:49:04   8:19  13 /  86   190 / 845    59 / 498   1:49:22   8:21       0:18
  191.  Catherine Greer         Spokane, WA              1160  F   38  1:49:20   8:20  14 /  86   191 / 845    60 / 498   1:49:30   8:21       0:10
  192.  Robert Scholes          Pullman, WA              1449  M   40  1:49:27   8:21  28 /  56   192 / 845   132 / 347   1:50:12   8:24       0:45
  193.  Greg Ewing              Redmond, WA              1909  M   50  1:49:31   8:21  17 /  56   193 / 845   133 / 347   1:49:49   8:23       0:18
  194.  Jessica White           Spokane, WA              1347  F   20  1:49:31   8:21   8 /  26   194 / 845    61 / 498   1:49:52   8:23       0:21
  195.  Peggy Moran             Spokane, WA              1746  F   46  1:49:35   8:22   4 /  63   195 / 845    62 / 498   1:49:58   8:23       0:23
  196.  Keith Pursch            Spokane Valley, WA       1483  M   39  1:49:35   8:22  25 /  48   196 / 845   134 / 347   1:49:53   8:23       0:18
  197.  Kendall Johnson         Zillah, WA               1255  M   37  1:49:38   8:22  26 /  48   197 / 845   135 / 347   1:49:59   8:23       0:21
  198.  David Clutter           Veradale, WA             1309  M   39  1:49:39   8:22  27 /  48   198 / 845   136 / 347   1:49:49   8:23       0:10
  199.  Alissa Borda            Mercer Island, WA        1233  F   19  1:49:46   8:22   6 /  14   199 / 845    63 / 498   1:49:57   8:23       0:11
  200.  Patrick Walsh           Spokane, WA              1158  M   22  1:49:50   8:23   8 /  12   200 / 845   137 / 347   1:50:01   8:24       0:11
  201.  Bill Walsh              Newman Lake, WA          1098  M   48  1:49:53   8:23  21 /  40   201 / 845   138 / 347   1:49:55   8:23       0:02
  202.  Theresa Ladish          Spokane, WA              1619  F   20  1:49:56   8:23   9 /  26   202 / 845    64 / 498   1:50:34   8:26       0:38
  203.  Tara Hulbert            Seattle, WA              1162  F   24  1:49:57   8:23  10 /  26   203 / 845    65 / 498   1:50:06   8:24       0:09
  204.  Rod Briske              St Ignatius, MT          1384  M   40  1:50:06   8:24  29 /  56   204 / 845   139 / 347   1:50:26   8:25       0:20
  205.  Marian Stuart           Kalispell, MT            1591  F   41  1:50:06   8:24  15 /  73   205 / 845    66 / 498   1:50:31   8:26       0:25
  206.  Chris Briske            St Ignatius, MT          1385  F   45  1:50:07   8:24   5 /  63   206 / 845    67 / 498   1:50:25   8:25       0:18
  207.  Joleen Schroeder        Spokane, WA              1159  F   29  1:50:16   8:25   7 /  63   207 / 845    68 / 498   1:50:31   8:26       0:15
  208.  Jane Davey              Veradale, WA             1749  F   56  1:50:27   8:26   1 /  33   208 / 845    69 / 498   1:51:00   8:28       0:33
  209.  Nanette Spear           Spokane, WA              1273  F   48  1:50:28   8:26   6 /  63   209 / 845    70 / 498   1:51:17   8:29       0:49
  210.  Steve Fontaine          Veradale, WA             1536  M   37  1:50:30   8:26  28 /  48   210 / 845   140 / 347   1:50:42   8:27       0:12
  211.  Kent Anderson           Lewiston, ID             1827  M   48  1:50:35   8:26  22 /  40   211 / 845   141 / 347   1:51:21   8:30       0:46
  212.  Ronald Friedly          Colbert, WA              1576  M   53  1:50:37   8:26  18 /  56   212 / 845   142 / 347   1:51:21   8:30       0:44
  213.  Lynne Lumsden           Spokane, WA              1511  F   34  1:50:43   8:27   9 /  70   213 / 845    71 / 498   1:51:18   8:29       0:35
  214.  Stacy Rude              Spokane, WA              1389  M   36  1:51:05   8:28  29 /  48   214 / 845   143 / 347   1:51:36   8:31       0:31
  215.  Leslie Miller           Pierce, ID               1050  F   26  1:51:07   8:29   8 /  63   215 / 845    72 / 498   1:51:22   8:30       0:15
  216.  Derick Taylor           Hayden Lake, ID          1803  M   18  1:51:08   8:29   2 /   7   216 / 845   144 / 347   1:51:17   8:29       0:09
  217.  Fred Weber              Coeur D'alene, ID        1085  M   41  1:51:10   8:29  30 /  56   217 / 845   145 / 347   1:51:25   8:30       0:15
  218.  Tim Olson               Plains, MT               1521  M   44  1:51:18   8:29  31 /  56   218 / 845   146 / 347   1:52:05   8:33       0:47
  219.  Tamara Mackey           Seattle, WA              1791  F   34  1:51:21   8:30  10 /  70   219 / 845    73 / 498   1:51:21   8:30       0:00
  220.  Amy Massie              Spokane, WA              1484  F   31  1:51:24   8:30  11 /  70   220 / 845    74 / 498   1:51:41   8:31       0:17
  221.  Jim Ewing               Spokane, WA              1907  M   43  1:51:31   8:30  32 /  56   221 / 845   147 / 347   1:51:59   8:33       0:28
  222.  Mark Hodgson            Spokane, WA              1926  M   31  1:51:34   8:31  14 /  39   222 / 845   148 / 347   1:52:08   8:33       0:34
  223.  Thomas Treloar          Spokane, WA              1489  M   24  1:51:38   8:31   9 /  12   223 / 845   149 / 347   1:52:02   8:33       0:24
  224.  Garry Bibby-Fox         South Slocan, BC         1104  M   35  1:51:38   8:31  30 /  48   224 / 845   150 / 347   1:52:25   8:35       0:47
  225.  Terry Cope              Post Falls, ID           1376  M   37  1:51:45   8:31  31 /  48   225 / 845   151 / 347   1:52:20   8:34       0:35
  226.  Matthew MacDonald       Spokane, WA              1118  M   20  1:51:47   8:32  10 /  12   226 / 845   152 / 347   1:51:47   8:32       0:00
  227.  Linda Venters           Spokane, WA              1785  F   46  1:51:47   8:32   7 /  63   227 / 845    75 / 498   1:52:12   8:34       0:25
  228.  Vickie Repp             Sagle, ID                1368  F   44  1:51:48   8:32  16 /  73   228 / 845    76 / 498   1:52:04   8:33       0:16
  229.  Kristine Newby          Hayden Lake, ID          1707  F   50  1:51:49   8:32   4 /  50   229 / 845    77 / 498   1:52:14   8:34       0:25
  230.  Karen Ruklic            Kamiah, ID               1547  F   32  1:51:50   8:32  12 /  70   230 / 845    78 / 498   1:51:56   8:32       0:06
  231.  Karla Krogh             Kamiah, ID               1277  F   31  1:51:50   8:32  13 /  70   231 / 845    79 / 498   1:51:56   8:32       0:06
  232.  Ken Vorhees             Spokane, WA              1797  M   51  1:51:53   8:32  19 /  56   232 / 845   153 / 347   1:52:38   8:36       0:45
  233.  Jim Schlosser           Spokane, WA              1018  M   34  1:52:02   8:33  15 /  39   233 / 845   154 / 347   1:52:24   8:34       0:22
  234.  Jane Lundquist          Spirit Lk, ID            1773  F   60  1:52:03   8:33   1 /  12   234 / 845    80 / 498   1:52:03   8:33       0:00
  235.  Mike Boseth             Sandpoint, ID            1665  M   51  1:52:12   8:34  20 /  56   235 / 845   155 / 347   1:52:20   8:34       0:08
  236.  Daniel McKenzie         Santa Cruz, CA           1822  M   16  1:52:19   8:34   4 /  13   236 / 845   156 / 347   1:53:10   8:38       0:51
  237.  Jim Hoppe               Spokane, WA              1833  M   57  1:52:23   8:34   5 /  25   237 / 845   157 / 347   1:52:59   8:37       0:36
  238.  Ferne Brandt            Nampa, ID                1296  F   37  1:52:25   8:35  15 /  86   238 / 845    81 / 498   1:53:18   8:39       0:53
  239.  Michele Robinson        Spokane, WA              1563  F   36  1:52:26   8:35  16 /  86   239 / 845    82 / 498   1:52:32   8:35       0:06
  240.  Bethany Glotfelty       Spokane, WA              1589  F   30  1:52:28   8:35  14 /  70   240 / 845    83 / 498   1:52:45   8:36       0:17
  241.  Debra Stimpson          Spokane, WA              1360  F   50  1:52:28   8:35   5 /  50   241 / 845    84 / 498   1:52:45   8:36       0:17
  242.  Denver Passow           Sandpoint, ID            1294  M   31  1:52:30   8:35  16 /  39   242 / 845   158 / 347   1:53:22   8:39       0:52
  243.  Fred Pfursich           Spokane, WA              1154  M   50  1:52:31   8:35  21 /  56   243 / 845   159 / 347   1:53:12   8:38       0:41
  244.  Phillip Chaffee         Heron, MT                1051  M   16  1:52:40   8:36   5 /  13   244 / 845   160 / 347   1:53:31   8:40       0:51
  245.  Ryan Grubbs             Coeur D'alene, ID        1088  M   15  1:52:41   8:36   6 /  13   245 / 845   161 / 347   1:53:10   8:38       0:29
  246.  Andrew Ratcliff         Hayden, ID               1069  M   34  1:52:44   8:36  17 /  39   246 / 845   162 / 347   1:53:08   8:38       0:24
  247.  Mary Wilkins-Hunt       Spokane, WA              1416  F   45  1:52:46   8:36   8 /  63   247 / 845    85 / 498   1:53:03   8:37       0:17
  248.  Kay Reynolds            Deer Park, WA            1849  F   43  1:52:56   8:37  17 /  73   248 / 845    86 / 498   1:53:58   8:42       1:02
  249.  Jennifer West           Spokane, WA              1535  F   39  1:52:57   8:37  17 /  86   249 / 845    87 / 498   1:53:05   8:38       0:08
  250.  Barb Bumann             Spokane, WA              1353  F   50  1:53:02   8:37   6 /  50   250 / 845    88 / 498   1:53:52   8:41       0:50
  251.  Jim Dorosh              Spokane, WA              1835  M   37  1:53:13   8:38  32 /  48   251 / 845   163 / 347   1:54:05   8:42       0:52
  252.  Svante Andersson        Hayden Lake, ID          1888  M   50  1:53:16   8:38  22 /  56   252 / 845   164 / 347   1:53:41   8:40       0:25
  253.  Tim Hoffnagle           La Grande, OR            1267  M   45  1:53:32   8:40  23 /  40   253 / 845   165 / 347   1:53:45   8:41       0:13
  254.  Anthony Morss           Coeur D'alene, ID        1523  M   46  1:53:34   8:40  24 /  40   254 / 845   166 / 347   1:53:51   8:41       0:17
  255.  Kris Brown              Walla Walla, WA          1485  F   49  1:53:40   8:40   9 /  63   255 / 845    89 / 498   1:54:02   8:42       0:22
  256.  Kina Bailey             Cheney, WA               1456  F   33  1:53:48   8:41  15 /  70   256 / 845    90 / 498   1:53:54   8:41       0:06
  257.  Randy Erickson          Spokane, WA              1434  M   50  1:54:00   8:42  23 /  56   257 / 845   167 / 347   1:54:20   8:43       0:20
  258.  Chrystie Hjeltness      Post Falls, ID           1640  F   38  1:54:00   8:42  18 /  86   258 / 845    91 / 498   1:54:47   8:45       0:47
  259.  Melissa Benelisha       Spokane Valley, WA       1682  F   24  1:54:00   8:42  11 /  26   259 / 845    92 / 498   1:54:31   8:44       0:31
  260.  Michael Cruz            Spokane, WA              1842  M   40  1:54:07   8:42  33 /  56   260 / 845   168 / 347   1:54:51   8:46       0:44
  261.  Matt Duggan             Liberty Lake, WA         1315  M   37  1:54:15   8:43  33 /  48   261 / 845   169 / 347   1:54:24   8:44       0:09
  262.  Jessica Durgan          Portland, OR             1866  F   26  1:54:18   8:43   9 /  63   262 / 845    93 / 498   1:54:48   8:45       0:30
  263.  Matt Neukom             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1412  M   29  1:54:21   8:43  13 /  20   263 / 845   170 / 347   1:54:46   8:45       0:25
  264.  Jim Meyer               Hayden Lake, ID          1662  M   57  1:54:23   8:44   6 /  25   264 / 845   171 / 347   1:54:37   8:45       0:14
  265.  Sharelynn Moore         Spokane, WA              1168  F   30  1:54:29   8:44  16 /  70   265 / 845    94 / 498   1:54:56   8:46       0:27
  266.  Chad Burchard           Spokane, WA              1810  M   34  1:54:30   8:44  18 /  39   266 / 845   172 / 347   1:55:14   8:47       0:44
  267.  Stacy Thompson          Spokane, WA              1383  F   34  1:54:39   8:45  17 /  70   267 / 845    95 / 498   1:54:54   8:46       0:15
  268.  Kathleen Salvadore      Hayden Lake, ID          1703  F   48  1:54:39   8:45  10 /  63   268 / 845    96 / 498   1:55:04   8:47       0:25
  269.  Jon Atwood              Otis Orchards, WA        1775  M   54  1:54:41   8:45  24 /  56   269 / 845   173 / 347   1:55:09   8:47       0:28
  270.  Sam Nicholson           Spokane, WA              1515  M   26  1:54:42   8:45  14 /  20   270 / 845   174 / 347   1:54:47   8:45       0:05
  271.  Andrea Jakkola          Spokane, WA              1473  F   32  1:54:42   8:45  18 /  70   271 / 845    97 / 498   1:54:50   8:46       0:08
  272.  Jennifer Nicholson      Spokane, WA              1584  F   29  1:54:42   8:45  10 /  63   272 / 845    98 / 498   1:54:47   8:45       0:05
  273.  Sandra Burnum           West Linn, OR            1299  F   25  1:54:44   8:45  11 /  63   273 / 845    99 / 498   1:54:59   8:46       0:15
  274.  Michele Goode           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1920  F   29  1:54:45   8:45  12 /  63   274 / 845   100 / 498   1:55:03   8:47       0:18
  275.  Tomoharu Owada          Cda, ID                  1852  M   30  1:54:45   8:45  19 /  39   275 / 845   175 / 347   1:55:02   8:46       0:17
  276.  Ed Harrod               Kennewick, WA            1059  M   59  1:54:46   8:45   7 /  25   276 / 845   176 / 347   1:55:15   8:47       0:29
  277.  Jennifer Wootton        Lewiston, ID             1605  F   33  1:54:49   8:45  19 /  70   277 / 845   101 / 498   1:55:41   8:49       0:52
  278.  Brenda Smith            Coeur D' Alene, ID       1572  F   37  1:54:51   8:46  19 /  86   278 / 845   102 / 498   1:55:15   8:47       0:24
  279.  Karl Pearson            Spokane, WA              1514  M   34  1:54:52   8:46  20 /  39   279 / 845   177 / 347   1:55:09   8:47       0:17
  280.  Cherie Harrington       Spokane Valley, WA       1399  F   33  1:55:04   8:47  20 /  70   280 / 845   103 / 498   1:55:30   8:49       0:26
  281.  Bill Haring             Kalispell, MT            1531  M   61  1:55:05   8:47   2 /  16   281 / 845   178 / 347   1:55:30   8:49       0:25
  282.  Stephen Kreitner        Kalispell, MT            1211  M   38  1:55:12   8:47  34 /  48   282 / 845   179 / 347   1:55:19   8:48       0:07
  283.  Bradley Olmstead        Medical Lake, WA         1532  M   32  1:55:15   8:47  21 /  39   283 / 845   180 / 347   1:55:59   8:51       0:44
  284.  Mike Nelson             Missoula, MT             1206  M   47  1:55:18   8:48  25 /  40   284 / 845   181 / 347   1:55:38   8:49       0:20
  285.  Stephen Kern            Spokane, WA              1727  M   37  1:55:23   8:48  35 /  48   285 / 845   182 / 347   1:55:55   8:51       0:32
  286.  Matt Houn               Liberty Lake, WA         1438  M   39  1:55:29   8:49  36 /  48   286 / 845   183 / 347   1:56:00   8:51       0:31
  287.  John Ramuta             Redmond, WA              1834  M   34  1:55:35   8:49  22 /  39   287 / 845   184 / 347   1:56:24   8:53       0:49
  288.  Connie Brannan          Puyallup, WA             1597  F   36  1:55:39   8:49  20 /  86   288 / 845   104 / 498   1:56:19   8:52       0:40
  289.  Kathleen Olsufka        Spokane Valley, WA       1401  F   45  1:55:43   8:50  11 /  63   289 / 845   105 / 498   1:56:16   8:52       0:33
  290.  Jeff Trudeau            Spokane, WA              1207  M   35  1:55:45   8:50  37 /  48   290 / 845   185 / 347   1:55:51   8:50       0:06
  291.  Seth Davidson           Heron, MT                1047  M   16  1:55:52   8:50   7 /  13   291 / 845   186 / 347   1:56:43   8:54       0:51
  292.  Ted Niedermeyer         Spokane, WA              1113  M   33  1:55:53   8:50  23 /  39   292 / 845   187 / 347   1:55:58   8:51       0:05
  293.  Jean Hunt               Spokane, WA              1626  F   39  1:55:53   8:50  21 /  86   293 / 845   106 / 498   1:56:04   8:51       0:11
  294.  Scott Himelspach        Spokane, WA              1076  M   44  1:56:04   8:51  34 /  56   294 / 845   188 / 347   1:56:11   8:52       0:07
  295.  Cheri Dailey            Wenatchee, WA            1134  F   31  1:56:06   8:51  21 /  70   295 / 845   107 / 498   1:56:11   8:52       0:05
  296.  Jim Falkner             Greenacres, WA           1731  M   51  1:56:07   8:51  25 /  56   296 / 845   189 / 347   1:56:54   8:55       0:47
  297.  Tara Lashaw             Greenacres, WA           1155  F   23  1:56:11   8:52  12 /  26   297 / 845   108 / 498   1:56:14   8:52       0:03
  298.  Dean Cooper             Wallace, ID              1215  M   35  1:56:11   8:52  38 /  48   298 / 845   190 / 347   1:56:21   8:53       0:10
  299.  Brandon Lee             Coeur D Alene, ID        1638  M   34  1:56:14   8:52  24 /  39   299 / 845   191 / 347   1:56:34   8:54       0:20
  300.  Michael Lee             Bothell, WA              1637  M   36  1:56:14   8:52  39 /  48   300 / 845   192 / 347   1:56:34   8:54       0:20
  301.  Lisa Rezansoff          Nelson, BC               1183  F   41  1:56:18   8:52  18 /  73   301 / 845   109 / 498   1:56:39   8:54       0:21
  302.  Nicole French           Veradale, WA             1240  F   24  1:56:21   8:53  13 /  26   302 / 845   110 / 498   1:56:54   8:55       0:33
  303.  Kerri Huntzinger        Spokane, WA              1241  F   24  1:56:22   8:53  14 /  26   303 / 845   111 / 498   1:56:55   8:55       0:33
  304.  Pepper Ballien          Spokane, WA              1789  F   50  1:56:24   8:53   7 /  50   304 / 845   112 / 498   1:56:41   8:54       0:17
  305.  Julie Stevens           Boise, ID                1128  F   38  1:56:26   8:53  22 /  86   305 / 845   113 / 498   1:56:42   8:54       0:16
  306.  Carol Cressey           Spokane, WA              1819  F   67  1:56:29   8:53   1 /   5   306 / 845   114 / 498   1:56:29   8:53       0:00
  307.  Brad Myers              Spokane, WA              1263  M   24  1:56:30   8:53  11 /  12   307 / 845   193 / 347   1:56:54   8:55       0:24
  308.  Steve Smith             Spokane, WA              1396  M   49  1:56:34   8:54  26 /  40   308 / 845   194 / 347   1:57:12   8:56       0:38
  309.  Christina Barton        Spokane, WA              1641  F   29  1:56:41   8:54  13 /  63   309 / 845   115 / 498   1:56:48   8:55       0:07
  310.  Chris Donaldson         Liberty Lake, WA         1166  F   55  1:56:50   8:55   2 /  33   310 / 845   116 / 498   1:57:00   8:55       0:10
  311.  Brenda Cathey           Spokane, WA              1337  F   26  1:56:53   8:55  14 /  63   311 / 845   117 / 498   1:57:08   8:56       0:15
  312.  Sumarie Le Roux         Creston, BC              1837  F   38  1:56:53   8:55  23 /  86   312 / 845   118 / 498   1:57:38   8:58       0:45
  313.  Margie Adams            Greenacres, WA           1742  F   49  1:56:55   8:55  12 /  63   313 / 845   119 / 498   1:57:27   8:58       0:32
  314.  Alicia Lewis            Moscow, ID               1167  F   27  1:56:57   8:55  15 /  63   314 / 845   120 / 498   1:57:13   8:56       0:16
  315.  Jim Price               Spokane, WA              1086  M   65  1:56:58   8:55   4 /  11   315 / 845   195 / 347   1:57:36   8:58       0:38
  316.  Carolyn Erickson        Veradale, WA             1739  F   50  1:56:58   8:55   8 /  50   316 / 845   121 / 498   1:57:30   8:58       0:32
  317.  David Martyn            Gardiner, MT             1257  M   42  1:57:03   8:56  35 /  56   317 / 845   196 / 347   1:57:32   8:58       0:29
  318.  Anna Coey               Portland, OR             1466  F   37  1:57:06   8:56  24 /  86   318 / 845   122 / 498   1:57:56   9:00       0:50
  319.  Marcella Betts          Dalton Gardens, ID       1465  F   35  1:57:06   8:56  25 /  86   319 / 845   123 / 498   1:57:56   9:00       0:50
  320.  Tina Metzger            Coeur D'alene, ID        1195  F   31  1:57:06   8:56  22 /  70   320 / 845   124 / 498   1:57:09   8:56       0:03
  321.  Julie Oeinck            Spokane, WA              1110  F   44  1:57:09   8:56  19 /  73   321 / 845   125 / 498   1:57:38   8:58       0:29
  322.  Jay Wittenkeller        Spokane, WA              1305  M   44  1:57:13   8:56  36 /  56   322 / 845   197 / 347   1:57:54   9:00       0:41
  323.  Carrie Pierpoint        Colbert, WA              1125  F   25  1:57:17   8:57  16 /  63   323 / 845   126 / 498   1:57:21   8:57       0:04
  324.  Kimey Rothman           Spokane, WA              1582  F   35  1:57:20   8:57  26 /  86   324 / 845   127 / 498   1:57:33   8:58       0:13
  325.  Tom Simpson             Spokane, WA              1510  M   43  1:57:21   8:57  37 /  56   325 / 845   198 / 347   1:57:38   8:58       0:17
  326.  Rich Houghan            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1912  M   54  1:57:21   8:57  26 /  56   326 / 845   199 / 347   1:57:34   8:58       0:13
  327.  Marianne Offenbecher    Puyallup, WA             1189  F   33  1:57:24   8:57  23 /  70   327 / 845   128 / 498   1:58:05   9:00       0:41
  328.  Kriegler Le Roux        Creston, BC              1828  M   43  1:57:24   8:57  38 /  56   328 / 845   200 / 347   1:58:10   9:01       0:46
  329.  Kathy Achen             Spokane, WA              1040  F   39  1:57:24   8:57  27 /  86   329 / 845   129 / 498   1:57:50   8:59       0:26
  330.  Sarah Best              Spokane, WA              1446  F   16  1:57:31   8:58   1 /   2   330 / 845   130 / 498   1:57:49   8:59       0:18
  331.  Debbie McDermott        Coeur D'Alene, ID        1487  F   50  1:57:39   8:58   9 /  50   331 / 845   131 / 498   1:57:55   9:00       0:16
  332.  Josh Szasz              Moscow, ID               1617  M   30  1:57:44   8:59  25 /  39   332 / 845   201 / 347   1:57:58   9:00       0:14
  333.  Jennifer Henneberg      Redlands, CA             1366  F   32  1:57:46   8:59  24 /  70   333 / 845   132 / 498   1:58:41   9:03       0:55
  334.  Nancy McKenzie          Thompson Falls, MT       1242  F   59  1:57:49   8:59   3 /  33   334 / 845   133 / 498   1:58:29   9:02       0:40
  335.  Fran Johnson            Spokane, WA              1683  F   48  1:57:49   8:59  13 /  63   335 / 845   134 / 498   1:58:21   9:02       0:32
  336.  Kathryn Hemenway        Liberty Lake, WA         1129  F   32  1:57:50   8:59  25 /  70   336 / 845   135 / 498   1:57:57   9:00       0:07
  337.  Abbie Lentz             Spokane Valley, WA       1697  F   24  1:58:03   9:00  15 /  26   337 / 845   136 / 498   1:58:21   9:02       0:18
  338.  James King              Spokane, WA              1831  M   57  1:58:05   9:00   8 /  25   338 / 845   202 / 347   1:58:17   9:01       0:12
  339.  Doris Dueck             Kelowna, BC              1221  F   41  1:58:12   9:01  20 /  73   339 / 845   137 / 498   1:58:40   9:03       0:28
  340.  Rodney Emery            Nampa, ID                1429  M   30  1:58:22   9:02  26 /  39   340 / 845   203 / 347   1:59:23   9:06       1:01
  341.  Steven Malek            Post Falls, ID           1012  M   49  1:58:23   9:02  27 /  40   341 / 845   204 / 347   1:58:37   9:03       0:14
  342.  Sharon Sell             Liberty Lake, WA         1264  F   59  1:58:27   9:02   4 /  33   342 / 845   138 / 498   1:58:37   9:03       0:10
  343.  Jaunessa Wendel         Spokane, WA              1229  F   20  1:58:35   9:03  16 /  26   343 / 845   139 / 498   1:58:47   9:04       0:12
  344.  Frank Sell              Liberty Lake, WA         1265  M   61  1:58:39   9:03   3 /  16   344 / 845   205 / 347   1:58:49   9:04       0:10
  345.  Helen Hedges            Spokane, WA              1393  F   46  1:58:44   9:03  14 /  63   345 / 845   140 / 498   1:59:00   9:05       0:16
  346.  Lauriea Blume           Spokane, WA              1706  F   37  1:58:44   9:03  28 /  86   346 / 845   141 / 498   1:58:50   9:04       0:06
  347.  Lynn Hauer              Post Falls, ID           1689  F   47  1:58:54   9:04  15 /  63   347 / 845   142 / 498   1:59:07   9:05       0:13
  348.  Peter Teeple            Spokane, WA              1614  M   41  1:58:56   9:04  39 /  56   348 / 845   206 / 347   1:59:32   9:07       0:36
  349.  Katrina Schneider       Spokane, WA              1271  F   30  1:58:57   9:04  26 /  70   349 / 845   143 / 498   1:59:36   9:07       0:39
  350.  Julie Monek             Spokane, WA              1237  F   35  1:58:58   9:04  29 /  86   350 / 845   144 / 498   1:59:33   9:07       0:35
  351.  Barbara Johnson         Spokane, WA              1870  F   41  1:59:01   9:05  21 /  73   351 / 845   145 / 498   1:59:30   9:07       0:29
  352.  Kathy Dalberg           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1704  F   50  1:59:06   9:05  10 /  50   352 / 845   146 / 498   1:59:36   9:07       0:30
  353.  Michelle Levitch        Spokane, WA              1923  F   34  1:59:09   9:05  27 /  70   353 / 845   147 / 498   1:59:25   9:07       0:16
  354.  Terry Kaul-Connors      Fairfield, WA            1390  F   46  1:59:12   9:06  16 /  63   354 / 845   148 / 498   1:59:47   9:08       0:35
  355.  Alli Hatcher            Spokane, WA              1380  F   17  1:59:13   9:06   7 /  14   355 / 845   149 / 498   1:59:58   9:09       0:45
  356.  David Irish             Nine Mile Falls, WA      1464  M   59  1:59:28   9:07   9 /  25   356 / 845   207 / 347   1:59:33   9:07       0:05
  357.  Becky Gehret            Spokane, WA              1553  F   41  1:59:34   9:07  22 /  73   357 / 845   150 / 498   1:59:42   9:08       0:08
  358.  Scott Kamara            Hayden, ID               1843  M   41  1:59:35   9:07  40 /  56   358 / 845   208 / 347   2:00:22   9:11       0:47
  359.  Brieanna O'Neal         Oakesdale, WA            1625  F   28  1:59:38   9:08  17 /  63   359 / 845   151 / 498   1:59:57   9:09       0:19
  360.  Keith Hegg              Spokane, WA              1146  M   49  1:59:39   9:08  28 /  40   360 / 845   209 / 347   1:59:57   9:09       0:18
  361.  Melissa Sadler          Spokane, WA              1152  F   35  1:59:43   9:08  30 /  86   361 / 845   152 / 498   1:59:56   9:09       0:13
  362.  Lloyd Halpern           Liberty Lake, WA         1922  M   45  1:59:50   9:08  29 /  40   362 / 845   210 / 347   2:00:27   9:11       0:37
  363.  Kari Opp                Puyallup, WA             1192  F   32  1:59:51   9:09  28 /  70   363 / 845   153 / 498   2:00:31   9:12       0:40
  364.  Leeya Brind'Amour       Nelson, BC               1150  F   36  1:59:52   9:09  31 /  86   364 / 845   154 / 498   2:00:14   9:10       0:22
  365.  Bruce Jones             Canyon, BC               1357  M   54  1:59:58   9:09  27 /  56   365 / 845   211 / 347   2:00:34   9:12       0:36
  366.  Candice Burlingham      Creston, BC              1581  F   27  1:59:59   9:09  18 /  63   366 / 845   155 / 498   2:00:34   9:12       0:35
  367.  Allan Goetz             Pinehurst, ID            1477  M   56  1:59:59   9:09  10 /  25   367 / 845   212 / 347   2:00:15   9:10       0:16
  368.  Tracey Best             Nelson, BC               1186  F   41  2:00:00   9:09  23 /  73   368 / 845   156 / 498   2:00:46   9:13       0:46
  369.  Carla Johnsrud          Sagle, ID                1668  F   28  2:00:00   9:09  19 /  63   369 / 845   157 / 498   2:00:07   9:10       0:07
  370.  Michael Roe             Spokane, WA              1684  M   40  2:00:00   9:09  41 /  56   370 / 845   213 / 347   2:00:07   9:10       0:07
  371.  Chris Carman            Spokane, WA              1205  M   32  2:00:01   9:09  27 /  39   371 / 845   214 / 347   2:00:07   9:10       0:06
  372.  Terry Watanabe          Spokane, WA              1717  F   52  2:00:03   9:09  11 /  50   372 / 845   158 / 498   2:00:29   9:11       0:26
  373.  Michele Hegg            Spokane, WA              1234  F   17  2:00:05   9:10   8 /  14   373 / 845   159 / 498   2:00:23   9:11       0:18
  374.  Ana Kison               Ritzville , WA           1871  F   27  2:00:13   9:10  20 /  63   374 / 845   160 / 498   2:00:32   9:12       0:19
  375.  Traci Fontaine          Veradale, WA             1610  F   36  2:00:14   9:10  32 /  86   375 / 845   161 / 498   2:00:25   9:11       0:11
  376.  Reg Hulbert             Spokane, WA              1481  M   53  2:00:20   9:11  28 /  56   376 / 845   215 / 347   2:00:30   9:12       0:10
  377.  Marci Hulbert           Spokane, WA              1480  F   20  2:00:21   9:11  17 /  26   377 / 845   162 / 498   2:00:30   9:12       0:09
  378.  Robin Amend             Spokane, WA              1809  M   51  2:00:29   9:11  29 /  56   378 / 845   216 / 347   2:01:28   9:16       0:59
  379.  Robert Inwards          Spokane, WA              1778  M   54  2:00:30   9:12  30 /  56   379 / 845   217 / 347   2:00:37   9:12       0:07
  380.  Heidi Harding           Spokane, WA              1187  F   36  2:00:46   9:13  33 /  86   380 / 845   163 / 498   2:01:31   9:16       0:45
  381.  Lori Hartmann           Great Falls, MT          1022  F   45  2:00:46   9:13  17 /  63   381 / 845   164 / 498   2:01:13   9:15       0:27
  382.  Mary Zamani             Battle Ground, WA        1632  F   33  2:00:47   9:13  29 /  70   382 / 845   165 / 498   2:01:15   9:15       0:28
  383.  Sheela Standley         Colbert, WA              1121  F   34  2:00:48   9:13  30 /  70   383 / 845   166 / 498   2:01:08   9:14       0:20
  384.  Georgia Nelson          Spokane, WA              1814  F   57  2:00:54   9:13   5 /  33   384 / 845   167 / 498   2:00:54   9:13       0:00
  385.  Thelma Ennila           Nelson, ID               1349  F   56  2:00:56   9:13   6 /  33   385 / 845   168 / 498   2:01:42   9:17       0:46
  386.  John Parrott            Spokane, WA              1304  M   71  2:00:59   9:14   1 /   3   386 / 845   218 / 347   2:01:30   9:16       0:31
  387.  Paul Langworthy         Moscow, ID               1063  M   33  2:01:14   9:15  28 /  39   387 / 845   219 / 347   2:01:43   9:17       0:29
  388.  Dennis Dye              Sagle, ID                1869  M   41  2:01:18   9:15  42 /  56   388 / 845   220 / 347   2:02:08   9:19       0:50
  389.  Tracy Mikesell          Huson, MT                1851  F   40  2:01:28   9:16  24 /  73   389 / 845   169 / 498   2:01:47   9:17       0:19
  390.  Eli Nelson              Spokane, WA              1816  M   19  2:01:34   9:16   3 /   7   390 / 845   221 / 347   2:01:50   9:18       0:16
  391.  Denton Kelly            Spokane, WA              1730  M   33  2:01:43   9:17  29 /  39   391 / 845   222 / 347   2:02:22   9:20       0:39
  392.  Mark Darnell            Spokane, WA              1650  M   51  2:01:46   9:17  31 /  56   392 / 845   223 / 347   2:02:17   9:20       0:31
  393.  Bill Brock              Middleton, ID            1097  M   43  2:01:48   9:17  43 /  56   393 / 845   224 / 347   2:02:49   9:22       1:01
  394.  Joice Vogrig            Blanchard, ID            1784  F   45  2:01:49   9:18  18 /  63   394 / 845   170 / 498   2:02:24   9:20       0:35
  395.  Leslie Mitchell         Liberty Lake, WA         1754  F   39  2:01:50   9:18  34 /  86   395 / 845   171 / 498   2:02:10   9:19       0:20
  396.  Lewis Cooney            Spokane, WA              1210  M   26  2:01:50   9:18  15 /  20   396 / 845   225 / 347   2:02:02   9:19       0:12
  397.  Laureli Erick           Spokane, WA              1143  F   42  2:01:57   9:18  25 /  73   397 / 845   172 / 498   2:02:33   9:21       0:36
  398.  Richard Knight          Moscow, ID               1249  M   21  2:02:02   9:19  12 /  12   398 / 845   226 / 347   2:02:02   9:19       0:00
  399.  Mary Akers              Spokane, WA              1336  F   38  2:02:08   9:19  35 /  86   399 / 845   173 / 498   2:02:14   9:19       0:06
  400.  Kevin Heacox            Mukilteo, WA             1074  M   50  2:02:19   9:20  32 /  56   400 / 845   227 / 347   2:02:47   9:22       0:28
  401.  Ellen Brown             Hope, ID                 1733  F   48  2:02:27   9:20  19 /  63   401 / 845   174 / 498   2:02:43   9:22       0:16
  402.  Alex Nilsson            Creston, BC              1887  M   69  2:02:32   9:21   5 /  11   402 / 845   228 / 347   2:03:29   9:25       0:57
  403.  Karen Miller            Veradale , WA            1060  F   27  2:02:39   9:21  21 /  63   403 / 845   175 / 498   2:02:54   9:22       0:15
  404.  Eric Clemensen          Coeur D'alene, ID        1812  M   41  2:02:46   9:22  44 /  56   404 / 845   229 / 347   2:03:03   9:23       0:17
  405.  Jennifer Keller         Minneapolis, MN          1170  F   27  2:03:01   9:23  22 /  63   405 / 845   176 / 498   2:03:34   9:26       0:33
  406.  Craig Keller            Minneapolis, MN          1100  M   26  2:03:01   9:23  16 /  20   406 / 845   230 / 347   2:03:34   9:26       0:33
  407.  Maureen Rice            Redmond, WA              1335  F   48  2:03:07   9:23  20 /  63   407 / 845   177 / 498   2:03:11   9:24       0:04
  408.  Sam Neal                Coeur D' Alene, ID       1064  M   37  2:03:10   9:24  40 /  48   408 / 845   231 / 347   2:03:20   9:24       0:10
  409.  Angela Armstrong        Auburn, WA               1862  F   29  2:03:11   9:24  23 /  63   409 / 845   178 / 498   2:03:52   9:27       0:41
  410.  Neville Maytom          Nelson, BC               1197  M   49  2:03:12   9:24  30 /  40   410 / 845   232 / 347   2:03:58   9:27       0:46
  411.  Carma Clark             Everett, WA              1415  F   58  2:03:18   9:24   7 /  33   411 / 845   179 / 498   2:03:46   9:26       0:28
  412.  Elaine Kilpatrick       Summerland, BC           1127  F   45  2:03:20   9:24  21 /  63   412 / 845   180 / 498   2:03:43   9:26       0:23
  413.  Barb Hatton             Penticton, BC            1560  F   52  2:03:20   9:24  12 /  50   413 / 845   181 / 498   2:03:43   9:26       0:23
  414.  Joyce Stevens           Kelowna, BC              1188  F   38  2:03:21   9:25  36 /  86   414 / 845   182 / 498   2:03:49   9:27       0:28
  415.  Margaret Noren          Julietta, ID             1403  F   58  2:03:27   9:25   8 /  33   415 / 845   183 / 498   2:03:41   9:26       0:14
  416.  Darrell Lambert         Spokane, WA              1388  M   50  2:03:33   9:25  33 /  56   416 / 845   233 / 347   2:04:04   9:28       0:31
  417.  Heidi Michael           E Wenatchee, WA          1587  F   42  2:03:45   9:26  26 /  73   417 / 845   184 / 498   2:04:16   9:29       0:31
  418.  Rose Sarkinen           Vancouver, WA            1883  F   48  2:03:52   9:27  22 /  63   418 / 845   185 / 498   2:04:03   9:28       0:11
  419.  Tabitha Thompson        Coeur D'alene, ID        1225  F   26  2:03:59   9:27  24 /  63   419 / 845   186 / 498   2:04:17   9:29       0:18
  420.  Mary Kimmel             Spokane, WA              1235  F   33  2: 4:00   9:28  31 /  70   420 / 845   187 / 498   2:04:11   9:28       0:11
  421.  Stacy Harrington        Spokane, WA              1620  F   29  2:04:01   9:28  25 /  63   421 / 845   188 / 498   2:04:12   9:28       0:11
  422.  Vernon Newby            Dover, ID                1651  M   51  2:04:03   9:28  34 /  56   422 / 845   234 / 347   2:04:28   9:30       0:25
  423.  Andrew Lehr             Pullman, WA              1342  M   33  2:04:19   9:29  30 /  39   423 / 845   235 / 347   2:04:59   9:32       0:40
  424.  Melanie Sherman         Athol, ID                1577  F   41  2:04:21   9:29  27 /  73   424 / 845   189 / 498   2:05:03   9:32       0:42
  425.  Karen Mathews           Spokane, WA              1648  F   55  2:04:24   9:29   9 /  33   425 / 845   190 / 498   2:05:15   9:33       0:51
  426.  Amy Nelson              Newman Lake, WA          1793  F   38  2:04:32   9:30  37 /  86   426 / 845   191 / 498   2:04:56   9:32       0:24
  427.  Tracy Schmidt           Coeur D'alene, ID        1339  F   38  2:04:33   9:30  38 /  86   427 / 845   192 / 498   2:04:59   9:32       0:26
  428.  Jamie Bursell           Juneau, AK               1116  F   41  2:04:34   9:30  28 /  73   428 / 845   193 / 498   2:04:58   9:32       0:24
  429.  Christopher Leslie      Spokane, WA              1382  M   12  2:04:38   9:30   8 /  13   429 / 845   236 / 347   2:05:35   9:35       0:57
  430.  Laurie Smith            Pullman, WA              1101  F   42  2:04:50   9:31  29 /  73   430 / 845   194 / 498   2:05:08   9:33       0:18
  431.  Debbie Castile          Coeur D'Alene, ID        1647  F   32  2:05:15   9:33  32 /  70   431 / 845   195 / 498   2:05:24   9:34       0:09
  432.  Gary Hoffman            Post Falls, ID           1288  M   58  2:05:17   9:33  11 /  25   432 / 845   237 / 347   2:05:38   9:35       0:21
  433.  Jdon Van Curler         Spokane, WA              1423  M   43  2:05:19   9:34  45 /  56   433 / 845   238 / 347   2:06:39   9:40       1:20
  434.  Russ Murray             Spokane, WA              1253  M   58  2:05:23   9:34  12 /  25   434 / 845   239 / 347   2:06:32   9:39       1:09
  435.  Margie Murray           Spokane, WA              1252  F   56  2:05:23   9:34  10 /  33   435 / 845   196 / 498   2:06:32   9:39       1:09
  436.  Chris Wilcox            Liberty Lake, WA         1479  M   60  2:05:34   9:35   4 /  16   436 / 845   240 / 347   2:05:43   9:35       0:09
  437.  David Sweeney           Surprise, AZ             1053  M   60  2:05:41   9:35   5 /  16   437 / 845   241 / 347   2:06:20   9:38       0:39
  438.  Alisha Pena             Eagle, ID                1695  F   14  2:05:52   9:36   2 /   2   438 / 845   197 / 498   2:06:28   9:39       0:36
  439.  Shelley Moulton         Salmon, ID               1588  F   37  2:05:54   9:36  39 /  86   439 / 845   198 / 498   2:06:47   9:40       0:53
  440.  Lori Larson             Touchet, WA              1223  F   38  2: 6:00   9:37  40 /  86   440 / 845   199 / 498   2:06:55   9:41       0:55
  441.  Frank Anselmo           Spokane, WA              1657  M   59  2:06:02   9:37  13 /  25   441 / 845   242 / 347   2:06:40   9:40       0:38
  442.  Brian Ernst             Spokane, WA              1007  M   46  2:06:03   9:37  31 /  40   442 / 845   243 / 347   2:06:25   9:39       0:22
  443.  Harold McNally          Spokane, WA              1615  M   43  2:06:05   9:37  46 /  56   443 / 845   244 / 347   2:07:08   9:42       1:03
  444.  Diana Sheldon           Spokane, WA              1769  F   43  2:06:28   9:39  30 /  73   444 / 845   200 / 498   2:06:46   9:40       0:18
  445.  Suzanne Ogden           Boise , ID               1151  F   29  2:06:29   9:39  26 /  63   445 / 845   201 / 498   2:07:07   9:42       0:38
  446.  Dana McPhee             Spokane, WA              1548  F   37  2:06:34   9:39  41 /  86   446 / 845   202 / 498   2:07:10   9:42       0:36
  447.  Julie Haines            Spokane, WA              1375  F   38  2:06:35   9:39  42 /  86   447 / 845   203 / 498   2:07:10   9:42       0:35
  448.  Tim Buzolich            Coeur D'alene, ID        1901  M   35  2:06:40   9:40  41 /  48   448 / 845   245 / 347   2:06:59   9:41       0:19
  449.  Alysia Wresch           Moscow, ID               1468  F   28  2:06:41   9:40  27 /  63   449 / 845   204 / 498   2:06:52   9:41       0:11
  450.  Liese Thompson          Haydne, ID               1354  F   45  2:06:51   9:41  23 /  63   450 / 845   205 / 498   2:07:24   9:43       0:33
  451.  Roni Anderson           Coeur D Alene, ID        1322  F   46  2:06:51   9:41  24 /  63   451 / 845   206 / 498   2:07:25   9:43       0:34
  452.  Michael Gonzalez        Yakima, WA               1636  M   36  2:06:52   9:41  42 /  48   452 / 845   246 / 347   2:07:23   9:43       0:31
  453.  Christina Chesvick      Bremerton, WA            1666  F   23  2:06:54   9:41  18 /  26   453 / 845   207 / 498   2:07:42   9:44       0:48
  454.  Wynne O'Brien Persons   Spokane, WA              1599  F   45  2:06:56   9:41  25 /  63   454 / 845   208 / 498   2:07:07   9:42       0:11
  455.  Salvatore Colletto      Vancouver, WA            1645  M   27  2: 7:00   9:41  17 /  20   455 / 845   247 / 347   2:07:06   9:42       0:06
  456.  Stephanie Colletto      Vancouver, WA            1631  F   29  2:07:02   9:41  28 /  63   456 / 845   209 / 498   2:07:08   9:42       0:06
  457.  David Martin            Spokane, WA              1832  M   31  2:07:09   9:42  31 /  39   457 / 845   248 / 347   2:07:27   9:43       0:18
  458.  Anne-Marie Frolich      Seattle, WA              1139  F   40  2:07:31   9:44  31 /  73   458 / 845   210 / 498   2:08:04   9:46       0:33
  459.  Rena Brunko             Athol, ID                1743  F   52  2:07:33   9:44  13 /  50   459 / 845   211 / 498   2:07:55   9:45       0:22
  460.  Dennis Desmarais        Hayden Lake, ID          1806  M   51  2:07:38   9:44  35 /  56   460 / 845   249 / 347   2:07:57   9:46       0:19
  461.  Kelly Niles             Liberty Lake, WA         1226  F   34  2:07:42   9:44  33 /  70   461 / 845   212 / 498   2:07:54   9:45       0:12
  462.  Debby Graham            Spokane, WA              1397  F   51  2:07:49   9:45  14 /  50   462 / 845   213 / 498   2:08:52   9:50       1:03
  463.  Terri Gervais           Post Falls, ID           1222  F   36  2:07:50   9:45  43 /  86   463 / 845   214 / 498   2:08:09   9:47       0:19
  464.  Paul Schneider          Spokane, WA              1272  M   29  2:07:51   9:45  18 /  20   464 / 845   250 / 347   2:08:30   9:48       0:39
  465.  Tom McDonald            Spokane, WA              1377  M   42  2:07:52   9:45  47 /  56   465 / 845   251 / 347   2:08:07   9:46       0:15
  466.  Rosemary Reyes          Coeur D'Alene, ID        1661  F   35  2:07:52   9:45  44 /  86   466 / 845   215 / 498   2:08:26   9:48       0:34
  467.  Joann Schaller          Coeur D'alene, ID        1173  F   52  2:07:58   9:46  15 /  50   467 / 845   216 / 498   2:08:32   9:48       0:34
  468.  Makeesha Stachofsky     Spokane, WA              1359  F   29  2:08:11   9:47  29 /  63   468 / 845   217 / 498   2:08:34   9:48       0:23
  469.  Joseph Stachofsky       Spokane, WA              1318  M   31  2:08:11   9:47  32 /  39   469 / 845   252 / 347   2:08:34   9:48       0:23
  470.  Amanda King             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1777  F   32  2:08:12   9:47  34 /  70   470 / 845   218 / 498   2:08:48   9:50       0:36
  471.  Don Potts               Spokane, WA              1526  M   47  2:08:21   9:47  32 /  40   471 / 845   253 / 347   2:08:33   9:48       0:12
  472.  Darcy Simmons           Vancouver, WA            1564  F   51  2:08:21   9:47  16 /  50   472 / 845   219 / 498   2:08:47   9:49       0:26
  473.  Randell Lanfell         Hayden, ID               1078  M   53  2:08:35   9:49  36 /  56   473 / 845   254 / 347   2:09:14   9:51       0:39
  474.  Vicky Smith             Veradale, WA             1251  F   48  2:08:38   9:49  26 /  63   474 / 845   220 / 498   2:08:51   9:50       0:13
  475.  Amy Selden              Spokane, WA              1699  F   25  2:08:40   9:49  30 /  63   475 / 845   221 / 498   2:09:03   9:51       0:23
  476.  Will Miller             Heron, MT                1068  M   17  2:08:49   9:50   4 /   7   476 / 845   255 / 347   2:09:44   9:54       0:55
  477.  John Broughton          Athol, ID                1459  M   54  2:08:51   9:50  37 /  56   477 / 845   256 / 347   2:09:48   9:54       0:57
  478.  Kathy Wram              Whitefish, MT            1297  F   55  2:08:53   9:50  11 /  33   478 / 845   222 / 498   2:09:33   9:53       0:40
  479.  Benilda Delgado         Whitefish, MT            1298  F   51  2:08:54   9:50  17 /  50   479 / 845   223 / 498   2:09:34   9:53       0:40
  480.  Deb Miller              Moses Lake, WA           1541  F   42  2:08:59   9:50  32 /  73   480 / 845   224 / 498   2:09:35   9:53       0:36
  481.  Paula Fulgham           Liberty Lake, WA         1867  F   29  2: 9:00   9:50  31 /  63   481 / 845   225 / 498   2:09:50   9:54       0:50
  482.  Greg Richards           Moses Lake, WA           1522  M   32  2:09:01   9:50  33 /  39   482 / 845   257 / 347   2:09:35   9:53       0:34
  483.  Brandy Eckley           Missoula, MT             1276  F   26  2:09:08   9:51  32 /  63   483 / 845   226 / 498   2:09:28   9:53       0:20
  484.  David Wilson            Albuquerque, NM          1829  M   43  2:09:09   9:51  48 /  56   484 / 845   258 / 347   2:09:35   9:53       0:26
  485.  Christy Sater           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1395  F   26  2:09:15   9:52  33 /  63   485 / 845   227 / 498   2:09:37   9:53       0:22
  486.  Brad Armitage           Liberty Lake, WA         1633  M   34  2:09:22   9:52  34 /  39   486 / 845   259 / 347   2:09:35   9:53       0:13
  487.  Andrea Kallas           Spokane, WA              1352  F   25  2:09:22   9:52  34 /  63   487 / 845   228 / 498   2:10:01   9:55       0:39
  488.  Angela Kallas           Liberty Lake, WA         1228  F   25  2:09:23   9:52  35 /  63   488 / 845   229 / 498   2:10:00   9:55       0:37
  489.  Kim Ramuta              Redmond, WA              1841  F   45  2:09:26   9:52  27 /  63   489 / 845   230 / 498   2:10:14   9:56       0:48
  490.  Jeanne Cowan            Rathdrum, ID             1767  F   55  2:09:35   9:53  12 /  33   490 / 845   231 / 498   2:09:56   9:55       0:21
  491.  Harold Newby            Airway Heights, WA       1924  M   54  2:09:39   9:53  38 /  56   491 / 845   260 / 347   2:10:25   9:57       0:46
  492.  Ron Houle               Spokane, WA              1094  M   34  2:09:43   9:54  35 /  39   492 / 845   261 / 347   2:10:09   9:56       0:26
  493.  Laurel Kelly            Spokane, WA              1774  F   31  2:09:51   9:54  35 /  70   493 / 845   232 / 498   2:10:30   9:57       0:39
  494.  Eva Lindstrand          Sunnyside, WA            1486  F   35  2:09:59   9:55  45 /  86   494 / 845   233 / 498   2:10:54   9:59       0:55
  495.  Jennifer Hatley         Spokane, WA              1787  F   26  2:10:01   9:55  36 /  63   495 / 845   234 / 498   2:10:37   9:58       0:36
  496.  Bill Daniel             Seattle, WA              1046  M   61  2:10:04   9:55   6 /  16   496 / 845   262 / 347   2:10:32   9:57       0:28
  497.  Vicki Pearce            Liberty Lake, WA         1328  F   49  2:10:12   9:56  28 /  63   497 / 845   235 / 498   2:10:34   9:58       0:22
  498.  Howard Daugharty        Coeurdalene, ID          1513  M   56  2:10:23   9:57  14 /  25   498 / 845   263 / 347   2:11:10  10:00       0:47
  499.  Jackie Coomes           Cheney, WA               1439  F   41  2:10:27   9:57  33 /  73   499 / 845   236 / 498   2:11:08  10:00       0:41
  500.  Phil Henderson          Colfax, WA               1313  M   56  2:10:38   9:58  15 /  25   500 / 845   264 / 347   2:11:03  10:00       0:25
  501.  Lori Reed               Spokane, WA              1571  F   32  2:10:45   9:58  36 /  70   501 / 845   237 / 498   2:11:39  10:03       0:54
  502.  Denise Shives           Walla Walla, WA          1147  F   35  2:10:46   9:58  46 /  86   502 / 845   238 / 498   2:11:06  10:00       0:20
  503.  Lori Thomas             Walla Walla, WA          1037  F   42  2:10:52   9:59  34 /  73   503 / 845   239 / 498   2:11:12  10:00       0:20
  504.  Glen Cambron            Sagle, ID                1659  M   47  2:10:56   9:59  33 /  40   504 / 845   265 / 347   2:11:03  10:00       0:07
  505.  Daryce Wyborney         Veradale, WA             1454  F   39  2:10:57   9:59  47 /  86   505 / 845   240 / 498   2:11:55  10:04       0:58
  506.  Mark Wyborney           Veradale, WA             1498  M   41  2:10:59   9:59  49 /  56   506 / 845   266 / 347   2:11:56  10:04       0:57
  507.  Deborah Silva           Coeur D'alene, ID        1137  F   49  2:11:01  10:00  29 /  63   507 / 845   241 / 498   2:11:29  10:02       0:28
  508.  Carol Rasor             Spokane, WA              1184  F   54  2:11:08  10:00  18 /  50   508 / 845   242 / 498   2:11:28  10:02       0:20
  509.  Melanie Houghan         Coeur D'Alene, ID        1913  F   53  2:11:17  10:01  19 /  50   509 / 845   243 / 498   2:11:29  10:02       0:12
  510.  Lynda Broberg           Spokane, WA              1692  F   42  2:11:20  10:01  35 /  73   510 / 845   244 / 498   2:11:32  10:02       0:12
  511.  Claire Roberts          Liberty Lake, WA         1782  F   32  2:11:21  10:01  37 /  70   511 / 845   245 / 498   2:11:57  10:04       0:36
  512.  Stephen Rivington       Spokane, WA              1445  M   34  2:11:21  10:01  36 /  39   512 / 845   267 / 347   2:11:44  10:03       0:23
  513.  Dori Ware               Nine Mile Falls, WA      1542  F   32  2:11:21  10:01  38 /  70   513 / 845   246 / 498   2:11:50  10:03       0:29
  514.  Wendy Fleming           Marysville, WA           1875  F   35  2:11:25  10:01  48 /  86   514 / 845   247 / 498   2:11:53  10:04       0:28
  515.  Ron Cole                Coeur D'alene, ID        1549  M   49  2:11:37  10:02  34 /  40   515 / 845   268 / 347   2:12:26  10:06       0:49
  516.  Laurie Curran           Spokane, WA              1737  F   38  2:11:39  10:03  49 /  86   516 / 845   248 / 498   2:12:24  10:06       0:45
  517.  Kristin Souers          Spokane, WA              1378  F   33  2:11:40  10:03  39 /  70   517 / 845   249 / 498   2:12:25  10:06       0:45
  518.  Jessica Sterner         Coeurdalene, ID          1575  F   19  2:11:55  10:04   9 /  14   518 / 845   250 / 498   2:12:40  10:07       0:45
  519.  Robyn Hemenway          Spokane, WA              1370  F   37  2:12:02  10:04  50 /  86   519 / 845   251 / 498   2:12:08  10:05       0:06
  520.  Don Hendrix             Spokane, WA              1369  M   50  2:12:03  10:04  39 /  56   520 / 845   269 / 347   2:12:09  10:05       0:06
  521.  Vickie Carpenter        Spokane, WA              1281  F   47  2:12:06  10:05  30 /  63   521 / 845   252 / 498   2:12:33  10:07       0:27
  522.  Nan Smith               Spokane, WA              1795  F   52  2:12:07  10:05  20 /  50   522 / 845   253 / 498   2:12:31  10:07       0:24
  523.  Kasey Pitts             Spokane, WA              1476  F   31  2:12:08  10:05  40 /  70   523 / 845   254 / 498   2:12:35  10:07       0:27
  524.  Mia Davidson            Spokane , WA             1157  F   32  2:12:09  10:05  41 /  70   524 / 845   255 / 498   2:12:17  10:05       0:08
  525.  Deanne Hamilton         Salmon, ID               1180  F   36  2:12:09  10:05  51 /  86   525 / 845   256 / 498   2:13:02  10:09       0:53
  526.  Joey Reed               Oaksdale, WA             1561  F   30  2:12:15  10:05  42 /  70   526 / 845   257 / 498   2:12:23  10:06       0:08
  527.  Bree Zehm               Spokane, WA              1444  F   28  2:12:15  10:05  37 /  63   527 / 845   258 / 498   2:12:38  10:07       0:23
  528.  Tracie Ferris           Coeur D'alene, ID        1882  F   36  2:12:16  10:05  52 /  86   528 / 845   259 / 498   2:12:44  10:08       0:28
  529.  Terri Conger            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1747  F   42  2:12:23  10:06  36 /  73   529 / 845   260 / 498   2:12:53  10:08       0:30
  530.  Rebecca Newton          Rosalia, WA              1516  F   26  2:12:26  10:06  38 /  63   530 / 845   261 / 498   2:12:57  10:08       0:31
  531.  Alecia Elliot           Buffalo, WY              1333  F   22  2:12:27  10:06  19 /  26   531 / 845   262 / 498   2:12:58  10:09       0:31
  532.  Ty Elliot               Belgrade, MT             1527  M   31  2:12:27  10:06  37 /  39   532 / 845   270 / 347   2:12:57  10:08       0:30
  533.  Ray Verbrugge           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1435  F   50  2:12:29  10:06  21 /  50   533 / 845   263 / 498   2:12:53  10:08       0:24
  534.  Gail Ortega             Spokane, WA              1448  F   38  2:12:34  10:07  53 /  86   534 / 845   264 / 498   2:12:52  10:08       0:18
  535.  Chelsea Rosenberger     Hayden Lake, ID          1247  F   20  2:12:36  10:07  20 /  26   535 / 845   265 / 498   2:13:23  10:10       0:47
  536.  Kevin Betz              Spokane, WA              1921  M   35  2:12:51  10:08  43 /  48   536 / 845   271 / 347   2:12:56  10:08       0:05
  537.  Stefani Plunk           Rathdrum, ID             1402  F   25  2:12:58  10:09  39 /  63   537 / 845   266 / 498   2:13:25  10:11       0:27
  538.  Shelley Smith-Houn      Liberty Lake, WA         1437  F   44  2:13:05  10:09  37 /  73   538 / 845   267 / 498   2:13:35  10:11       0:30
  539.  Debbie Hackworthy       Sagle , ID               1132  F   46  2:13:07  10:09  31 /  63   539 / 845   268 / 498   2:13:23  10:10       0:16
  540.  Sarah Lewis             Pullman, WA              1450  F   27  2:13:09  10:09  40 /  63   540 / 845   269 / 498   2:13:53  10:13       0:44
  541.  Andrea Fair             Seattle, WA              1916  F   32  2:13:11  10:10  43 /  70   541 / 845   270 / 498   2:13:18  10:10       0:07
  542.  Meghan Wiley            Pullman, WA              1663  F   33  2:13:13  10:10  44 /  70   542 / 845   271 / 498   2:13:54  10:13       0:41
  543.  Julie Miller            Plummer, ID              1421  F   43  2:13:15  10:10  38 /  73   543 / 845   272 / 498   2:13:46  10:12       0:31
  544.  Kerri Sandaine          Clarkston , WA           1861  F   41  2:13:20  10:10  39 /  73   544 / 845   273 / 498   2:14:06  10:14       0:46
  545.  Julie Hudson            Coeur D'alene, ID        1165  F   43  2:13:20  10:10  40 /  73   545 / 845   274 / 498   2:14:06  10:14       0:46
  546.  Julie Morvant           Houma, LA                1174  F   29  2:13:38  10:12  41 /  63   546 / 845   275 / 498   2:14:34  10:16       0:56
  547.  Dolores McKenzie        Summerland, BC           1008  F   54  2:13:50  10:13  22 /  50   547 / 845   276 / 498   2:14:11  10:14       0:21
  548.  Judy Gores              Spokane, WA              1120  F   32  2:13:51  10:13  45 /  70   548 / 845   277 / 498   2:13:59  10:13       0:08
  549.  Alexander Das           Heron, MT                1144  M   17  2:13:54  10:13   5 /   7   549 / 845   272 / 347   2:14:49  10:17       0:55
  550.  Kathryn Stowell         Spokane, WA              1719  F   29  2:13:54  10:13  42 /  63   550 / 845   278 / 498   2:14:17  10:15       0:23
  551.  Colleen Roscoe          Albany, OR               1858  F   27  2:13:58  10:13  43 /  63   551 / 845   279 / 498   2:14:32  10:16       0:34
  552.  Kate Vaughan            Post Falls, ID           1853  F   27  2:13:58  10:13  44 /  63   552 / 845   280 / 498   2:14:33  10:16       0:35
  553.  Cristol Hernandez       Post Falls, ID           1196  F   32  2:14:02  10:13  46 /  70   553 / 845   281 / 498   2:14:10  10:14       0:08
  554.  Elaine Damschen         Coeur D Alene, ID        1580  F   34  2:14:02  10:13  47 /  70   554 / 845   282 / 498   2:14:10  10:14       0:08
  555.  Penelope Hood           Spokane, WA              1524  F   33  2:14:02  10:13  48 /  70   555 / 845   283 / 498   2:14:16  10:15       0:14
  556.  Jeff Hood               Spokane, WA              1525  M   39  2:14:03  10:14  44 /  48   556 / 845   273 / 347   2:14:16  10:15       0:13
  557.  Barry Sherman           Athol, OH                1508  M   41  2:14:06  10:14  50 /  56   557 / 845   274 / 347   2:14:48  10:17       0:42
  558.  Kevin Morvant           Houma, LA                1057  M   37  2:14:09  10:14  45 /  48   558 / 845   275 / 347   2:15:05  10:18       0:56
  559.  Kelly Sestero           Spokane, WA              1442  F   26  2:14:13  10:14  45 /  63   559 / 845   284 / 498   2:14:52  10:17       0:39
  560.  May Chan                Spokane, WA              1361  F   29  2:14:15  10:14  46 /  63   560 / 845   285 / 498   2:14:31  10:16       0:16
  561.  Laura Burgan            Post Falls, ID           1455  F   36  2:14:15  10:14  54 /  86   561 / 845   286 / 498   2:14:30  10:16       0:15
  562.  Michael Hirsch          Coeur D'alene, ID        1472  M   64  2:14:15  10:14   7 /  16   562 / 845   276 / 347   2:14:48  10:17       0:33
  563.  Jeff Lichtenstein       Stevenson Ranch, CA      1317  M   46  2:14:23  10:15  35 /  40   563 / 845   277 / 347   2:14:27  10:15       0:04
  564.  Martin Eberle           Spokane, WA              1443  M   63  2:14:29  10:16   8 /  16   564 / 845   278 / 347   2:14:55  10:17       0:26
  565.  Anelise Brasch          Spokane, WA              1178  F   28  2:14:34  10:16  47 /  63   565 / 845   287 / 498   2:14:51  10:17       0:17
  566.  Lori Mitchell           Spokane Valley, WA       1735  F   40  2:14:36  10:16  41 /  73   566 / 845   288 / 498   2:15:17  10:19       0:41
  567.  Robbie Ferrante         Spokane, WA              1220  F   38  2:14:37  10:16  55 /  86   567 / 845   289 / 498   2:15:27  10:20       0:50
  568.  Janelle Rubright        Spokane, WA              1334  F   36  2:14:38  10:16  56 /  86   568 / 845   290 / 498   2:15:28  10:20       0:50
  569.  Mark Conlin             Spokane, WA              1918  M   57  2:15:08  10:18  16 /  25   569 / 845   279 / 347   2:15:20  10:19       0:12
  570.  Tanya Picicci           Spokane, WA              1847  F   31  2:15:09  10:19  49 /  70   570 / 845   291 / 498   2:15:22  10:20       0:13
  571.  Nicole Melcher          Spokane, WA              1844  F   27  2:15:10  10:19  48 /  63   571 / 845   292 / 498   2:15:22  10:20       0:12
  572.  Jennifer Young          Spokane, WA              1112  F   31  2:15:20  10:19  50 /  70   572 / 845   293 / 498   2:16:11  10:23       0:51
  573.  Dave Jennings           Spokane, WA              1306  M   50  2:15:27  10:20  40 /  56   573 / 845   280 / 347   2:16:19  10:24       0:52
  574.  Noelani Reinker         Pullman, WA              1600  F   27  2:15:32  10:20  49 /  63   574 / 845   294 / 498   2:16:21  10:24       0:49
  575.  AnnaMae Greene          Spokane, WA              1891  F   59  2:15:41  10:21  13 /  33   575 / 845   295 / 498   2:16:00  10:22       0:19
  576.  Pat Simpson             Newport, WA              1316  M   68  2:15:52  10:22   6 /  11   576 / 845   281 / 347   2:16:09  10:23       0:17
  577.  Jana Brooks             Coeur D'alene, ID        1504  F   35  2:16:09  10:23  57 /  86   577 / 845   296 / 498   2:16:46  10:26       0:37
  578.  Chad Hallett            Post Falls, ID           1371  M   58  2:16:30  10:25  17 /  25   578 / 845   282 / 347   2:17:06  10:27       0:36
  579.  Nancy Millard           Everett, WA              1275  F   41  2:16:32  10:25  42 /  73   579 / 845   297 / 498   2:17:20  10:29       0:48
  580.  Rhonda Clayville        Spokane, WA              1756  F   46  2:17:02  10:27  32 /  63   580 / 845   298 / 498   2:17:39  10:30       0:37
  581.  Don Hadley              Spokane, WA              1613  M   56  2:17:14  10:28  18 /  25   581 / 845   283 / 347   2:17:50  10:31       0:36
  582.  Bill Boone              Spokane, WA              1807  M   48  2:17:19  10:28  36 /  40   582 / 845   284 / 347   2:18:16  10:33       0:57
  583.  Kaye Boone              Spokane, WA              1801  F   48  2:17:22  10:29  33 /  63   583 / 845   299 / 498   2:18:16  10:33       0:54
  584.  Janis Simpson           Spokane, WA              1009  F   39  2:17:31  10:29  58 /  86   584 / 845   300 / 498   2:17:42  10:30       0:11
  585.  Rita Dinaro             Spokane, WA              1405  F   30  2:17:32  10:29  51 /  70   585 / 845   301 / 498   2:18:14  10:33       0:42
  586.  Kathi Cook              Spokane, WA              1497  F   46  2:17:39  10:30  34 /  63   586 / 845   302 / 498   2:18:44  10:35       1:05
  587.  Patricia Bartlett       Spokane, WA              1550  F   59  2:17:57  10:31  14 /  33   587 / 845   303 / 498   2:19:03  10:36       1:06
  588.  Court Jones             Ellensburg, WA           1533  M   68  2:18:03  10:32   7 /  11   588 / 845   285 / 347   2:18:24  10:33       0:21
  589.  Freida Cook             Cheney, WA               1248  F   40  2:18:04  10:32  43 /  73   589 / 845   304 / 498   2:18:23  10:33       0:19
  590.  Bill Bartlett           Spokane, WA              1552  M   61  2:18:05  10:32   9 /  16   590 / 845   286 / 347   2:19:11  10:37       1:06
  591.  Jennifer Aldrich        Seattle, WA              1573  F   21  2:18:06  10:32  21 /  26   591 / 845   305 / 498   2:18:31  10:34       0:25
  592.  Charlayn Streeter       Coeur D'alene, ID        1124  F   36  2:18:10  10:32  59 /  86   592 / 845   306 / 498   2:18:25  10:34       0:15
  593.  Dan Brainard            Boise, ID                1612  M   55  2:18:30  10:34  19 /  25   593 / 845   287 / 347   2:18:59  10:36       0:29
  594.  Lisa Roberts            Spokane, WA              1414  F   40  2:18:32  10:34  44 /  73   594 / 845   307 / 498   2:19:10  10:37       0:38
  595.  Ralph Riddick           Spokane, WA              1287  M   72  2:18:35  10:34   2 /   3   595 / 845   288 / 347   2:19:09  10:37       0:34
  596.  Kathy Booth             Coeur D'alene, ID        1185  F   45  2:19:01  10:36  35 /  63   596 / 845   308 / 498   2:19:10  10:37       0:09
  597.  Alexander Booth         Coeur D'alene, ID        1224  M   12  2:19:01  10:36   9 /  13   597 / 845   289 / 347   2:19:11  10:37       0:10
  598.  Tom Petrie              Issaquah, WA             1902  M   54  2:19:16  10:37  41 /  56   598 / 845   290 / 347   2:20:15  10:42       0:59
  599.  Ellen Wait              Hayden Lake, ID          1036  F   48  2:19:17  10:37  36 /  63   599 / 845   309 / 498   2:20:15  10:42       0:58
  600.  Calvin Bay              Missoula, MT             1499  M   60  2:19:47  10:40  10 /  16   600 / 845   291 / 347   2:20:18  10:42       0:31
  601.  Jill Lembeck            Veradale, WA             1744  F   41  2:20:11  10:42  45 /  73   601 / 845   310 / 498   2:20:53  10:45       0:42
  602.  Kathi Best              Spokane, WA              1558  F   46  2:20:11  10:42  37 /  63   602 / 845   311 / 498   2:21:02  10:45       0:51
  603.  Susan Rowe-Adler        Spokane, WA              1177  F   60  2:20:18  10:42   2 /  12   603 / 845   312 / 498   2:20:49  10:44       0:31
  604.  RichardS Mathews        Coeur D'alene, ID        1840  M   34  2:20:34  10:43  38 /  39   604 / 845   292 / 347   2:20:55  10:45       0:21
  605.  Kay Ely                 Mead, WA                 1854  F   51  2:20:39  10:44  23 /  50   605 / 845   313 / 498   2:21:01  10:45       0:22
  606.  Pennie Rundle           Mead, WA                 1772  F   55  2:20:45  10:44  15 /  33   606 / 845   314 / 498   2:21:06  10:46       0:21
  607.  Douglas Rundle          Mead, WA                 1708  M   54  2:20:48  10:44  42 /  56   607 / 845   293 / 347   2:21:09  10:46       0:21
  608.  Calvin Brown            Spokane, WA              1392  M   67  2:20:48  10:44   8 /  11   608 / 845   294 / 347   2:21:31  10:48       0:43
  609.  James Wilson            Reno, NV                 1017  M   15  2:20:52  10:45  10 /  13   609 / 845   295 / 347   2:21:47  10:49       0:55
  610.  Kathy Hatcher           Spokane, WA              1379  F   49  2:21:00  10:45  38 /  63   610 / 845   315 / 498   2:21:45  10:49       0:45
  611.  Ryan Yohe               Spokane, WA              1061  M   51  2:21:04  10:46  43 /  56   611 / 845   296 / 347   2:21:14  10:46       0:10
  612.  Gary Breuner            Athol, ID                1246  M   36  2:21:29  10:48  46 /  48   612 / 845   297 / 347   2:21:59  10:50       0:30
  613.  Heather Harrington      Missoula, MT             1512  F   26  2:21:30  10:48  50 /  63   613 / 845   316 / 498   2:21:41  10:48       0:11
  614.  Megan Manlove           Spokane, WA              1768  F   27  2:21:33  10:48  51 /  63   614 / 845   317 / 498   2:22:27  10:52       0:54
  615.  Claire Tiffany          Nine Mile Falls, WA      1602  F   37  2:21:49  10:49  60 /  86   615 / 845   318 / 498   2:22:12  10:51       0:23
  616.  Ray Gilbert             Post Falls, ID           1293  M   71  2:22:01  10:50   3 /   3   616 / 845   298 / 347   2:22:49  10:54       0:48
  617.  Susan Muxlow            Spokane, WA              1013  F   36  2:22:17  10:51  61 /  86   617 / 845   319 / 498   2:22:47  10:53       0:30
  618.  Theresa Neeser          Liberty Lake, WA         1755  F   43  2:22:26  10:52  46 /  73   618 / 845   320 / 498   2:22:47  10:53       0:21
  619.  Susan Robson            Clayton, WA              1238  F   43  2:22:36  10:53  47 /  73   619 / 845   321 / 498   2:23:32  10:57       0:56
  620.  Diane Robertson         Spokane, WA              1245  F   53  2:22:36  10:53  24 /  50   620 / 845   322 / 498   2:23:33  10:57       0:57
  621.  Maryann Lorenz          Spokane, WA              1765  F   47  2:22:38  10:53  39 /  63   621 / 845   323 / 498   2:23:32  10:57       0:54
  622.  Mark Curtis             Spokane, WA              1808  M   41  2:22:55  10:54  51 /  56   622 / 845   299 / 347   2:23:11  10:55       0:16
  623.  Norma Myers             Spokane, WA              1266  F   56  2:23:20  10:56  16 /  33   623 / 845   324 / 498   2:23:36  10:57       0:16
  624.  Mark Cook               Dalton Gardens, ID       1367  M   49  2:23:22  10:56  37 /  40   624 / 845   300 / 347   2:23:45  10:58       0:23
  625.  Mike Williams           Spokane, WA              1324  M   56  2:23:22  10:56  20 /  25   625 / 845   301 / 347   2:24:15  11:00       0:53
  626.  Joe Wittsock            Spokane, WA              1236  M   43  2:23:32  10:57  52 /  56   626 / 845   302 / 347   2:24:27  11:01       0:55
  627.  Emily Heffter           Mountlake Terrace, WA    1193  F   25  2:23:37  10:57  52 /  63   627 / 845   325 / 498   2:24:16  11:00       0:39
  628.  Cynthia Smith           Rathdrum, ID             1792  F   41  2:23:43  10:58  48 /  73   628 / 845   326 / 498   2:24:20  11:01       0:37
  629.  Gary Smith              Rathdrum, ID             1804  M   42  2:23:43  10:58  53 /  56   629 / 845   303 / 347   2:24:20  11:01       0:37
  630.  Christopher Pendell     Spokane , WA             1075  M   27  2:23:43  10:58  19 /  20   630 / 845   304 / 347   2:23:56  10:59       0:13
  631.  Michelle` Duke          Spokane, WA              1340  F   38  2:24:15  11:00  62 /  86   631 / 845   327 / 498   2:25:07  11:04       0:52
  632.  Katherine Johnson       Zillah, WA               1256  F   37  2:24:17  11:00  63 /  86   632 / 845   328 / 498   2:25:12  11:05       0:55
  633.  Bonnie Carver           Medical Lake, WA         1436  F   56  2:24:26  11:01  17 /  33   633 / 845   329 / 498   2:24:46  11:03       0:20
  634.  Susan Ewing             Redmond, WA              1910  F   48  2:24:29  11:01  40 /  63   634 / 845   330 / 498   2:24:38  11:02       0:09
  635.  Jeannine Ewing          Redmond, WA              1133  F   45  2:24:29  11:01  41 /  63   635 / 845   331 / 498   2:24:39  11:02       0:10
  636.  Glenda Michaud          Sagle, ID                1543  F   57  2:24:35  11:02  18 /  33   636 / 845   332 / 498   2:25:17  11:05       0:42
  637.  Laura Lanfell           Hayden, ID               1169  F   52  2:24:45  11:02  25 /  50   637 / 845   333 / 498   2:25:24  11:05       0:39
  638.  Carolyn Pope            Liberty Lake, WA         1006  F   62  2:24:48  11:03   3 /  12   638 / 845   334 / 498   2:25:27  11:06       0:39
  639.  Amy Urann               Mead, WA                 1590  F   21  2:24:49  11:03  22 /  26   639 / 845   335 / 498   2:25:53  11:08       1:04
  640.  Samuel Grubbs           Coeur D'alene, ID        1212  M   57  2:24:51  11:03  21 /  25   640 / 845   305 / 347   2:25:21  11:05       0:30
  641.  Scott Peterson          Spokane, WA              1199  M   40  2:24:52  11:03  54 /  56   641 / 845   306 / 347   2:25:53  11:08       1:01
  642.  Lesley Hilts            Spokane, WA              1458  F   40  2:25:11  11:04  49 /  73   642 / 845   336 / 498   2:25:31  11:06       0:20
  643.  Carrie Lang             Gardiner, MT             1114  F   38  2:25:24  11:05  64 /  86   643 / 845   337 / 498   2:26:12  11:09       0:48
  644.  Dale Nelson             Spokane, WA              1818  M   53  2:25:45  11:07  44 /  56   644 / 845   307 / 347   2:26:50  11:12       1:05
  645.  Lolita Sikora           Mead, WA                 1031  F   36  2:26:24  11:10  65 /  86   645 / 845   338 / 498   2:27:08  11:13       0:44
  646.  Michael Sikora          Mead, WA                 1038  M   36  2:26:26  11:10  47 /  48   646 / 845   308 / 347   2:27:10  11:14       0:44
  647.  Sarah Hession           Spokane, WA              1092  F   25  2:26:27  11:10  53 /  63   647 / 845   339 / 498   2:26:40  11:11       0:13
  648.  Susan Fitzpatrick       Veradale, WA             1604  F   52  2:26:41  11:11  26 /  50   648 / 845   340 / 498   2:27:20  11:14       0:39
  649.  Sandi Stark             Brush Prairie, WA        1230  F   49  2:26:46  11:12  42 /  63   649 / 845   341 / 498   2:27:27  11:15       0:41
  650.  Lorrie Putnam           Vancouver , WA           1570  F   42  2:26:46  11:12  50 /  73   650 / 845   342 / 498   2:27:27  11:15       0:41
  651.  Cindy Timmons           Hayden, ID               1182  F   36  2:26:57  11:13  66 /  86   651 / 845   343 / 498   2:27:50  11:17       0:53
  652.  Arthur Hilton           Kellogg, ID              1817  M   54  2:27:03  11:13  45 /  56   652 / 845   309 / 347   2:28:10  11:18       1:07
  653.  Sarah Beard             Nampa, ID                1799  F   28  2:27:24  11:15  54 /  63   653 / 845   344 / 498   2:28:24  11:19       1:00
  654.  Gary Beard              Nampa, ID                1428  M   51  2:27:25  11:15  46 /  56   654 / 845   310 / 347   2:28:24  11:19       0:59
  655.  Sherrie Wright          Spokane, WA              1381  F   60  2:27:29  11:15   4 /  12   655 / 845   345 / 498   2:28:27  11:19       0:58
  656.  Donna Jasper            Spokane, WA              1701  F   38  2:27:40  11:16  67 /  86   656 / 845   346 / 498   2:28:31  11:20       0:51
  657.  Daniel Soumas           Hayden, ID               1358  M   46  2:28:03  11:18  38 /  40   657 / 845   311 / 347   2:28:32  11:20       0:29
  658.  Valerie Soumas          Hayden, ID               1338  F   44  2:28:04  11:18  51 /  73   658 / 845   347 / 498   2:28:32  11:20       0:28
  659.  Andy Smythe             Spokane, WA              1723  M   51  2:28:04  11:18  47 /  56   659 / 845   312 / 347   2:29:01  11:22       0:57
  660.  Cara Ambriz             Liberty Lake, WA         1400  F   33  2:28:09  11:18  52 /  70   660 / 845   348 / 498   2:28:46  11:21       0:37
  661.  Deb Lane                Snohomish, WA            1345  F   52  2:28:19  11:19  27 /  50   661 / 845   349 / 498   2:29:15  11:23       0:56
  662.  Paula Jones             Missoula, MT             1126  F   43  2:28:38  11:20  52 /  73   662 / 845   350 / 498   2:29:18  11:23       0:40
  663.  George Nichols          Spokane, WA              1890  M   64  2:29:07  11:22  11 /  16   663 / 845   313 / 347   2:29:13  11:23       0:06
  664.  Vicky Wessling          Vancouver, WA            1079  F   48  2:29:08  11:23  43 /  63   664 / 845   351 / 498   2:29:51  11:26       0:43
  665.  Emily Christensen       Coeur D'Alene, ID        1685  F   19  2:29:09  11:23  10 /  14   665 / 845   352 / 498   2:29:17  11:23       0:08
  666.  Nancy Taylor            Hayden Lake, ID          1800  F   45  2:29:09  11:23  44 /  63   666 / 845   353 / 498   2:29:18  11:23       0:09
  667.  Kristin Gorringe        Coeur D'alene, ID        1021  F   34  2:29:28  11:24  53 /  70   667 / 845   354 / 498   2:29:53  11:26       0:25
  668.  Tom Fritz               Spokane, WA              1830  M   52  2:29:31  11:24  48 /  56   668 / 845   314 / 347   2:29:42  11:25       0:11
  669.  Aleel Grennan           Pullman, WA              1408  F   34  2:29:33  11:24  54 /  70   669 / 845   355 / 498   2:30:07  11:27       0:34
  670.  Eiji Takahashi          Urbana, IL               1407  M   44  2:29:33  11:24  55 /  56   670 / 845   315 / 347   2:30:07  11:27       0:34
  671.  Donna Schmidt           Portland, OR             1130  F   58  2:29:44  11:25  19 /  33   671 / 845   356 / 498   2:30:00  11:27       0:16
  672.  Heather Schmidt         Missoula, MT             1191  F   23  2:29:45  11:25  23 /  26   672 / 845   357 / 498   2:30:00  11:27       0:15
  673.  Carrie Davis-Croson     Spokane, WA              1090  F   32  2:29:45  11:25  55 /  70   673 / 845   358 / 498   2:29:54  11:26       0:09
  674.  Debra Poindexter        Spokane, WA              1482  F   49  2:29:52  11:26  45 /  63   674 / 845   359 / 498   2:30:13  11:28       0:21
  675.  Diana Erickson          Spokane, WA              1433  F   49  2:29:52  11:26  46 /  63   675 / 845   360 / 498   2:30:13  11:28       0:21
  676.  Rhonda Lee              Spokane , WA             1314  F   51  2:30:02  11:27  28 /  50   676 / 845   361 / 498   2:30:29  11:29       0:27
  677.  Jerry Butt              Cincinnati, OH           1198  M   54  2:30:02  11:27  49 /  56   677 / 845   316 / 347   2:30:29  11:29       0:27
  678.  Terry Weeks             Spokane, WA              1394  M   51  2:30:36  11:29  50 /  56   678 / 845   317 / 347   2:31:17  11:32       0:41
  679.  Truvor Bodnar           Spokane, WA              1654  M   61  2:30:37  11:29  12 /  16   679 / 845   318 / 347   2:31:25  11:33       0:48
  680.  Lori Riddell            Sammamish, WA            1181  F   44  2:30:37  11:29  53 /  73   680 / 845   362 / 498   2:31:10  11:32       0:33
  681.  Vickie Peick            Issaquah, WA             1030  F   42  2:30:38  11:29  54 /  73   681 / 845   363 / 498   2:31:10  11:32       0:32
  682.  Keenan Framstad         Spokane, WA              1424  M   17  2:30:59  11:31   6 /   7   682 / 845   319 / 347   2:31:04  11:31       0:05
  683.  Larry Adams             Greenacres, WA           1728  M   55  2:31:05  11:31  22 /  25   683 / 845   320 / 347   2:31:31  11:33       0:26
  684.  Becky Pfrimmer          Spokane, WA              1005  F   51  2:31:22  11:33  29 /  50   684 / 845   364 / 498   2:32:13  11:37       0:51
  685.  Carol Jarms             Cheney, WA               1292  F   49  2:31:30  11:33  47 /  63   685 / 845   365 / 498   2:32:13  11:37       0:43
  686.  Jean Greene             Spokane, WA              1491  F   69  2:32:08  11:36   2 /   5   686 / 845   366 / 498   2:32:48  11:39       0:40
  687.  Sara Foster             Spokane, WA              1055  F   27  2:32:38  11:39  55 /  63   687 / 845   367 / 498   2:32:43  11:39       0:05
  688.  Colleen Stevens         Spokane, WA              1672  F   48  2:33:22  11:42  48 /  63   688 / 845   368 / 498   2:33:56  11:45       0:34
  689.  Jean Marczynski         Spokane, WA              1673  F   48  2:33:22  11:42  49 /  63   689 / 845   369 / 498   2:33:56  11:45       0:34
  690.  Ann Cunningham          Spokane, WA              1674  F   52  2:33:23  11:42  30 /  50   690 / 845   370 / 498   2:33:57  11:45       0:34
  691.  Sarah Parshall          Spokane, WA              1675  F   61  2:33:23  11:42   5 /  12   691 / 845   371 / 498   2:33:57  11:45       0:34
  692.  Terri Luce              Spokane, WA              1677  F   43  2:33:24  11:42  55 /  73   692 / 845   372 / 498   2:33:57  11:45       0:33
  693.  Lisa Walker             Lewiston, ID             1035  F   49  2:33:35  11:43  50 /  63   693 / 845   373 / 498   2:33:58  11:45       0:23
  694.  Pat McChesney           Spokane, WA              1539  M   54  2:34:25  11:47  51 /  56   694 / 845   321 / 347   2:35:17  11:51       0:52
  695.  Lynn Hathaway           Spokane, WA              1741  F   54  2:34:25  11:47  31 /  50   695 / 845   374 / 498   2:35:17  11:51       0:52
  696.  Jackie Kinzer           Sagle, ID                1660  F   50  2:34:34  11:47  32 /  50   696 / 845   375 / 498   2:34:42  11:48       0:08
  697.  Mischelle Fulgham       Post Falls, ID           1836  F   36  2:34:54  11:49  68 /  86   697 / 845   376 / 498   2:35:44  11:53       0:50
  698.  Darcy Staudinger        Spokane, WA              1269  F   43  2:34:55  11:49  56 /  73   698 / 845   377 / 498   2:34:55  11:49       0:00
  699.  Lisa Kozeluh            Missoula, MT             1089  F   40  2:34:57  11:49  57 /  73   699 / 845   378 / 498   2:35:35  11:52       0:38
  700.  Jennifer Vander Weide   Missoula, MT             1161  F   33  2:34:58  11:49  56 /  70   700 / 845   379 / 498   2:35:36  11:52       0:38
  701.  Oceane Weldele          Missoula, MT             1123  F   21  2:35:03  11:50  24 /  26   701 / 845   380 / 498   2:35:30  11:52       0:27
  702.  Susan Cuff              Hayden, ID               1622  F   48  2:35:05  11:50  51 /  63   702 / 845   381 / 498   2:35:35  11:52       0:30
  703.  Nancy Davis             Kalispell, MT            1863  F   42  2:36:08  11:55  58 /  73   703 / 845   382 / 498   2:37:02  11:59       0:54
  704.  Chris Lindsay           Kalispell, MT            1642  F   36  2:36:08  11:55  69 /  86   704 / 845   383 / 498   2:37:02  11:59       0:54
  705.  Susan Falter            Vancouver, WA            1077  F   51  2:37:07  11:59  33 /  50   705 / 845   384 / 498   2:37:50  12:02       0:43
  706.  Sandra Steigman         Battle Ground, WA        1348  F   60  2:37:07  11:59   6 /  12   706 / 845   385 / 498   2:37:50  12:02       0:43
  707.  Shardell Ellis          Coeur D'alene, ID        1326  F   24  2:37:49  12:02  25 /  26   707 / 845   386 / 498   2:38:00  12:03       0:11
  708.  Gina Luciano            Heron, MT                1163  F   18  2:38:07  12:04  11 /  14   708 / 845   387 / 498   2:38:59  12:08       0:52
  709.  Kay Kindig              Coeur D'alene, ID        1714  F   62  2:38:59  12:08   7 /  12   709 / 845   388 / 498   2:39:44  12:11       0:45
  710.  Rachelle Hartvigsen     Spokane, WA              1607  F   32  2:39:33  12:10  57 /  70   710 / 845   389 / 498   2:39:43  12:11       0:10
  711.  Wendy Dodge             Spokane, WA              1066  F   28  2:39:35  12:10  56 /  63   711 / 845   390 / 498   2:40:26  12:14       0:51
  712.  Mary Healey             Coeur D'alene, ID        1884  F   43  2:39:38  12:11  59 /  73   712 / 845   391 / 498   2:39:52  12:12       0:14
  713.  Tara Guthrie            Canyon, BC               1611  F   39  2:39:55  12:12  70 /  86   713 / 845   392 / 498   2:40:31  12:15       0:36
  714.  Dodi Rode               Post Falls, ID           1386  F   33  2:40:19  12:14  58 /  70   714 / 845   393 / 498   2:40:31  12:15       0:12
  715.  Connie Dionne           Spokane, WA              1530  F   44  2:40:37  12:15  60 /  73   715 / 845   394 / 498   2:40:49  12:16       0:12
  716.  Janel Martindale        Spokane, WA              1365  F   43  2:40:39  12:15  61 /  73   716 / 845   395 / 498   2:40:50  12:16       0:11
  717.  William Cattoi          Santa Barbara, CA        1103  M   75  2:40:49  12:16   1 /   1   717 / 845   322 / 347   2:41:23  12:19       0:34
  718.  Ginny Campbell          Post Falls, ID           1135  F   49  2:41:08  12:17  52 /  63   718 / 845   396 / 498   2:41:22  12:19       0:14
  719.  Francis Renda           Goleta, CA               1105  M   64  2:41:46  12:20  13 /  16   719 / 845   323 / 347   2:42:22  12:23       0:36
  720.  Marci Gannon            Spokane, WA              1798  F   26  2:42:02  12:22  57 /  63   720 / 845   397 / 498   2:42:33  12:24       0:31
  721.  Dan Butler              Sandpoint, ID            1725  M   53  2:42:53  12:25  52 /  56   721 / 845   324 / 347   2:43:31  12:28       0:38
  722.  Chelsey Kirkpatrick     Spokane, WA              1072  F   31  2:43:02  12:26  59 /  70   722 / 845   398 / 498   2:43:11  12:27       0:09
  723.  Julie Jacobson          Spokane, WA              1594  F   32  2:43:02  12:26  60 /  70   723 / 845   399 / 498   2:43:11  12:27       0:09
  724.  Lisa Audin              Pullman, WA              1042  F   29  2:43:37  12:29  58 /  63   724 / 845   400 / 498   2:44:12  12:32       0:35
  725.  Eldon Poisel            Rathdrum, ID             1761  M   61  2:43:37  12:29  14 /  16   725 / 845   325 / 347   2:43:54  12:30       0:17
  726.  Kate Schneider          Moscow, ID               1609  F   27  2:43:37  12:29  59 /  63   726 / 845   401 / 498   2:44:12  12:32       0:35
  727.  Stacey Lafrentz         Troy, ID                 1027  F   25  2:43:37  12:29  60 /  63   727 / 845   402 / 498   2:44:12  12:32       0:35
  728.  Stephen Bollinger       Spokane, WA              1635  M   27  2:43:46  12:30  20 /  20   728 / 845   326 / 347   2:44:50  12:34       1:04
  729.  Josh Terris             Spokane, WA              1690  M   16  2:43:50  12:30  11 /  13   729 / 845   327 / 347   2:43:57  12:30       0:07
  730.  Brianna Okonek          Heron, MT                1029  F   17  2:44:58  12:35  12 /  14   730 / 845   403 / 498   2:45:50  12:39       0:52
  731.  Byron Johnson           Spokane, WA              1418  M   64  2:45:09  12:36  15 /  16   731 / 845   328 / 347   2:45:59  12:40       0:50
  732.  Yvette Nichols          Liberty Lake, WA         1880  F   39  2:46:04  12:40  71 /  86   732 / 845   404 / 498   2:46:18  12:41       0:14
  733.  Tammi Lowthian          Great Falls, MT          1028  F   35  2:47:06  12:45  72 /  86   733 / 845   405 / 498   2:47:33  12:47       0:27
  734.  Carol Sweeney           Surprise, AZ             1052  F   59  2:47:15  12:45  20 /  33   734 / 845   406 / 498   2:47:54  12:48       0:39
  735.  Chris McCartney         Spokane, WA              1904  M   31  2:47:22  12:46  39 /  39   735 / 845   329 / 347   2:48:03  12:49       0:41
  736.  Shawna McCartney        Spokane, WA              1905  F   34  2:47:22  12:46  61 /  70   736 / 845   407 / 498   2:48:03  12:49       0:41
  737.  Angie Titus             Spokane, WA              1283  F   54  2:48:28  12:51  34 /  50   737 / 845   408 / 498   2:49:27  12:56       0:59
  738.  Bruce Godfrey           Pullman, WA              1551  M   38  2:48:44  12:52  48 /  48   738 / 845   330 / 347   2:49:44  12:57       1:00
  739.  Laura Godfrey           Pullman, WA              1603  F   28  2:48:45  12:52  61 /  63   739 / 845   409 / 498   2:49:44  12:57       0:59
  740.  Molly Codd              Spokane, WA              1461  F   19  2:49:02  12:54  13 /  14   740 / 845   410 / 498   2:49:46  12:57       0:44
  741.  Kristen Enders          Coeur D'alene, ID        1885  F   34  2:49:12  12:54  62 /  70   741 / 845   411 / 498   2:49:36  12:56       0:24
  742.  Amy Hotchkiss           Newman Lake, WA          1546  F   41  2:49:49  12:57  62 /  73   742 / 845   412 / 498   2:50:44  13:01       0:55
  743.  Mary Sparr              Columbia Falls, MT       1720  F   53  2:49:52  12:57  35 /  50   743 / 845   413 / 498   2:50:41  13:01       0:49
  744.  Karen Malisani          Cheney, WA               1095  F   51  2:50:05  12:58  36 /  50   744 / 845   414 / 498   2:50:28  13:00       0:23
  745.  Carolyn Hague           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1889  F   65  2:50:29  13:00   3 /   5   745 / 845   415 / 498   2:50:54  13:02       0:25
  746.  Melissa Bloom           Coeur D'alene, ID        1045  F   41  2:50:30  13:00  63 /  73   746 / 845   416 / 498   2:50:53  13:02       0:23
  747.  Pete Jett               Coeur D'alene, ID        1554  M   50  2:51:18  13:04  53 /  56   747 / 845   331 / 347   2:52:14  13:08       0:56
  748.  Elizabeth Mackey        Coeur D'alene, ID        1556  F   41  2:51:18  13:04  64 /  73   748 / 845   417 / 498   2:52:14  13:08       0:56
  749.  Glen Dalberg            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1705  M   54  2:52:02  13:07  54 /  56   749 / 845   332 / 347   2:52:28  13:09       0:26
  750.  Hedley Greene           Spokane, WA              1409  M   58  2:52:10  13:08  23 /  25   750 / 845   333 / 347   2:52:36  13:10       0:26
  751.  Mary McKeehan           Manteca, CA              1261  F   48  2:52:22  13:09  53 /  63   751 / 845   418 / 498   2:52:22  13:09       0:00
  752.  Christine Robbins       Spokane, WA              1258  F   23  2:52:23  13:09  26 /  26   752 / 845   419 / 498   2:52:23  13:09       0:00
  753.  Barbara Robbins         Spokane, WA              1259  F   56  2:52:32  13:10  21 /  33   753 / 845   420 / 498   2:52:32  13:10       0:00
  754.  Don Sherfey             Harrison, ID             1616  M   69  2:52:32  13:10   9 /  11   754 / 845   334 / 347   2:52:32  13:10       0:00
  755.  Heather Wilson          Summerland, BC           1839  F   55  2:53:28  13:14  22 /  33   755 / 845   421 / 498   2:53:50  13:16       0:22
  756.  Lynne Bownds            Spokane, WA              1140  F   62  2:53:30  13:14   8 /  12   756 / 845   422 / 498   2:54:32  13:19       1:02
  757.  Mary DeTienne           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1821  F   52  2:54:19  13:18  37 /  50   757 / 845   423 / 498   2:55:26  13:23       1:07
  758.  Vicki Peterson          Rathdrum, ID             1172  F   46  2:54:19  13:18  54 /  63   758 / 845   424 / 498   2:55:27  13:23       1:08
  759.  Sheryl Terris           Spokane, WA              1691  F   41  2:54:35  13:19  65 /  73   759 / 845   425 / 498   2:55:13  13:22       0:38
  760.  Ann Johnson             Spokane, WA              1417  F   64  2:57:15  13:31   9 /  12   760 / 845   426 / 498   2:58:04  13:35       0:49
  761.  Tara Demma              Ferndale, WA             1759  F   38  2:57:18  13:31  73 /  86   761 / 845   427 / 498   2:57:37  13:33       0:19
  762.  Michael Demma           Ferndale, WA             1760  M   46  2:57:18  13:31  39 /  40   762 / 845   335 / 347   2:57:37  13:33       0:19
  763.  Jonathan Buckingham     Desert Aire, WA          1555  M   14  2:57:28  13:32  12 /  13   763 / 845   336 / 347   2:58:22  13:36       0:54
  764.  Imelda Buckingham       Desert Aire, WA          1592  F   36  2:57:29  13:32  74 /  86   764 / 845   428 / 498   2:58:22  13:36       0:53
  765.  Renee Selle             Portland, OR             1308  F   30  2:58:51  13:39  63 /  70   765 / 845   429 / 498   2:59:24  13:41       0:33
  766.  Claudia Montgomery      Puyallup, WA             1686  F   57  2:59:02  13:39  23 /  33   766 / 845   430 / 498   2:59:22  13:41       0:20
  767.  Gardner Bailey          Spokane, WA              1289  M   67  2:59:47  13:43  10 /  11   767 / 845   337 / 347   3:00:05  13:44       0:18
  768.  Kenneth Standinger      Spokane, WA              1270  M   43  3:00:20  13:45  56 /  56   768 / 845   338 / 347   3:00:20  13:45       0:00
  769.  Allen Sheffield         Coeur D Alene, ID        1596  M   12  3:00:26  13:46  13 /  13   769 / 845   339 / 347   3:01:23  13:50       0:57
  770.  Cynthia Sweet           Spokane, WA              1209  F   50  3:00:51  13:48  38 /  50   770 / 845   431 / 498   3:01:55  13:53       1:04
  771.  Katherine Alexander     Spokane, WA              1595  F   30  3:02:20  13:55  64 /  70   771 / 845   432 / 498   3: 3:00  13:58       0:40
  772.  Nadine Woodward-Felt    Spokane, WA              1606  F   42  3:02:20  13:55  66 /  73   772 / 845   433 / 498   3:03:01  13:58       0:41
  773.  Erik Johnson            Hayden, ID               1865  M   19  3:05:22  14:08   7 /   7   773 / 845   340 / 347   3:05:51  14:11       0:29
  774.  Heidi Inge              Spokane, WA              1664  F   27  3: 6:00  14:11  62 /  63   774 / 845   434 / 498   3:06:03  14:12       0:03
  775.  Cheryl Jones            Nine Mile Falls, WA      1115  F   39  3: 6:00  14:11  75 /  86   775 / 845   435 / 498   3:06:49  14:15       0:49
  776.  Kelly Sheffield         Coeur D Alene, ID        1545  F   35  3:06:01  14:11  76 /  86   776 / 845   436 / 498   3:06:58  14:16       0:57
  777.  Debby Douglass          Spokane, WA              1864  F   38  3:06:06  14:12  77 /  86   777 / 845   437 / 498   3:06:55  14:15       0:49
  778.  JoAnn Hart              Spokane, WA              1881  F   54  3:06:15  14:12  39 /  50   778 / 845   438 / 498   3:07:04  14:16       0:49
  779.  Julie Johnson           Hayden, ID               1868  F   47  3:06:37  14:14  55 /  63   779 / 845   439 / 498   3:07:06  14:16       0:29
  780.  Heather Broderson       Spokane, WA              1201  F   26  3:07:27  14:18  63 /  63   780 / 845   440 / 498   3:08:20  14:22       0:53
  781.  Julie Hix               Clarkston, WA            1427  F   36  3: 9:00  14:25  78 /  86   781 / 845   441 / 498   3:09:15  14:26       0:15
  782.  Pati Marcella           Spokane, WA              1404  F   63  3:09:17  14:26  10 /  12   782 / 845   442 / 498   3:10:01  14:30       0:44
  783.  Diane Codd              Spokane, WA              1462  F   48  3:09:17  14:26  56 /  63   783 / 845   443 / 498   3:10:01  14:30       0:44
  784.  Debbie Pehan            Spokane, WA              1488  F   44  3:09:40  14:28  67 /  73   784 / 845   444 / 498   3:10:43  14:33       1:03
  785.  Deena Phipps            Spokane, WA              1794  F   53  3:09:41  14:28  40 /  50   785 / 845   445 / 498   3:10:43  14:33       1:02
  786.  Kathy Scearce           Redmond, WA              1200  F   55  3:11:04  14:34  24 /  33   786 / 845   446 / 498   3:11:39  14:37       0:35
  787.  Susan Fowler            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1016  F   48  3:11:19  14:36  57 /  63   787 / 845   447 / 498   3:12:07  14:39       0:48
  788.  Kimberly Morse          Spokane, WA              1374  F   52  3:12:29  14:41  41 /  50   788 / 845   448 / 498   3:13:04  14:44       0:35
  789.  Joy Drake               Pullman, WA              1065  F   36  3:12:36  14:42  79 /  86   789 / 845   449 / 498   3:13:16  14:45       0:40
  790.  Kris Bjorklund          Spokane, WA              1452  F   41  3:12:54  14:43  68 /  73   790 / 845   450 / 498   3:13:34  14:46       0:40
  791.  Krista Flis             Spokane, WA              1451  F   49  3:12:55  14:43  58 /  63   791 / 845   451 / 498   3:13:35  14:46       0:40
  792.  Patty Hanna             Spokane, WA              1693  F   43  3:14:50  14:52  69 /  73   792 / 845   452 / 498   3:15:53  14:57       1:03
  793.  Robert Hanna            Spokane, WA              1694  M   47  3:14:51  14:52  40 /  40   793 / 845   341 / 347   3:15:53  14:57       1:02
  794.  Mary Smith              Colbert, WA              1341  F   58  3:15:29  14:55  25 /  33   794 / 845   453 / 498   3:16:16  14:58       0:47
  795.  Wendy Smith             Colbert, WA              1874  F   35  3:15:39  14:55  80 /  86   795 / 845   454 / 498   3:16:26  14:59       0:47
  796.  Krista Smith            Colbert, WA              1320  F   32  3:15:39  14:55  65 /  70   796 / 845   455 / 498   3:16:25  14:59       0:46
  797.  Kim McKenna             Spokane, WA              1712  F   38  3:16:09  14:58  81 /  86   797 / 845   456 / 498   3:17:09  15:02       1:00
  798.  Debbie Poffenroth       Spokane, WA              1783  F   34  3:16:10  14:58  66 /  70   798 / 845   457 / 498   3:16:53  15:01       0:43
  799.  Debbie Turner           Omak, WA                 1857  F   52  3:16:12  14:58  42 /  50   799 / 845   458 / 498   3:17:06  15:02       0:54
  800.  Jill Bennett            Spokane, WA              1490  F   34  3:16:44  15:00  67 /  70   800 / 845   459 / 498   3:17:44  15:05       1:00
  801.  Dana Broderson          Spokane, WA              1145  F   50  3:16:58  15:01  43 /  50   801 / 845   460 / 498   3:17:51  15:06       0:53
  802.  Jo Simpson              Newport, WA              1330  F   58  3:17:13  15:03  26 /  33   802 / 845   461 / 498   3:17:32  15:04       0:19
  803.  Shelly Hanson           Spokane, WA              1350  F   36  3:17:54  15:06  82 /  86   803 / 845   462 / 498   3:18:54  15:10       1:00
  804.  Katie Lancaster         Spokane, WA              1319  F   19  3:17:55  15:06  14 /  14   804 / 845   463 / 498   3:18:54  15:10       0:59
  805.  Laurie Lancaster        Spokane, WA              1311  F   47  3:17:56  15:06  59 /  63   805 / 845   464 / 498   3:18:55  15:10       0:59
  806.  Terri Smoak             Spokane, WA              1284  F   56  3:18:02  15:06  27 /  33   806 / 845   465 / 498   3:19:01  15:11       0:59
  807.  Paulla Lalley           Spokane, WA              1517  F   33  3:18:08  15:07  68 /  70   807 / 845   466 / 498   3:18:37  15:09       0:29
  808.  Janet Gilliam           Spokane, WA              1505  F   51  3:18:09  15:07  44 /  50   808 / 845   467 / 498   3:18:38  15:09       0:29
  809.  Wendy Largent           Spokane, WA              1500  F   50  3:19:46  15:14  45 /  50   809 / 845   468 / 498   3:20:38  15:18       0:52
  810.  Shirley Weis            Invermere, BC            1117  F   55  3:21:38  15:23  28 /  33   810 / 845   469 / 498   3:22:44  15:28       1:06
  811.  Nicole Nilsson          Creston, BC              1886  F   59  3:21:39  15:23  29 /  33   811 / 845   470 / 498   3:22:45  15:28       1:06
  812.  Susan Miller            Invermere, BC            1138  F   55  3:21:40  15:23  30 /  33   812 / 845   471 / 498   3:22:46  15:28       1:06
  813.  Mo Carr                 Spokane, WA              1019  F   37  3:21:57  15:24  83 /  86   813 / 845   472 / 498   3:23:04  15:29       1:07
  814.  James Cooney            Spokane, WA              1084  M   52  3:22:41  15:28  55 /  56   814 / 845   342 / 347   3:22:41  15:28       0:00
  815.  Harvelyn Cooney         Spokane, WA              1091  F   52  3:22:41  15:28  46 /  50   815 / 845   473 / 498   3:22:41  15:28       0:00
  816.  Denise Briggs           Spokane, WA              1244  F   35  3:22:42  15:28  84 /  86   816 / 845   474 / 498   3:22:42  15:28       0:00
  817.  Evelyn Florio           Kettle Falls, WA         1282  F   57  3:24:07  15:34  31 /  33   817 / 845   475 / 498   3:24:39  15:37       0:32
  818.  Susan Dyck              Spokane, WA              1142  F   55  3:24:08  15:34  32 /  33   818 / 845   476 / 498   3:24:40  15:37       0:32
  819.  Melanie Johnson         Spokane, WA              1080  F   63  3:24:08  15:34  11 /  12   819 / 845   477 / 498   3:24:40  15:37       0:32
  820.  Chris Meyer             Plummer, ID              1243  F   52  3:25:30  15:41  47 /  50   820 / 845   478 / 498   3:26:25  15:45       0:55
  821.  Louie Mahoney           Plummer, ID              1470  M   55  3:25:31  15:41  24 /  25   821 / 845   343 / 347   3:26:26  15:45       0:55
  822.  Gary Klassen            Spokane, WA              1788  M   58  3:28:42  15:55  25 /  25   822 / 845   344 / 347   3:29:25  15:58       0:43
  823.  Kenneth Miller          Spokane, WA              1239  M   65  3:29:01  15:57  11 /  11   823 / 845   345 / 347   3:29:01  15:57       0:00
  824.  Helen Lewerenz          Coeur D'alene, ID        1254  F   67  3:30:27  16:03   4 /   5   824 / 845   479 / 498   3:31:14  16:07       0:47
  825.  Kathleen McDanal        Coeur D'alene, ID        1260  F   52  3:30:29  16:03  48 /  50   825 / 845   480 / 498   3:31:15  16:07       0:46
  826.  Martha Ryan             Coeur D' Alene, ID       1300  F   57  3:30:30  16:03  33 /  33   826 / 845   481 / 498   3:31:15  16:07       0:45
  827.  Elnora Wildermuth       Spokane, WA              1033  F   69  3:30:36  16:04   5 /   5   827 / 845   482 / 498   3:31:21  16:07       0:45
  828.  Harriet Skaarvold       Spokane, WA              1073  F   61  3:30:36  16:04  12 /  12   828 / 845   483 / 498   3:31:21  16:07       0:45
  829.  Patricia Singleton      Colbert, WA              1387  F   48  3:30:38  16:04  60 /  63   829 / 845   484 / 498   3:33:38  16:18       3:00
  830.  Lisa Johnson            Medical Lake, WA         1892  F   49  3:30:39  16:04  61 /  63   830 / 845   485 / 498   3:33:38  16:18       2:59
  831.  Katrinna Sturm          Spokane, WA              1213  F   31  3:31:17  16:07  69 /  70   831 / 845   486 / 498   3:32:04  16:11       0:47
  832.  Theresa Stewart         Spokane, WA              1214  F   30  3:31:17  16:07  70 /  70   832 / 845   487 / 498   3:32:04  16:11       0:47
  833.  Jan Patterson           Spokane, WA              1559  F   52  3:31:26  16:08  49 /  50   833 / 845   488 / 498   3:32:30  16:13       1:04
  834.  Ginger Cohen            Spokane, WA              1148  F   46  3:32:19  16:12  62 /  63   834 / 845   489 / 498   3:32:32  16:13       0:13
  835.  Julee Tonani            Spokane, WA              1770  F   39  3:33:17  16:16  85 /  86   835 / 845   490 / 498   3:34:22  16:21       1:05
  836.  Mary Kuney              Spokane, WA              1771  F   39  3:33:17  16:16  86 /  86   836 / 845   491 / 498   3:34:22  16:21       1:05
  837.  Debbie Zografos         Kent, WA                 1303  F   42  3:34:08  16:20  70 /  73   837 / 845   492 / 498   3:34:21  16:21       0:13
  838.  Robin Lichtenstein      Stevenson Ranch, CA      1355  F   42  3:37:28  16:35  71 /  73   838 / 845   493 / 498   3:37:43  16:36       0:15
  839.  Anne Fritz              Spokane, WA              1194  F   40  3:37:30  16:35  72 /  73   839 / 845   494 / 498   3:37:43  16:36       0:13
  840.  Amy Graham              Spokane, WA              1141  F   54  3:44:43  17:08  50 /  50   840 / 845   495 / 498   3:45:37  17:13       0:54
  841.  Carol Olsen             Spokane, WA              1136  F   48  3:44:44  17:09  63 /  63   841 / 845   496 / 498   3:45:38  17:13       0:54
  842.  Bob Hoover              Caldwell, ID             1430  M   63  3:45:18  17:11  16 /  16   842 / 845   346 / 347   3:45:57  17:14       0:39
  843.  Ricardo Wilson          Spokane, WA              1951  M   51  3:58:00  18:09  56 /  56   843 / 845   347 / 347   3:58:47  18:13       0:47
  844.  Ruby Fitzgerald         Spokane, WA              1419  F   44  4:05:32  18:44  73 /  73   844 / 845   497 / 498   4:08:14  18:56       2:42
  845.  Jan Spradley            Spokane, WA              1406  F   72  4:05:32  18:44   1 /   1   845 / 845   498 / 498   4:08:14  18:56       2:42

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                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Dan Finklestein         Heron, MT                1301  M   16  1:39:03   7:33   1 /  13    82 / 845    58 / 347   1:39:54   7:37       0:51
    2.  Louis Crews             Heron, MT                1290  M   15  1:45:47   8:04   2 /  13   149 / 845   107 / 347   1:46:38   8:08       0:51
    3.  Luke Klohe              Spokane, WA              1729  M   14  1:46:13   8:06   3 /  13   152 / 845   109 / 347   1:46:40   8:08       0:27
    4.  Daniel McKenzie         Santa Cruz, CA           1822  M   16  1:52:19   8:34   4 /  13   236 / 845   156 / 347   1:53:10   8:38       0:51
    5.  Phillip Chaffee         Heron, MT                1051  M   16  1:52:40   8:36   5 /  13   244 / 845   160 / 347   1:53:31   8:40       0:51
    6.  Ryan Grubbs             Coeur D'alene, ID        1088  M   15  1:52:41   8:36   6 /  13   245 / 845   161 / 347   1:53:10   8:38       0:29
    7.  Seth Davidson           Heron, MT                1047  M   16  1:55:52   8:50   7 /  13   291 / 845   186 / 347   1:56:43   8:54       0:51
    8.  Christopher Leslie      Spokane, WA              1382  M   12  2:04:38   9:30   8 /  13   429 / 845   236 / 347   2:05:35   9:35       0:57
    9.  Alexander Booth         Coeur D'alene, ID        1224  M   12  2:19:01  10:36   9 /  13   597 / 845   289 / 347   2:19:11  10:37       0:10
   10.  James Wilson            Reno, NV                 1017  M   15  2:20:52  10:45  10 /  13   609 / 845   295 / 347   2:21:47  10:49       0:55
   11.  Josh Terris             Spokane, WA              1690  M   16  2:43:50  12:30  11 /  13   729 / 845   327 / 347   2:43:57  12:30       0:07
   12.  Jonathan Buckingham     Desert Aire, WA          1555  M   14  2:57:28  13:32  12 /  13   763 / 845   336 / 347   2:58:22  13:36       0:54
   13.  Allen Sheffield         Coeur D Alene, ID        1596  M   12  3:00:26  13:46  13 /  13   769 / 845   339 / 347   3:01:23  13:50       0:57


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Sarah Best              Spokane, WA              1446  F   16  1:57:31   8:58   1 /   2   330 / 845   130 / 498   1:57:49   8:59       0:18
    2.  Alisha Pena             Eagle, ID                1695  F   14  2:05:52   9:36   2 /   2   438 / 845   197 / 498   2:06:28   9:39       0:36


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Eric Gibbs              Heron, MT                1107  M   17  1:45:46   8:04   1 /   7   148 / 845   106 / 347   1:46:38   8:08       0:52
    2.  Derick Taylor           Hayden Lake, ID          1803  M   18  1:51:08   8:29   2 /   7   216 / 845   144 / 347   1:51:17   8:29       0:09
    3.  Eli Nelson              Spokane, WA              1816  M   19  2:01:34   9:16   3 /   7   390 / 845   221 / 347   2:01:50   9:18       0:16
    4.  Will Miller             Heron, MT                1068  M   17  2:08:49   9:50   4 /   7   476 / 845   255 / 347   2:09:44   9:54       0:55
    5.  Alexander Das           Heron, MT                1144  M   17  2:13:54  10:13   5 /   7   549 / 845   272 / 347   2:14:49  10:17       0:55
    6.  Keenan Framstad         Spokane, WA              1424  M   17  2:30:59  11:31   6 /   7   682 / 845   319 / 347   2:31:04  11:31       0:05
    7.  Erik Johnson            Hayden, ID               1865  M   19  3:05:22  14:08   7 /   7   773 / 845   340 / 347   3:05:51  14:11       0:29


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Stephanie Thurston      St Maries, ID            1687  F   19  1:38:56   7:33   1 /  14    80 / 845    24 / 498   1:39:12   7:34       0:16
    2.  Emily Tremaine          Spokane, WA              1873  F   18  1:45:12   8:01   2 /  14   144 / 845    41 / 498   1:45:36   8:03       0:24
    3.  Katherine Hunt          Moscow, ID               1627  F   19  1:46:50   8:09   3 /  14   160 / 845    47 / 498   1:46:58   8:10       0:08
    4.  Alexis Ware`            Nine Mile Falls, WA      1608  F   18  1:48:38   8:17   4 /  14   180 / 845    54 / 498   1:49:07   8:19       0:29
    5.  Chelsey Morss           Coeur D'alene, ID        1623  F   19  1:48:53   8:18   5 /  14   186 / 845    56 / 498   1:49:08   8:19       0:15
    6.  Alissa Borda            Mercer Island, WA        1233  F   19  1:49:46   8:22   6 /  14   199 / 845    63 / 498   1:49:57   8:23       0:11
    7.  Alli Hatcher            Spokane, WA              1380  F   17  1:59:13   9:06   7 /  14   355 / 845   149 / 498   1:59:58   9:09       0:45
    8.  Michele Hegg            Spokane, WA              1234  F   17  2:00:05   9:10   8 /  14   373 / 845   159 / 498   2:00:23   9:11       0:18
    9.  Jessica Sterner         Coeurdalene, ID          1575  F   19  2:11:55  10:04   9 /  14   518 / 845   250 / 498   2:12:40  10:07       0:45
   10.  Emily Christensen       Coeur D'Alene, ID        1685  F   19  2:29:09  11:23  10 /  14   665 / 845   352 / 498   2:29:17  11:23       0:08
   11.  Gina Luciano            Heron, MT                1163  F   18  2:38:07  12:04  11 /  14   708 / 845   387 / 498   2:38:59  12:08       0:52
   12.  Brianna Okonek          Heron, MT                1029  F   17  2:44:58  12:35  12 /  14   730 / 845   403 / 498   2:45:50  12:39       0:52
   13.  Molly Codd              Spokane, WA              1461  F   19  2:49:02  12:54  13 /  14   740 / 845   410 / 498   2:49:46  12:57       0:44
   14.  Katie Lancaster         Spokane, WA              1319  F   19  3:17:55  15:06  14 /  14   804 / 845   463 / 498   3:18:54  15:10       0:59


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Konrad Rehn             Greenacres, WA           1893  M   20  1:34:42   7:13   1 /  12    55 / 845    40 / 347   1:38:25   7:30       3:43
    2.  Destry Henderson        Spokane, WA              1268  M   24  1:37:22   7:26   2 /  12    69 / 845    49 / 347   1:37:38   7:27       0:16
    3.  Kalani Iranon           Spokane, WA              1321  M   20  1:37:50   7:28   3 /  12    72 / 845    52 / 347   1:38:05   7:29       0:15
    4.  Corey DuPont            Cheney, WA               1190  M   21  1:42:45   7:50   4 /  12   113 / 845    80 / 347   1:43:02   7:52       0:17
    5.  Andrew Hohnberger       Kalispell, MT            1102  M   24  1:43:48   7:55   5 /  12   126 / 845    91 / 347   1:43:54   7:56       0:06
    6.  Jeffrey Levine          Missoula, MT             1067  M   21  1:48:28   8:16   6 /  12   178 / 845   125 / 347   1:48:36   8:17       0:08
    7.  Darren Wood             Bozeman, MT              1003  M   23  1:48:52   8:18   7 /  12   185 / 845   130 / 347   1:49:08   8:19       0:16
    8.  Patrick Walsh           Spokane, WA              1158  M   22  1:49:50   8:23   8 /  12   200 / 845   137 / 347   1:50:01   8:24       0:11
    9.  Thomas Treloar          Spokane, WA              1489  M   24  1:51:38   8:31   9 /  12   223 / 845   149 / 347   1:52:02   8:33       0:24
   10.  Matthew MacDonald       Spokane, WA              1118  M   20  1:51:47   8:32  10 /  12   226 / 845   152 / 347   1:51:47   8:32       0:00
   11.  Brad Myers              Spokane, WA              1263  M   24  1:56:30   8:53  11 /  12   307 / 845   193 / 347   1:56:54   8:55       0:24
   12.  Richard Knight          Moscow, ID               1249  M   21  2:02:02   9:19  12 /  12   398 / 845   226 / 347   2:02:02   9:19       0:00


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Nicolle Clutter         Coeur D Alene, ID        1586  F   21  1:27:54   6:42   1 /  26    25 / 845     5 / 498   1:28:03   6:43       0:09
    2.  Anna Tensmeyer          Coeur D'alene, ID        1179  F   21  1:31:07   6:57   2 /  26    37 / 845     9 / 498   1:31:13   6:57       0:06
    3.  Kara Kovatch            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1026  F   24  1:36:11   7:20   3 /  26    65 / 845    19 / 498   1:36:27   7:21       0:16
    4.  Mgan Holmes             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1903  F   20  1:37:05   7:24   4 /  26    68 / 845    20 / 498   1:37:48   7:28       0:43
    5.  Kathryn Codd            Spokane, WA              1460  F   21  1:40:07   7:38   5 /  26    92 / 845    29 / 498   1:40:15   7:39       0:08
    6.  Lindsey Redfern         Spokane , WA             1232  F   20  1:40:13   7:39   6 /  26    95 / 845    30 / 498   1:40:24   7:40       0:11
    7.  Amy Oviatt              Spokane, WA              1738  F   20  1:48:54   8:18   7 /  26   187 / 845    57 / 498   1:49:13   8:20       0:19
    8.  Jessica White           Spokane, WA              1347  F   20  1:49:31   8:21   8 /  26   194 / 845    61 / 498   1:49:52   8:23       0:21
    9.  Theresa Ladish          Spokane, WA              1619  F   20  1:49:56   8:23   9 /  26   202 / 845    64 / 498   1:50:34   8:26       0:38
   10.  Tara Hulbert            Seattle, WA              1162  F   24  1:49:57   8:23  10 /  26   203 / 845    65 / 498   1:50:06   8:24       0:09
   11.  Melissa Benelisha       Spokane Valley, WA       1682  F   24  1:54:00   8:42  11 /  26   259 / 845    92 / 498   1:54:31   8:44       0:31
   12.  Tara Lashaw             Greenacres, WA           1155  F   23  1:56:11   8:52  12 /  26   297 / 845   108 / 498   1:56:14   8:52       0:03
   13.  Nicole French           Veradale, WA             1240  F   24  1:56:21   8:53  13 /  26   302 / 845   110 / 498   1:56:54   8:55       0:33
   14.  Kerri Huntzinger        Spokane, WA              1241  F   24  1:56:22   8:53  14 /  26   303 / 845   111 / 498   1:56:55   8:55       0:33
   15.  Abbie Lentz             Spokane Valley, WA       1697  F   24  1:58:03   9:00  15 /  26   337 / 845   136 / 498   1:58:21   9:02       0:18
   16.  Jaunessa Wendel         Spokane, WA              1229  F   20  1:58:35   9:03  16 /  26   343 / 845   139 / 498   1:58:47   9:04       0:12
   17.  Marci Hulbert           Spokane, WA              1480  F   20  2:00:21   9:11  17 /  26   377 / 845   162 / 498   2:00:30   9:12       0:09
   18.  Christina Chesvick      Bremerton, WA            1666  F   23  2:06:54   9:41  18 /  26   453 / 845   207 / 498   2:07:42   9:44       0:48
   19.  Alecia Elliot           Buffalo, WY              1333  F   22  2:12:27  10:06  19 /  26   531 / 845   262 / 498   2:12:58  10:09       0:31
   20.  Chelsea Rosenberger     Hayden Lake, ID          1247  F   20  2:12:36  10:07  20 /  26   535 / 845   265 / 498   2:13:23  10:10       0:47
   21.  Jennifer Aldrich        Seattle, WA              1573  F   21  2:18:06  10:32  21 /  26   591 / 845   305 / 498   2:18:31  10:34       0:25
   22.  Amy Urann               Mead, WA                 1590  F   21  2:24:49  11:03  22 /  26   639 / 845   335 / 498   2:25:53  11:08       1:04
   23.  Heather Schmidt         Missoula, MT             1191  F   23  2:29:45  11:25  23 /  26   672 / 845   357 / 498   2:30:00  11:27       0:15
   24.  Oceane Weldele          Missoula, MT             1123  F   21  2:35:03  11:50  24 /  26   701 / 845   380 / 498   2:35:30  11:52       0:27
   25.  Shardell Ellis          Coeur D'alene, ID        1326  F   24  2:37:49  12:02  25 /  26   707 / 845   386 / 498   2:38:00  12:03       0:11
   26.  Christine Robbins       Spokane, WA              1258  F   23  2:52:23  13:09  26 /  26   752 / 845   419 / 498   2:52:23  13:09       0:00


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Kyle McNaught-Davis     Spokane, WA              1713  M   26  1:19:38   6:04   1 /  20     1 / 845     1 / 347   1:19:39   6:05       0:01
    2.  Christian Newton        Rosalia, WA              1593  M   25  1:22:23   6:17   2 /  20     8 / 845     7 / 347   1:22:30   6:18       0:07
    3.  Devon Dobek             Corvallis, OR            1845  M   29  1:26:12   6:35   3 /  20    20 / 845    16 / 347   1:26:15   6:35       0:03
    4.  Ken Edwards             Hayden, ID               1537  M   28  1:29:06   6:48   4 /  20    30 / 845    25 / 347   1:29:07   6:48       0:01
    5.  Brian Olsen             Spokane Valley, WA       1307  M   27  1:30:55   6:56   5 /  20    35 / 845    28 / 347   1:30:58   6:56       0:03
    6.  Kristian Hedge          Coeur D'Alene, ID        1908  M   27  1:32:17   7:02   6 /  20    42 / 845    32 / 347   1:32:36   7:04       0:19
    7.  Michael Mason           Spokane, WA              1495  M   29  1:38:32   7:31   7 /  20    77 / 845    54 / 347   1:38:54   7:33       0:22
    8.  Torrey Lowery           Spokane, WA              1109  M   26  1:39:37   7:36   8 /  20    86 / 845    61 / 347   1:39:53   7:37       0:16
    9.  Robin Bundy             Coeur D'alene, ID        1093  M   27  1:40:09   7:38   9 /  20    93 / 845    64 / 347   1:40:30   7:40       0:21
   10.  Charles Joy             Spokane, WA              1671  M   26  1:43:12   7:52  10 /  20   115 / 845    81 / 347   1:43:21   7:53       0:09
   11.  Jesse Carter            Lolo, MT                 1373  M   27  1:43:21   7:53  11 /  20   118 / 845    84 / 347   1:43:32   7:54       0:11
   12.  Darin Vaughan           Post Falls, ID           1838  M   29  1:43:25   7:53  12 /  20   119 / 845    85 / 347   1:43:59   7:56       0:34
   13.  Matt Neukom             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1412  M   29  1:54:21   8:43  13 /  20   263 / 845   170 / 347   1:54:46   8:45       0:25
   14.  Sam Nicholson           Spokane, WA              1515  M   26  1:54:42   8:45  14 /  20   270 / 845   174 / 347   1:54:47   8:45       0:05
   15.  Lewis Cooney            Spokane, WA              1210  M   26  2:01:50   9:18  15 /  20   396 / 845   225 / 347   2:02:02   9:19       0:12
   16.  Craig Keller            Minneapolis, MN          1100  M   26  2:03:01   9:23  16 /  20   406 / 845   230 / 347   2:03:34   9:26       0:33
   17.  Salvatore Colletto      Vancouver, WA            1645  M   27  2: 7:00   9:41  17 /  20   455 / 845   247 / 347   2:07:06   9:42       0:06
   18.  Paul Schneider          Spokane, WA              1272  M   29  2:07:51   9:45  18 /  20   464 / 845   250 / 347   2:08:30   9:48       0:39
   19.  Christopher Pendell     Spokane , WA             1075  M   27  2:23:43  10:58  19 /  20   630 / 845   304 / 347   2:23:56  10:59       0:13
   20.  Stephen Bollinger       Spokane, WA              1635  M   27  2:43:46  12:30  20 /  20   728 / 845   326 / 347   2:44:50  12:34       1:04


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Heather Taylor          Post Falls, ID           1790  F   26  1:22:23   6:17   1 /  63     7 / 845     1 / 498   1:22:24   6:17       0:01
    2.  Amber Hamilton          Spokane, WA              1917  F   26  1:24:00   6:24   2 /  63    12 / 845     2 / 498   1:24:02   6:25       0:02
    3.  Erika Saveraid          Pullman, WA              1362  F   29  1:33:05   7:06   3 /  63    47 / 845    12 / 498   1:33:21   7:07       0:16
    4.  Ester Ceja              Boise, ID                1004  F   27  1:35:06   7:15   4 /  63    58 / 845    17 / 498   1:35:10   7:16       0:04
    5.  Sarah Marossy           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1286  F   28  1:38:18   7:30   5 /  63    74 / 845    22 / 498   1:38:21   7:30       0:03
    6.  Rye Bolinger            Missoula, MT             1262  F   29  1:48:10   8:15   6 /  63   175 / 845    52 / 498   1:48:30   8:17       0:20
    7.  Joleen Schroeder        Spokane, WA              1159  F   29  1:50:16   8:25   7 /  63   207 / 845    68 / 498   1:50:31   8:26       0:15
    8.  Leslie Miller           Pierce, ID               1050  F   26  1:51:07   8:29   8 /  63   215 / 845    72 / 498   1:51:22   8:30       0:15
    9.  Jessica Durgan          Portland, OR             1866  F   26  1:54:18   8:43   9 /  63   262 / 845    93 / 498   1:54:48   8:45       0:30
   10.  Jennifer Nicholson      Spokane, WA              1584  F   29  1:54:42   8:45  10 /  63   272 / 845    98 / 498   1:54:47   8:45       0:05
   11.  Sandra Burnum           West Linn, OR            1299  F   25  1:54:44   8:45  11 /  63   273 / 845    99 / 498   1:54:59   8:46       0:15
   12.  Michele Goode           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1920  F   29  1:54:45   8:45  12 /  63   274 / 845   100 / 498   1:55:03   8:47       0:18
   13.  Christina Barton        Spokane, WA              1641  F   29  1:56:41   8:54  13 /  63   309 / 845   115 / 498   1:56:48   8:55       0:07
   14.  Brenda Cathey           Spokane, WA              1337  F   26  1:56:53   8:55  14 /  63   311 / 845   117 / 498   1:57:08   8:56       0:15
   15.  Alicia Lewis            Moscow, ID               1167  F   27  1:56:57   8:55  15 /  63   314 / 845   120 / 498   1:57:13   8:56       0:16
   16.  Carrie Pierpoint        Colbert, WA              1125  F   25  1:57:17   8:57  16 /  63   323 / 845   126 / 498   1:57:21   8:57       0:04
   17.  Brieanna O'Neal         Oakesdale, WA            1625  F   28  1:59:38   9:08  17 /  63   359 / 845   151 / 498   1:59:57   9:09       0:19
   18.  Candice Burlingham      Creston, BC              1581  F   27  1:59:59   9:09  18 /  63   366 / 845   155 / 498   2:00:34   9:12       0:35
   19.  Carla Johnsrud          Sagle, ID                1668  F   28  2:00:00   9:09  19 /  63   369 / 845   157 / 498   2:00:07   9:10       0:07
   20.  Ana Kison               Ritzville , WA           1871  F   27  2:00:13   9:10  20 /  63   374 / 845   160 / 498   2:00:32   9:12       0:19
   21.  Karen Miller            Veradale , WA            1060  F   27  2:02:39   9:21  21 /  63   403 / 845   175 / 498   2:02:54   9:22       0:15
   22.  Jennifer Keller         Minneapolis, MN          1170  F   27  2:03:01   9:23  22 /  63   405 / 845   176 / 498   2:03:34   9:26       0:33
   23.  Angela Armstrong        Auburn, WA               1862  F   29  2:03:11   9:24  23 /  63   409 / 845   178 / 498   2:03:52   9:27       0:41
   24.  Tabitha Thompson        Coeur D'alene, ID        1225  F   26  2:03:59   9:27  24 /  63   419 / 845   186 / 498   2:04:17   9:29       0:18
   25.  Stacy Harrington        Spokane, WA              1620  F   29  2:04:01   9:28  25 /  63   421 / 845   188 / 498   2:04:12   9:28       0:11
   26.  Suzanne Ogden           Boise , ID               1151  F   29  2:06:29   9:39  26 /  63   445 / 845   201 / 498   2:07:07   9:42       0:38
   27.  Alysia Wresch           Moscow, ID               1468  F   28  2:06:41   9:40  27 /  63   449 / 845   204 / 498   2:06:52   9:41       0:11
   28.  Stephanie Colletto      Vancouver, WA            1631  F   29  2:07:02   9:41  28 /  63   456 / 845   209 / 498   2:07:08   9:42       0:06
   29.  Makeesha Stachofsky     Spokane, WA              1359  F   29  2:08:11   9:47  29 /  63   468 / 845   217 / 498   2:08:34   9:48       0:23
   30.  Amy Selden              Spokane, WA              1699  F   25  2:08:40   9:49  30 /  63   475 / 845   221 / 498   2:09:03   9:51       0:23
   31.  Paula Fulgham           Liberty Lake, WA         1867  F   29  2: 9:00   9:50  31 /  63   481 / 845   225 / 498   2:09:50   9:54       0:50
   32.  Brandy Eckley           Missoula, MT             1276  F   26  2:09:08   9:51  32 /  63   483 / 845   226 / 498   2:09:28   9:53       0:20
   33.  Christy Sater           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1395  F   26  2:09:15   9:52  33 /  63   485 / 845   227 / 498   2:09:37   9:53       0:22
   34.  Andrea Kallas           Spokane, WA              1352  F   25  2:09:22   9:52  34 /  63   487 / 845   228 / 498   2:10:01   9:55       0:39
   35.  Angela Kallas           Liberty Lake, WA         1228  F   25  2:09:23   9:52  35 /  63   488 / 845   229 / 498   2:10:00   9:55       0:37
   36.  Jennifer Hatley         Spokane, WA              1787  F   26  2:10:01   9:55  36 /  63   495 / 845   234 / 498   2:10:37   9:58       0:36
   37.  Bree Zehm               Spokane, WA              1444  F   28  2:12:15  10:05  37 /  63   527 / 845   258 / 498   2:12:38  10:07       0:23
   38.  Rebecca Newton          Rosalia, WA              1516  F   26  2:12:26  10:06  38 /  63   530 / 845   261 / 498   2:12:57  10:08       0:31
   39.  Stefani Plunk           Rathdrum, ID             1402  F   25  2:12:58  10:09  39 /  63   537 / 845   266 / 498   2:13:25  10:11       0:27
   40.  Sarah Lewis             Pullman, WA              1450  F   27  2:13:09  10:09  40 /  63   540 / 845   269 / 498   2:13:53  10:13       0:44
   41.  Julie Morvant           Houma, LA                1174  F   29  2:13:38  10:12  41 /  63   546 / 845   275 / 498   2:14:34  10:16       0:56
   42.  Kathryn Stowell         Spokane, WA              1719  F   29  2:13:54  10:13  42 /  63   550 / 845   278 / 498   2:14:17  10:15       0:23
   43.  Colleen Roscoe          Albany, OR               1858  F   27  2:13:58  10:13  43 /  63   551 / 845   279 / 498   2:14:32  10:16       0:34
   44.  Kate Vaughan            Post Falls, ID           1853  F   27  2:13:58  10:13  44 /  63   552 / 845   280 / 498   2:14:33  10:16       0:35
   45.  Kelly Sestero           Spokane, WA              1442  F   26  2:14:13  10:14  45 /  63   559 / 845   284 / 498   2:14:52  10:17       0:39
   46.  May Chan                Spokane, WA              1361  F   29  2:14:15  10:14  46 /  63   560 / 845   285 / 498   2:14:31  10:16       0:16
   47.  Anelise Brasch          Spokane, WA              1178  F   28  2:14:34  10:16  47 /  63   565 / 845   287 / 498   2:14:51  10:17       0:17
   48.  Nicole Melcher          Spokane, WA              1844  F   27  2:15:10  10:19  48 /  63   571 / 845   292 / 498   2:15:22  10:20       0:12
   49.  Noelani Reinker         Pullman, WA              1600  F   27  2:15:32  10:20  49 /  63   574 / 845   294 / 498   2:16:21  10:24       0:49
   50.  Heather Harrington      Missoula, MT             1512  F   26  2:21:30  10:48  50 /  63   613 / 845   316 / 498   2:21:41  10:48       0:11
   51.  Megan Manlove           Spokane, WA              1768  F   27  2:21:33  10:48  51 /  63   614 / 845   317 / 498   2:22:27  10:52       0:54
   52.  Emily Heffter           Mountlake Terrace, WA    1193  F   25  2:23:37  10:57  52 /  63   627 / 845   325 / 498   2:24:16  11:00       0:39
   53.  Sarah Hession           Spokane, WA              1092  F   25  2:26:27  11:10  53 /  63   647 / 845   339 / 498   2:26:40  11:11       0:13
   54.  Sarah Beard             Nampa, ID                1799  F   28  2:27:24  11:15  54 /  63   653 / 845   344 / 498   2:28:24  11:19       1:00
   55.  Sara Foster             Spokane, WA              1055  F   27  2:32:38  11:39  55 /  63   687 / 845   367 / 498   2:32:43  11:39       0:05
   56.  Wendy Dodge             Spokane, WA              1066  F   28  2:39:35  12:10  56 /  63   711 / 845   390 / 498   2:40:26  12:14       0:51
   57.  Marci Gannon            Spokane, WA              1798  F   26  2:42:02  12:22  57 /  63   720 / 845   397 / 498   2:42:33  12:24       0:31
   58.  Lisa Audin              Pullman, WA              1042  F   29  2:43:37  12:29  58 /  63   724 / 845   400 / 498   2:44:12  12:32       0:35
   59.  Kate Schneider          Moscow, ID               1609  F   27  2:43:37  12:29  59 /  63   726 / 845   401 / 498   2:44:12  12:32       0:35
   60.  Stacey Lafrentz         Troy, ID                 1027  F   25  2:43:37  12:29  60 /  63   727 / 845   402 / 498   2:44:12  12:32       0:35
   61.  Laura Godfrey           Pullman, WA              1603  F   28  2:48:45  12:52  61 /  63   739 / 845   409 / 498   2:49:44  12:57       0:59
   62.  Heidi Inge              Spokane, WA              1664  F   27  3: 6:00  14:11  62 /  63   774 / 845   434 / 498   3:06:03  14:12       0:03
   63.  Heather Broderson       Spokane, WA              1201  F   26  3:07:27  14:18  63 /  63   780 / 845   440 / 498   3:08:20  14:22       0:53


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Matt Nelson             Spokane, WA              1915  M   33  1:19:51   6:05   1 /  39     2 / 845     2 / 347   1:19:53   6:06       0:02
    2.  Roger Thompson          Nine Mile Falls, WA      1639  M   32  1:20:12   6:07   2 /  39     3 / 845     3 / 347   1:20:13   6:07       0:01
    3.  Ted Burnham             Kalispell, MT            1467  M   34  1:21:36   6:13   3 /  39     5 / 845     5 / 347   1:21:37   6:14       0:01
    4.  Troy Roberts            Great Falls, MT          1925  M   34  1:32:48   7:05   4 /  39    46 / 845    35 / 347   1:33:00   7:06       0:12
    5.  Tim Hildebrand          Atlanta, GA              1081  M   32  1:37:24   7:26   5 /  39    70 / 845    50 / 347   1:37:28   7:26       0:04
    6.  James Depaolo           Spokane, WA              1312  M   32  1:37:34   7:27   6 /  39    71 / 845    51 / 347   1:37:47   7:28       0:13
    7.  Duane Haushild          Post Falls, ID           1492  M   34  1:38:51   7:32   7 /  39    78 / 845    55 / 347   1:39:13   7:34       0:22
    8.  Brian Clouse            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1506  M   30  1:39:42   7:36   8 /  39    87 / 845    62 / 347   1:40:39   7:41       0:57
    9.  Kenneth Collins         Spokane, WA              1826  M   34  1:39:43   7:36   9 /  39    88 / 845    63 / 347   1:39:57   7:37       0:14
   10.  Brett Peterson          Spokane, WA              1502  M   34  1:44:38   7:59  10 /  39   136 / 845    99 / 347   1:44:43   7:59       0:05
   11.  Edward Hemenway         Liberty Lake, WA         1056  M   32  1:45:56   8:05  11 /  39   151 / 845   108 / 347   1:46:03   8:05       0:07
   12.  Clay Sturgis            Spokane, WA              1906  M   31  1:46:43   8:08  12 /  39   157 / 845   112 / 347   1:46:59   8:10       0:16
   13.  Derek Knudsen           Seattle, WA              1096  M   31  1:48:57   8:19  13 /  39   188 / 845   131 / 347   1:49:01   8:19       0:04
   14.  Mark Hodgson            Spokane, WA              1926  M   31  1:51:34   8:31  14 /  39   222 / 845   148 / 347   1:52:08   8:33       0:34
   15.  Jim Schlosser           Spokane, WA              1018  M   34  1:52:02   8:33  15 /  39   233 / 845   154 / 347   1:52:24   8:34       0:22
   16.  Denver Passow           Sandpoint, ID            1294  M   31  1:52:30   8:35  16 /  39   242 / 845   158 / 347   1:53:22   8:39       0:52
   17.  Andrew Ratcliff         Hayden, ID               1069  M   34  1:52:44   8:36  17 /  39   246 / 845   162 / 347   1:53:08   8:38       0:24
   18.  Chad Burchard           Spokane, WA              1810  M   34  1:54:30   8:44  18 /  39   266 / 845   172 / 347   1:55:14   8:47       0:44
   19.  Tomoharu Owada          Cda, ID                  1852  M   30  1:54:45   8:45  19 /  39   275 / 845   175 / 347   1:55:02   8:46       0:17
   20.  Karl Pearson            Spokane, WA              1514  M   34  1:54:52   8:46  20 /  39   279 / 845   177 / 347   1:55:09   8:47       0:17
   21.  Bradley Olmstead        Medical Lake, WA         1532  M   32  1:55:15   8:47  21 /  39   283 / 845   180 / 347   1:55:59   8:51       0:44
   22.  John Ramuta             Redmond, WA              1834  M   34  1:55:35   8:49  22 /  39   287 / 845   184 / 347   1:56:24   8:53       0:49
   23.  Ted Niedermeyer         Spokane, WA              1113  M   33  1:55:53   8:50  23 /  39   292 / 845   187 / 347   1:55:58   8:51       0:05
   24.  Brandon Lee             Coeur D Alene, ID        1638  M   34  1:56:14   8:52  24 /  39   299 / 845   191 / 347   1:56:34   8:54       0:20
   25.  Josh Szasz              Moscow, ID               1617  M   30  1:57:44   8:59  25 /  39   332 / 845   201 / 347   1:57:58   9:00       0:14
   26.  Rodney Emery            Nampa, ID                1429  M   30  1:58:22   9:02  26 /  39   340 / 845   203 / 347   1:59:23   9:06       1:01
   27.  Chris Carman            Spokane, WA              1205  M   32  2:00:01   9:09  27 /  39   371 / 845   214 / 347   2:00:07   9:10       0:06
   28.  Paul Langworthy         Moscow, ID               1063  M   33  2:01:14   9:15  28 /  39   387 / 845   219 / 347   2:01:43   9:17       0:29
   29.  Denton Kelly            Spokane, WA              1730  M   33  2:01:43   9:17  29 /  39   391 / 845   222 / 347   2:02:22   9:20       0:39
   30.  Andrew Lehr             Pullman, WA              1342  M   33  2:04:19   9:29  30 /  39   423 / 845   235 / 347   2:04:59   9:32       0:40
   31.  David Martin            Spokane, WA              1832  M   31  2:07:09   9:42  31 /  39   457 / 845   248 / 347   2:07:27   9:43       0:18
   32.  Joseph Stachofsky       Spokane, WA              1318  M   31  2:08:11   9:47  32 /  39   469 / 845   252 / 347   2:08:34   9:48       0:23
   33.  Greg Richards           Moses Lake, WA           1522  M   32  2:09:01   9:50  33 /  39   482 / 845   257 / 347   2:09:35   9:53       0:34
   34.  Brad Armitage           Liberty Lake, WA         1633  M   34  2:09:22   9:52  34 /  39   486 / 845   259 / 347   2:09:35   9:53       0:13
   35.  Ron Houle               Spokane, WA              1094  M   34  2:09:43   9:54  35 /  39   492 / 845   261 / 347   2:10:09   9:56       0:26
   36.  Stephen Rivington       Spokane, WA              1445  M   34  2:11:21  10:01  36 /  39   512 / 845   267 / 347   2:11:44  10:03       0:23
   37.  Ty Elliot               Belgrade, MT             1527  M   31  2:12:27  10:06  37 /  39   532 / 845   270 / 347   2:12:57  10:08       0:30
   38.  RichardS Mathews        Coeur D'alene, ID        1840  M   34  2:20:34  10:43  38 /  39   604 / 845   292 / 347   2:20:55  10:45       0:21
   39.  Chris McCartney         Spokane, WA              1904  M   31  2:47:22  12:46  39 /  39   735 / 845   329 / 347   2:48:03  12:49       0:41


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Heather McLaughlin      Spokane, WA              1364  F   32  1:24:35   6:27   1 /  70    16 / 845     4 / 498   1:24:37   6:27       0:02
    2.  Heidi Garvin            Spokane, WA              1878  F   32  1:31:04   6:57   2 /  70    36 / 845     8 / 498   1:31:06   6:57       0:02
    3.  Lori Buratto            Spokane Valley, WA       1475  F   33  1:31:50   7:00   3 /  70    40 / 845    10 / 498   1:31:57   7:01       0:07
    4.  Michelle Neill          Spokane, WA              1734  F   33  1:34:00   7:10   4 /  70    52 / 845    13 / 498   1:34:03   7:10       0:03
    5.  Genny Hoyle             Bonners Ferry, ID        1024  F   31  1:34:34   7:13   5 /  70    53 / 845    14 / 498   1:34:39   7:13       0:05
    6.  Molly Obetz             Hayden, ID               1850  F   31  1:35:37   7:18   6 /  70    61 / 845    18 / 498   1:35:44   7:18       0:07
    7.  Shannon Overbay         Spokane, WA              1344  F   34  1:39:47   7:37   7 /  70    90 / 845    27 / 498   1:39:50   7:37       0:03
    8.  Jodi Inahara            Spokane, WA              1171  F   32  1:44:53   8:00   8 /  70   139 / 845    39 / 498   1:45:35   8:03       0:42
    9.  Lynne Lumsden           Spokane, WA              1511  F   34  1:50:43   8:27   9 /  70   213 / 845    71 / 498   1:51:18   8:29       0:35
   10.  Tamara Mackey           Seattle, WA              1791  F   34  1:51:21   8:30  10 /  70   219 / 845    73 / 498   1:51:21   8:30       0:00
   11.  Amy Massie              Spokane, WA              1484  F   31  1:51:24   8:30  11 /  70   220 / 845    74 / 498   1:51:41   8:31       0:17
   12.  Karen Ruklic            Kamiah, ID               1547  F   32  1:51:50   8:32  12 /  70   230 / 845    78 / 498   1:51:56   8:32       0:06
   13.  Karla Krogh             Kamiah, ID               1277  F   31  1:51:50   8:32  13 /  70   231 / 845    79 / 498   1:51:56   8:32       0:06
   14.  Bethany Glotfelty       Spokane, WA              1589  F   30  1:52:28   8:35  14 /  70   240 / 845    83 / 498   1:52:45   8:36       0:17
   15.  Kina Bailey             Cheney, WA               1456  F   33  1:53:48   8:41  15 /  70   256 / 845    90 / 498   1:53:54   8:41       0:06
   16.  Sharelynn Moore         Spokane, WA              1168  F   30  1:54:29   8:44  16 /  70   265 / 845    94 / 498   1:54:56   8:46       0:27
   17.  Stacy Thompson          Spokane, WA              1383  F   34  1:54:39   8:45  17 /  70   267 / 845    95 / 498   1:54:54   8:46       0:15
   18.  Andrea Jakkola          Spokane, WA              1473  F   32  1:54:42   8:45  18 /  70   271 / 845    97 / 498   1:54:50   8:46       0:08
   19.  Jennifer Wootton        Lewiston, ID             1605  F   33  1:54:49   8:45  19 /  70   277 / 845   101 / 498   1:55:41   8:49       0:52
   20.  Cherie Harrington       Spokane Valley, WA       1399  F   33  1:55:04   8:47  20 /  70   280 / 845   103 / 498   1:55:30   8:49       0:26
   21.  Cheri Dailey            Wenatchee, WA            1134  F   31  1:56:06   8:51  21 /  70   295 / 845   107 / 498   1:56:11   8:52       0:05
   22.  Tina Metzger            Coeur D'alene, ID        1195  F   31  1:57:06   8:56  22 /  70   320 / 845   124 / 498   1:57:09   8:56       0:03
   23.  Marianne Offenbecher    Puyallup, WA             1189  F   33  1:57:24   8:57  23 /  70   327 / 845   128 / 498   1:58:05   9:00       0:41
   24.  Jennifer Henneberg      Redlands, CA             1366  F   32  1:57:46   8:59  24 /  70   333 / 845   132 / 498   1:58:41   9:03       0:55
   25.  Kathryn Hemenway        Liberty Lake, WA         1129  F   32  1:57:50   8:59  25 /  70   336 / 845   135 / 498   1:57:57   9:00       0:07
   26.  Katrina Schneider       Spokane, WA              1271  F   30  1:58:57   9:04  26 /  70   349 / 845   143 / 498   1:59:36   9:07       0:39
   27.  Michelle Levitch        Spokane, WA              1923  F   34  1:59:09   9:05  27 /  70   353 / 845   147 / 498   1:59:25   9:07       0:16
   28.  Kari Opp                Puyallup, WA             1192  F   32  1:59:51   9:09  28 /  70   363 / 845   153 / 498   2:00:31   9:12       0:40
   29.  Mary Zamani             Battle Ground, WA        1632  F   33  2:00:47   9:13  29 /  70   382 / 845   165 / 498   2:01:15   9:15       0:28
   30.  Sheela Standley         Colbert, WA              1121  F   34  2:00:48   9:13  30 /  70   383 / 845   166 / 498   2:01:08   9:14       0:20
   31.  Mary Kimmel             Spokane, WA              1235  F   33  2: 4:00   9:28  31 /  70   420 / 845   187 / 498   2:04:11   9:28       0:11
   32.  Debbie Castile          Coeur D'Alene, ID        1647  F   32  2:05:15   9:33  32 /  70   431 / 845   195 / 498   2:05:24   9:34       0:09
   33.  Kelly Niles             Liberty Lake, WA         1226  F   34  2:07:42   9:44  33 /  70   461 / 845   212 / 498   2:07:54   9:45       0:12
   34.  Amanda King             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1777  F   32  2:08:12   9:47  34 /  70   470 / 845   218 / 498   2:08:48   9:50       0:36
   35.  Laurel Kelly            Spokane, WA              1774  F   31  2:09:51   9:54  35 /  70   493 / 845   232 / 498   2:10:30   9:57       0:39
   36.  Lori Reed               Spokane, WA              1571  F   32  2:10:45   9:58  36 /  70   501 / 845   237 / 498   2:11:39  10:03       0:54
   37.  Claire Roberts          Liberty Lake, WA         1782  F   32  2:11:21  10:01  37 /  70   511 / 845   245 / 498   2:11:57  10:04       0:36
   38.  Dori Ware               Nine Mile Falls, WA      1542  F   32  2:11:21  10:01  38 /  70   513 / 845   246 / 498   2:11:50  10:03       0:29
   39.  Kristin Souers          Spokane, WA              1378  F   33  2:11:40  10:03  39 /  70   517 / 845   249 / 498   2:12:25  10:06       0:45
   40.  Kasey Pitts             Spokane, WA              1476  F   31  2:12:08  10:05  40 /  70   523 / 845   254 / 498   2:12:35  10:07       0:27
   41.  Mia Davidson            Spokane , WA             1157  F   32  2:12:09  10:05  41 /  70   524 / 845   255 / 498   2:12:17  10:05       0:08
   42.  Joey Reed               Oaksdale, WA             1561  F   30  2:12:15  10:05  42 /  70   526 / 845   257 / 498   2:12:23  10:06       0:08
   43.  Andrea Fair             Seattle, WA              1916  F   32  2:13:11  10:10  43 /  70   541 / 845   270 / 498   2:13:18  10:10       0:07
   44.  Meghan Wiley            Pullman, WA              1663  F   33  2:13:13  10:10  44 /  70   542 / 845   271 / 498   2:13:54  10:13       0:41
   45.  Judy Gores              Spokane, WA              1120  F   32  2:13:51  10:13  45 /  70   548 / 845   277 / 498   2:13:59  10:13       0:08
   46.  Cristol Hernandez       Post Falls, ID           1196  F   32  2:14:02  10:13  46 /  70   553 / 845   281 / 498   2:14:10  10:14       0:08
   47.  Elaine Damschen         Coeur D Alene, ID        1580  F   34  2:14:02  10:13  47 /  70   554 / 845   282 / 498   2:14:10  10:14       0:08
   48.  Penelope Hood           Spokane, WA              1524  F   33  2:14:02  10:13  48 /  70   555 / 845   283 / 498   2:14:16  10:15       0:14
   49.  Tanya Picicci           Spokane, WA              1847  F   31  2:15:09  10:19  49 /  70   570 / 845   291 / 498   2:15:22  10:20       0:13
   50.  Jennifer Young          Spokane, WA              1112  F   31  2:15:20  10:19  50 /  70   572 / 845   293 / 498   2:16:11  10:23       0:51
   51.  Rita Dinaro             Spokane, WA              1405  F   30  2:17:32  10:29  51 /  70   585 / 845   301 / 498   2:18:14  10:33       0:42
   52.  Cara Ambriz             Liberty Lake, WA         1400  F   33  2:28:09  11:18  52 /  70   660 / 845   348 / 498   2:28:46  11:21       0:37
   53.  Kristin Gorringe        Coeur D'alene, ID        1021  F   34  2:29:28  11:24  53 /  70   667 / 845   354 / 498   2:29:53  11:26       0:25
   54.  Aleel Grennan           Pullman, WA              1408  F   34  2:29:33  11:24  54 /  70   669 / 845   355 / 498   2:30:07  11:27       0:34
   55.  Carrie Davis-Croson     Spokane, WA              1090  F   32  2:29:45  11:25  55 /  70   673 / 845   358 / 498   2:29:54  11:26       0:09
   56.  Jennifer Vander Weide   Missoula, MT             1161  F   33  2:34:58  11:49  56 /  70   700 / 845   379 / 498   2:35:36  11:52       0:38
   57.  Rachelle Hartvigsen     Spokane, WA              1607  F   32  2:39:33  12:10  57 /  70   710 / 845   389 / 498   2:39:43  12:11       0:10
   58.  Dodi Rode               Post Falls, ID           1386  F   33  2:40:19  12:14  58 /  70   714 / 845   393 / 498   2:40:31  12:15       0:12
   59.  Chelsey Kirkpatrick     Spokane, WA              1072  F   31  2:43:02  12:26  59 /  70   722 / 845   398 / 498   2:43:11  12:27       0:09
   60.  Julie Jacobson          Spokane, WA              1594  F   32  2:43:02  12:26  60 /  70   723 / 845   399 / 498   2:43:11  12:27       0:09
   61.  Shawna McCartney        Spokane, WA              1905  F   34  2:47:22  12:46  61 /  70   736 / 845   407 / 498   2:48:03  12:49       0:41
   62.  Kristen Enders          Coeur D'alene, ID        1885  F   34  2:49:12  12:54  62 /  70   741 / 845   411 / 498   2:49:36  12:56       0:24
   63.  Renee Selle             Portland, OR             1308  F   30  2:58:51  13:39  63 /  70   765 / 845   429 / 498   2:59:24  13:41       0:33
   64.  Katherine Alexander     Spokane, WA              1595  F   30  3:02:20  13:55  64 /  70   771 / 845   432 / 498   3: 3:00  13:58       0:40
   65.  Krista Smith            Colbert, WA              1320  F   32  3:15:39  14:55  65 /  70   796 / 845   455 / 498   3:16:25  14:59       0:46
   66.  Debbie Poffenroth       Spokane, WA              1783  F   34  3:16:10  14:58  66 /  70   798 / 845   457 / 498   3:16:53  15:01       0:43
   67.  Jill Bennett            Spokane, WA              1490  F   34  3:16:44  15:00  67 /  70   800 / 845   459 / 498   3:17:44  15:05       1:00
   68.  Paulla Lalley           Spokane, WA              1517  F   33  3:18:08  15:07  68 /  70   807 / 845   466 / 498   3:18:37  15:09       0:29
   69.  Katrinna Sturm          Spokane, WA              1213  F   31  3:31:17  16:07  69 /  70   831 / 845   486 / 498   3:32:04  16:11       0:47
   70.  Theresa Stewart         Spokane, WA              1214  F   30  3:31:17  16:07  70 /  70   832 / 845   487 / 498   3:32:04  16:11       0:47


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Hal Schmidt             Sandpoint, ID            1015  M   36  1:23:42   6:23   1 /  48    11 / 845    10 / 347   1:23:44   6:23       0:02
    2.  Tom DeHart              Spokane, WA              1813  M   35  1:24:02   6:25   2 /  48    13 / 845    11 / 347   1:24:04   6:25       0:02
    3.  Jim Powers              Spokane, WA              1718  M   38  1:25:49   6:33   3 /  48    18 / 845    14 / 347   1:25:52   6:33       0:03
    4.  Ron Parks               Genesee, ID              1278  M   39  1:26:24   6:35   4 /  48    21 / 845    17 / 347   1:26:35   6:36       0:11
    5.  Scott Ward              Spokane, WA              1811  M   39  1:26:59   6:38   5 /  48    24 / 845    20 / 347   1:27:03   6:38       0:04
    6.  Jade Martin             Spokane, WA              1509  M   35  1:29:00   6:47   6 /  48    28 / 845    23 / 347   1:29:02   6:47       0:02
    7.  Lewis Watkins           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1011  M   38  1:31:29   6:59   7 /  48    39 / 845    30 / 347   1:31:48   7:00       0:19
    8.  Jay Bonnett             Spokane, WA              1911  M   39  1:33:42   7:09   8 /  48    50 / 845    38 / 347   1:34:05   7:11       0:23
    9.  Carl Guenzel            Spokane, WA              1356  M   36  1:36:04   7:20   9 /  48    64 / 845    46 / 347   1:36:14   7:20       0:10
   10.  Steve Kramer            Spokane, WA              1503  M   38  1:37:00   7:24  10 /  48    66 / 845    47 / 347   1:37:03   7:24       0:03
   11.  Robert Lyon             Cheney, WA               1796  M   36  1:39:01   7:33  11 /  48    81 / 845    57 / 347   1:40:08   7:38       1:07
   12.  Don Larsen              Spokane, WA              1876  M   36  1:39:30   7:35  12 /  48    84 / 845    60 / 347   1:39:51   7:37       0:21
   13.  Douglas Hart            Lewiston, ID             1781  M   36  1:41:00   7:42  13 /  48   100 / 845    68 / 347   1:41:03   7:42       0:03
   14.  Don Torbenson           Spokane, WA              1678  M   39  1:42:24   7:49  14 /  48   110 / 845    77 / 347   1:42:45   7:50       0:21
   15.  Bill Drake              Pullman, WA              1202  M   37  1:42:36   7:50  15 /  48   111 / 845    78 / 347   1:43:13   7:52       0:37
   16.  Gary Klepec             Ephrata, WA              1710  M   36  1:43:18   7:53  16 /  48   117 / 845    83 / 347   1:43:30   7:54       0:12
   17.  Darren Brandt           Rathdrum, ID             1618  M   39  1:43:31   7:54  17 /  48   121 / 845    87 / 347   1:44:03   7:56       0:32
   18.  Darrel Monzingo         Spokane, WA              1441  M   38  1:43:38   7:54  18 /  48   124 / 845    90 / 347   1:43:52   7:55       0:14
   19.  StevenE Lee             Spokane, WA              1519  M   36  1:44:08   7:57  19 /  48   129 / 845    93 / 347   1:44:22   7:58       0:14
   20.  Greg McKenzie           Spokane, WA              1099  M   37  1:44:08   7:57  20 /  48   131 / 845    94 / 347   1:44:22   7:58       0:14
   21.  Mike Coco               Pullman, WA              1534  M   35  1:44:15   7:57  21 /  48   134 / 845    97 / 347   1:44:53   8:00       0:38
   22.  Jeff Atabelo            Spokane, WA              1667  M   36  1:45:14   8:02  22 /  48   145 / 845   104 / 347   1:45:56   8:05       0:42
   23.  Jeff Selden             Spokane, WA              1698  M   38  1:46:48   8:09  23 /  48   158 / 845   113 / 347   1:47:12   8:11       0:24
   24.  Phill Weist             Hayden, ID               1471  M   38  1:48:51   8:18  24 /  48   184 / 845   129 / 347   1:49:34   8:21       0:43
   25.  Keith Pursch            Spokane Valley, WA       1483  M   39  1:49:35   8:22  25 /  48   196 / 845   134 / 347   1:49:53   8:23       0:18
   26.  Kendall Johnson         Zillah, WA               1255  M   37  1:49:38   8:22  26 /  48   197 / 845   135 / 347   1:49:59   8:23       0:21
   27.  David Clutter           Veradale, WA             1309  M   39  1:49:39   8:22  27 /  48   198 / 845   136 / 347   1:49:49   8:23       0:10
   28.  Steve Fontaine          Veradale, WA             1536  M   37  1:50:30   8:26  28 /  48   210 / 845   140 / 347   1:50:42   8:27       0:12
   29.  Stacy Rude              Spokane, WA              1389  M   36  1:51:05   8:28  29 /  48   214 / 845   143 / 347   1:51:36   8:31       0:31
   30.  Garry Bibby-Fox         South Slocan, BC         1104  M   35  1:51:38   8:31  30 /  48   224 / 845   150 / 347   1:52:25   8:35       0:47
   31.  Terry Cope              Post Falls, ID           1376  M   37  1:51:45   8:31  31 /  48   225 / 845   151 / 347   1:52:20   8:34       0:35
   32.  Jim Dorosh              Spokane, WA              1835  M   37  1:53:13   8:38  32 /  48   251 / 845   163 / 347   1:54:05   8:42       0:52
   33.  Matt Duggan             Liberty Lake, WA         1315  M   37  1:54:15   8:43  33 /  48   261 / 845   169 / 347   1:54:24   8:44       0:09
   34.  Stephen Kreitner        Kalispell, MT            1211  M   38  1:55:12   8:47  34 /  48   282 / 845   179 / 347   1:55:19   8:48       0:07
   35.  Stephen Kern            Spokane, WA              1727  M   37  1:55:23   8:48  35 /  48   285 / 845   182 / 347   1:55:55   8:51       0:32
   36.  Matt Houn               Liberty Lake, WA         1438  M   39  1:55:29   8:49  36 /  48   286 / 845   183 / 347   1:56:00   8:51       0:31
   37.  Jeff Trudeau            Spokane, WA              1207  M   35  1:55:45   8:50  37 /  48   290 / 845   185 / 347   1:55:51   8:50       0:06
   38.  Dean Cooper             Wallace, ID              1215  M   35  1:56:11   8:52  38 /  48   298 / 845   190 / 347   1:56:21   8:53       0:10
   39.  Michael Lee             Bothell, WA              1637  M   36  1:56:14   8:52  39 /  48   300 / 845   192 / 347   1:56:34   8:54       0:20
   40.  Sam Neal                Coeur D' Alene, ID       1064  M   37  2:03:10   9:24  40 /  48   408 / 845   231 / 347   2:03:20   9:24       0:10
   41.  Tim Buzolich            Coeur D'alene, ID        1901  M   35  2:06:40   9:40  41 /  48   448 / 845   245 / 347   2:06:59   9:41       0:19
   42.  Michael Gonzalez        Yakima, WA               1636  M   36  2:06:52   9:41  42 /  48   452 / 845   246 / 347   2:07:23   9:43       0:31
   43.  Kevin Betz              Spokane, WA              1921  M   35  2:12:51  10:08  43 /  48   536 / 845   271 / 347   2:12:56  10:08       0:05
   44.  Jeff Hood               Spokane, WA              1525  M   39  2:14:03  10:14  44 /  48   556 / 845   273 / 347   2:14:16  10:15       0:13
   45.  Kevin Morvant           Houma, LA                1057  M   37  2:14:09  10:14  45 /  48   558 / 845   275 / 347   2:15:05  10:18       0:56
   46.  Gary Breuner            Athol, ID                1246  M   36  2:21:29  10:48  46 /  48   612 / 845   297 / 347   2:21:59  10:50       0:30
   47.  Michael Sikora          Mead, WA                 1038  M   36  2:26:26  11:10  47 /  48   646 / 845   308 / 347   2:27:10  11:14       0:44
   48.  Bruce Godfrey           Pullman, WA              1551  M   38  2:48:44  12:52  48 /  48   738 / 845   330 / 347   2:49:44  12:57       1:00


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Suzanne Endsley         Coeur D'Alene, ID        1431  F   38  1:30:46   6:55   1 /  86    33 / 845     7 / 498   1:30:47   6:56       0:01
    2.  Teri Orr                Liberty Lake, WA         1501  F   35  1:37:55   7:28   2 /  86    73 / 845    21 / 498   1:37:58   7:28       0:03
    3.  Jeani Natwick           Colbert, WA              1779  F   37  1:38:30   7:31   3 /  86    75 / 845    23 / 498   1:38:56   7:33       0:26
    4.  Marcy Bolding           Ephrata, WA              1164  F   37  1:39:56   7:37   4 /  86    91 / 845    28 / 498   1:40:09   7:38       0:13
    5.  Jeanne McCarty          Spokane, WA              1680  F   38  1:40:35   7:40   5 /  86    98 / 845    31 / 498   1:40:52   7:42       0:17
    6.  Kelly Amos              Coeur D'alene, ID        1709  F   36  1:41:40   7:45   6 /  86   104 / 845    33 / 498   1:41:57   7:47       0:17
    7.  Carol Hunter            Spokane, WA              1585  F   37  1:44:08   7:57   7 /  86   130 / 845    37 / 498   1:44:22   7:58       0:14
    8.  Stephanie Yanuszeski    Spokane, WA              1696  F   36  1:44:42   7:59   8 /  86   137 / 845    38 / 498   1:44:57   8:00       0:15
    9.  Christine Schultz       Spokane, WA              1753  F   37  1:45:47   8:04   9 /  86   150 / 845    43 / 498   1:46:03   8:05       0:16
   10.  Kelly Willoth           Stanwood, WA             1231  F   38  1:46:41   8:08  10 /  86   156 / 845    45 / 498   1:47:13   8:11       0:32
   11.  Stacia Hagerty          Coeur D' Alene, ID       1062  F   38  1:48:07   8:15  11 /  86   174 / 845    51 / 498   1:48:07   8:15       0:00
   12.  Gretchen Kruse          Hayden , ID              1644  F   37  1:48:23   8:16  12 /  86   176 / 845    53 / 498   1:48:48   8:18       0:25
   13.  Kathy Gentry            Post Falls , ID          1108  F   35  1:49:04   8:19  13 /  86   190 / 845    59 / 498   1:49:22   8:21       0:18
   14.  Catherine Greer         Spokane, WA              1160  F   38  1:49:20   8:20  14 /  86   191 / 845    60 / 498   1:49:30   8:21       0:10
   15.  Ferne Brandt            Nampa, ID                1296  F   37  1:52:25   8:35  15 /  86   238 / 845    81 / 498   1:53:18   8:39       0:53
   16.  Michele Robinson        Spokane, WA              1563  F   36  1:52:26   8:35  16 /  86   239 / 845    82 / 498   1:52:32   8:35       0:06
   17.  Jennifer West           Spokane, WA              1535  F   39  1:52:57   8:37  17 /  86   249 / 845    87 / 498   1:53:05   8:38       0:08
   18.  Chrystie Hjeltness      Post Falls, ID           1640  F   38  1:54:00   8:42  18 /  86   258 / 845    91 / 498   1:54:47   8:45       0:47
   19.  Brenda Smith            Coeur D' Alene, ID       1572  F   37  1:54:51   8:46  19 /  86   278 / 845   102 / 498   1:55:15   8:47       0:24
   20.  Connie Brannan          Puyallup, WA             1597  F   36  1:55:39   8:49  20 /  86   288 / 845   104 / 498   1:56:19   8:52       0:40
   21.  Jean Hunt               Spokane, WA              1626  F   39  1:55:53   8:50  21 /  86   293 / 845   106 / 498   1:56:04   8:51       0:11
   22.  Julie Stevens           Boise, ID                1128  F   38  1:56:26   8:53  22 /  86   305 / 845   113 / 498   1:56:42   8:54       0:16
   23.  Sumarie Le Roux         Creston, BC              1837  F   38  1:56:53   8:55  23 /  86   312 / 845   118 / 498   1:57:38   8:58       0:45
   24.  Anna Coey               Portland, OR             1466  F   37  1:57:06   8:56  24 /  86   318 / 845   122 / 498   1:57:56   9:00       0:50
   25.  Marcella Betts          Dalton Gardens, ID       1465  F   35  1:57:06   8:56  25 /  86   319 / 845   123 / 498   1:57:56   9:00       0:50
   26.  Kimey Rothman           Spokane, WA              1582  F   35  1:57:20   8:57  26 /  86   324 / 845   127 / 498   1:57:33   8:58       0:13
   27.  Kathy Achen             Spokane, WA              1040  F   39  1:57:24   8:57  27 /  86   329 / 845   129 / 498   1:57:50   8:59       0:26
   28.  Lauriea Blume           Spokane, WA              1706  F   37  1:58:44   9:03  28 /  86   346 / 845   141 / 498   1:58:50   9:04       0:06
   29.  Julie Monek             Spokane, WA              1237  F   35  1:58:58   9:04  29 /  86   350 / 845   144 / 498   1:59:33   9:07       0:35
   30.  Melissa Sadler          Spokane, WA              1152  F   35  1:59:43   9:08  30 /  86   361 / 845   152 / 498   1:59:56   9:09       0:13
   31.  Leeya Brind'Amour       Nelson, BC               1150  F   36  1:59:52   9:09  31 /  86   364 / 845   154 / 498   2:00:14   9:10       0:22
   32.  Traci Fontaine          Veradale, WA             1610  F   36  2:00:14   9:10  32 /  86   375 / 845   161 / 498   2:00:25   9:11       0:11
   33.  Heidi Harding           Spokane, WA              1187  F   36  2:00:46   9:13  33 /  86   380 / 845   163 / 498   2:01:31   9:16       0:45
   34.  Leslie Mitchell         Liberty Lake, WA         1754  F   39  2:01:50   9:18  34 /  86   395 / 845   171 / 498   2:02:10   9:19       0:20
   35.  Mary Akers              Spokane, WA              1336  F   38  2:02:08   9:19  35 /  86   399 / 845   173 / 498   2:02:14   9:19       0:06
   36.  Joyce Stevens           Kelowna, BC              1188  F   38  2:03:21   9:25  36 /  86   414 / 845   182 / 498   2:03:49   9:27       0:28
   37.  Amy Nelson              Newman Lake, WA          1793  F   38  2:04:32   9:30  37 /  86   426 / 845   191 / 498   2:04:56   9:32       0:24
   38.  Tracy Schmidt           Coeur D'alene, ID        1339  F   38  2:04:33   9:30  38 /  86   427 / 845   192 / 498   2:04:59   9:32       0:26
   39.  Shelley Moulton         Salmon, ID               1588  F   37  2:05:54   9:36  39 /  86   439 / 845   198 / 498   2:06:47   9:40       0:53
   40.  Lori Larson             Touchet, WA              1223  F   38  2: 6:00   9:37  40 /  86   440 / 845   199 / 498   2:06:55   9:41       0:55
   41.  Dana McPhee             Spokane, WA              1548  F   37  2:06:34   9:39  41 /  86   446 / 845   202 / 498   2:07:10   9:42       0:36
   42.  Julie Haines            Spokane, WA              1375  F   38  2:06:35   9:39  42 /  86   447 / 845   203 / 498   2:07:10   9:42       0:35
   43.  Terri Gervais           Post Falls, ID           1222  F   36  2:07:50   9:45  43 /  86   463 / 845   214 / 498   2:08:09   9:47       0:19
   44.  Rosemary Reyes          Coeur D'Alene, ID        1661  F   35  2:07:52   9:45  44 /  86   466 / 845   215 / 498   2:08:26   9:48       0:34
   45.  Eva Lindstrand          Sunnyside, WA            1486  F   35  2:09:59   9:55  45 /  86   494 / 845   233 / 498   2:10:54   9:59       0:55
   46.  Denise Shives           Walla Walla, WA          1147  F   35  2:10:46   9:58  46 /  86   502 / 845   238 / 498   2:11:06  10:00       0:20
   47.  Daryce Wyborney         Veradale, WA             1454  F   39  2:10:57   9:59  47 /  86   505 / 845   240 / 498   2:11:55  10:04       0:58
   48.  Wendy Fleming           Marysville, WA           1875  F   35  2:11:25  10:01  48 /  86   514 / 845   247 / 498   2:11:53  10:04       0:28
   49.  Laurie Curran           Spokane, WA              1737  F   38  2:11:39  10:03  49 /  86   516 / 845   248 / 498   2:12:24  10:06       0:45
   50.  Robyn Hemenway          Spokane, WA              1370  F   37  2:12:02  10:04  50 /  86   519 / 845   251 / 498   2:12:08  10:05       0:06
   51.  Deanne Hamilton         Salmon, ID               1180  F   36  2:12:09  10:05  51 /  86   525 / 845   256 / 498   2:13:02  10:09       0:53
   52.  Tracie Ferris           Coeur D'alene, ID        1882  F   36  2:12:16  10:05  52 /  86   528 / 845   259 / 498   2:12:44  10:08       0:28
   53.  Gail Ortega             Spokane, WA              1448  F   38  2:12:34  10:07  53 /  86   534 / 845   264 / 498   2:12:52  10:08       0:18
   54.  Laura Burgan            Post Falls, ID           1455  F   36  2:14:15  10:14  54 /  86   561 / 845   286 / 498   2:14:30  10:16       0:15
   55.  Robbie Ferrante         Spokane, WA              1220  F   38  2:14:37  10:16  55 /  86   567 / 845   289 / 498   2:15:27  10:20       0:50
   56.  Janelle Rubright        Spokane, WA              1334  F   36  2:14:38  10:16  56 /  86   568 / 845   290 / 498   2:15:28  10:20       0:50
   57.  Jana Brooks             Coeur D'alene, ID        1504  F   35  2:16:09  10:23  57 /  86   577 / 845   296 / 498   2:16:46  10:26       0:37
   58.  Janis Simpson           Spokane, WA              1009  F   39  2:17:31  10:29  58 /  86   584 / 845   300 / 498   2:17:42  10:30       0:11
   59.  Charlayn Streeter       Coeur D'alene, ID        1124  F   36  2:18:10  10:32  59 /  86   592 / 845   306 / 498   2:18:25  10:34       0:15
   60.  Claire Tiffany          Nine Mile Falls, WA      1602  F   37  2:21:49  10:49  60 /  86   615 / 845   318 / 498   2:22:12  10:51       0:23
   61.  Susan Muxlow            Spokane, WA              1013  F   36  2:22:17  10:51  61 /  86   617 / 845   319 / 498   2:22:47  10:53       0:30
   62.  Michelle` Duke          Spokane, WA              1340  F   38  2:24:15  11:00  62 /  86   631 / 845   327 / 498   2:25:07  11:04       0:52
   63.  Katherine Johnson       Zillah, WA               1256  F   37  2:24:17  11:00  63 /  86   632 / 845   328 / 498   2:25:12  11:05       0:55
   64.  Carrie Lang             Gardiner, MT             1114  F   38  2:25:24  11:05  64 /  86   643 / 845   337 / 498   2:26:12  11:09       0:48
   65.  Lolita Sikora           Mead, WA                 1031  F   36  2:26:24  11:10  65 /  86   645 / 845   338 / 498   2:27:08  11:13       0:44
   66.  Cindy Timmons           Hayden, ID               1182  F   36  2:26:57  11:13  66 /  86   651 / 845   343 / 498   2:27:50  11:17       0:53
   67.  Donna Jasper            Spokane, WA              1701  F   38  2:27:40  11:16  67 /  86   656 / 845   346 / 498   2:28:31  11:20       0:51
   68.  Mischelle Fulgham       Post Falls, ID           1836  F   36  2:34:54  11:49  68 /  86   697 / 845   376 / 498   2:35:44  11:53       0:50
   69.  Chris Lindsay           Kalispell, MT            1642  F   36  2:36:08  11:55  69 /  86   704 / 845   383 / 498   2:37:02  11:59       0:54
   70.  Tara Guthrie            Canyon, BC               1611  F   39  2:39:55  12:12  70 /  86   713 / 845   392 / 498   2:40:31  12:15       0:36
   71.  Yvette Nichols          Liberty Lake, WA         1880  F   39  2:46:04  12:40  71 /  86   732 / 845   404 / 498   2:46:18  12:41       0:14
   72.  Tammi Lowthian          Great Falls, MT          1028  F   35  2:47:06  12:45  72 /  86   733 / 845   405 / 498   2:47:33  12:47       0:27
   73.  Tara Demma              Ferndale, WA             1759  F   38  2:57:18  13:31  73 /  86   761 / 845   427 / 498   2:57:37  13:33       0:19
   74.  Imelda Buckingham       Desert Aire, WA          1592  F   36  2:57:29  13:32  74 /  86   764 / 845   428 / 498   2:58:22  13:36       0:53
   75.  Cheryl Jones            Nine Mile Falls, WA      1115  F   39  3: 6:00  14:11  75 /  86   775 / 845   435 / 498   3:06:49  14:15       0:49
   76.  Kelly Sheffield         Coeur D Alene, ID        1545  F   35  3:06:01  14:11  76 /  86   776 / 845   436 / 498   3:06:58  14:16       0:57
   77.  Debby Douglass          Spokane, WA              1864  F   38  3:06:06  14:12  77 /  86   777 / 845   437 / 498   3:06:55  14:15       0:49
   78.  Julie Hix               Clarkston, WA            1427  F   36  3: 9:00  14:25  78 /  86   781 / 845   441 / 498   3:09:15  14:26       0:15
   79.  Joy Drake               Pullman, WA              1065  F   36  3:12:36  14:42  79 /  86   789 / 845   449 / 498   3:13:16  14:45       0:40
   80.  Wendy Smith             Colbert, WA              1874  F   35  3:15:39  14:55  80 /  86   795 / 845   454 / 498   3:16:26  14:59       0:47
   81.  Kim McKenna             Spokane, WA              1712  F   38  3:16:09  14:58  81 /  86   797 / 845   456 / 498   3:17:09  15:02       1:00
   82.  Shelly Hanson           Spokane, WA              1350  F   36  3:17:54  15:06  82 /  86   803 / 845   462 / 498   3:18:54  15:10       1:00
   83.  Mo Carr                 Spokane, WA              1019  F   37  3:21:57  15:24  83 /  86   813 / 845   472 / 498   3:23:04  15:29       1:07
   84.  Denise Briggs           Spokane, WA              1244  F   35  3:22:42  15:28  84 /  86   816 / 845   474 / 498   3:22:42  15:28       0:00
   85.  Julee Tonani            Spokane, WA              1770  F   39  3:33:17  16:16  85 /  86   835 / 845   490 / 498   3:34:22  16:21       1:05
   86.  Mary Kuney              Spokane, WA              1771  F   39  3:33:17  16:16  86 /  86   836 / 845   491 / 498   3:34:22  16:21       1:05


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  James Richman           Spokane, WA              1332  M   43  1:21:04   6:11   1 /  56     4 / 845     4 / 347   1:21:06   6:11       0:02
    2.  Kevin Dunton            Coeur D'alene, ID        1786  M   41  1:24:15   6:26   2 /  56    15 / 845    12 / 347   1:24:18   6:26       0:03
    3.  Martin Scates           Chewelah, WA             1716  M   41  1:24:50   6:28   3 /  56    17 / 845    13 / 347   1:24:52   6:28       0:02
    4.  Keith Comes             Spokane, WA              1721  M   41  1:26:07   6:34   4 /  56    19 / 845    15 / 347   1:26:33   6:36       0:26
    5.  Bart Brazier            Spokane, WA              1310  M   40  1:26:29   6:36   5 /  56    22 / 845    18 / 347   1:26:39   6:37       0:10
    6.  Shaun Gomez             Dalton Gardens, ID       1049  M   43  1:26:43   6:37   6 /  56    23 / 845    19 / 347   1:26:46   6:37       0:03
    7.  Todd Parkey             Lewiston, ID             1919  M   41  1:29:05   6:48   7 /  56    29 / 845    24 / 347   1:29:07   6:48       0:02
    8.  Danny Ashenbrenner      Rathdrum, ID             1715  M   43  1:30:47   6:56   8 /  56    34 / 845    27 / 347   1:30:52   6:56       0:05
    9.  Paul Steele             Spokane, WA              1634  M   43  1:32:22   7:03   9 /  56    43 / 845    33 / 347   1:32:29   7:03       0:07
   10.  Rick Wills              Kalispell, MT            1927  M   40  1:35:31   7:17  10 /  56    59 / 845    42 / 347   1:36:19   7:21       0:48
   11.  Dempsey Ortega          Spokane, WA              1447  M   41  1:35:55   7:19  11 /  56    62 / 845    44 / 347   1:36:09   7:20       0:14
   12.  Bob Simpson             Spokane, WA              1010  M   40  1:37:00   7:24  12 /  56    67 / 845    48 / 347   1:37:10   7:25       0:10
   13.  Shane Sanders           Deer Park, WA            1217  M   40  1:38:52   7:32  13 /  56    79 / 845    56 / 347   1:39:48   7:37       0:56
   14.  Rob Wagner              Spokane, WA              1082  M   40  1:40:30   7:40  14 /  56    96 / 845    66 / 347   1:40:48   7:41       0:18
   15.  Joe Silvernale          Yarrow Point, WA         1538  M   40  1:41:01   7:42  15 /  56   101 / 845    69 / 347   1:41:15   7:43       0:14
   16.  Bob Lutz                Tucson, AZ               1802  M   41  1:41:51   7:46  16 /  56   106 / 845    73 / 347   1:42:05   7:47       0:14
   17.  Marc McCaslin           Spokane, WA              1574  M   43  1:42:09   7:48  17 /  56   109 / 845    76 / 347   1:42:25   7:49       0:16
   18.  Mark Sipe               Post Falls, ID           1528  M   40  1:43:36   7:54  18 /  56   123 / 845    89 / 347   1:43:39   7:54       0:03
   19.  Steve Zografos          Kent, WA                 1343  M   42  1:44:08   7:57  19 /  56   128 / 845    92 / 347   1:44:33   7:59       0:25
   20.  Kenny Bisagno           Elk, WA                  1658  M   40  1:44:10   7:57  20 /  56   132 / 845    95 / 347   1:44:21   7:58       0:11
   21.  Todd Rousseau           Post Falls, ID           1001  M   43  1:45:04   8:01  21 /  56   143 / 845   103 / 347   1:45:17   8:02       0:13
   22.  Michael Stegmann        St Louis, MO             1054  M   44  1:46:22   8:07  22 /  56   154 / 845   110 / 347   1:46:25   8:07       0:03
   23.  Dan Roark               Spokane, WA              1579  M   42  1:47:01   8:10  23 /  56   162 / 845   114 / 347   1:47:19   8:11       0:18
   24.  Douglas Elliott         Spokane, WA              1630  M   42  1:47:02   8:10  24 /  56   163 / 845   115 / 347   1:47:56   8:14       0:54
   25.  Craig Walker            Hayden, ID               1518  M   41  1:47:07   8:10  25 /  56   164 / 845   116 / 347   1:47:14   8:11       0:07
   26.  Dirk Swartz             Spokane, WA              1323  M   41  1:47:40   8:13  26 /  56   170 / 845   122 / 347   1:48:01   8:14       0:21
   27.  Wes Lembeck             Hayden, ID               1540  M   44  1:48:46   8:18  27 /  56   183 / 845   128 / 347   1:49:28   8:21       0:42
   28.  Robert Scholes          Pullman, WA              1449  M   40  1:49:27   8:21  28 /  56   192 / 845   132 / 347   1:50:12   8:24       0:45
   29.  Rod Briske              St Ignatius, MT          1384  M   40  1:50:06   8:24  29 /  56   204 / 845   139 / 347   1:50:26   8:25       0:20
   30.  Fred Weber              Coeur D'alene, ID        1085  M   41  1:51:10   8:29  30 /  56   217 / 845   145 / 347   1:51:25   8:30       0:15
   31.  Tim Olson               Plains, MT               1521  M   44  1:51:18   8:29  31 /  56   218 / 845   146 / 347   1:52:05   8:33       0:47
   32.  Jim Ewing               Spokane, WA              1907  M   43  1:51:31   8:30  32 /  56   221 / 845   147 / 347   1:51:59   8:33       0:28
   33.  Michael Cruz            Spokane, WA              1842  M   40  1:54:07   8:42  33 /  56   260 / 845   168 / 347   1:54:51   8:46       0:44
   34.  Scott Himelspach        Spokane, WA              1076  M   44  1:56:04   8:51  34 /  56   294 / 845   188 / 347   1:56:11   8:52       0:07
   35.  David Martyn            Gardiner, MT             1257  M   42  1:57:03   8:56  35 /  56   317 / 845   196 / 347   1:57:32   8:58       0:29
   36.  Jay Wittenkeller        Spokane, WA              1305  M   44  1:57:13   8:56  36 /  56   322 / 845   197 / 347   1:57:54   9:00       0:41
   37.  Tom Simpson             Spokane, WA              1510  M   43  1:57:21   8:57  37 /  56   325 / 845   198 / 347   1:57:38   8:58       0:17
   38.  Kriegler Le Roux        Creston, BC              1828  M   43  1:57:24   8:57  38 /  56   328 / 845   200 / 347   1:58:10   9:01       0:46
   39.  Peter Teeple            Spokane, WA              1614  M   41  1:58:56   9:04  39 /  56   348 / 845   206 / 347   1:59:32   9:07       0:36
   40.  Scott Kamara            Hayden, ID               1843  M   41  1:59:35   9:07  40 /  56   358 / 845   208 / 347   2:00:22   9:11       0:47
   41.  Michael Roe             Spokane, WA              1684  M   40  2:00:00   9:09  41 /  56   370 / 845   213 / 347   2:00:07   9:10       0:07
   42.  Dennis Dye              Sagle, ID                1869  M   41  2:01:18   9:15  42 /  56   388 / 845   220 / 347   2:02:08   9:19       0:50
   43.  Bill Brock              Middleton, ID            1097  M   43  2:01:48   9:17  43 /  56   393 / 845   224 / 347   2:02:49   9:22       1:01
   44.  Eric Clemensen          Coeur D'alene, ID        1812  M   41  2:02:46   9:22  44 /  56   404 / 845   229 / 347   2:03:03   9:23       0:17
   45.  Jdon Van Curler         Spokane, WA              1423  M   43  2:05:19   9:34  45 /  56   433 / 845   238 / 347   2:06:39   9:40       1:20
   46.  Harold McNally          Spokane, WA              1615  M   43  2:06:05   9:37  46 /  56   443 / 845   244 / 347   2:07:08   9:42       1:03
   47.  Tom McDonald            Spokane, WA              1377  M   42  2:07:52   9:45  47 /  56   465 / 845   251 / 347   2:08:07   9:46       0:15
   48.  David Wilson            Albuquerque, NM          1829  M   43  2:09:09   9:51  48 /  56   484 / 845   258 / 347   2:09:35   9:53       0:26
   49.  Mark Wyborney           Veradale, WA             1498  M   41  2:10:59   9:59  49 /  56   506 / 845   266 / 347   2:11:56  10:04       0:57
   50.  Barry Sherman           Athol, OH                1508  M   41  2:14:06  10:14  50 /  56   557 / 845   274 / 347   2:14:48  10:17       0:42
   51.  Mark Curtis             Spokane, WA              1808  M   41  2:22:55  10:54  51 /  56   622 / 845   299 / 347   2:23:11  10:55       0:16
   52.  Joe Wittsock            Spokane, WA              1236  M   43  2:23:32  10:57  52 /  56   626 / 845   302 / 347   2:24:27  11:01       0:55
   53.  Gary Smith              Rathdrum, ID             1804  M   42  2:23:43  10:58  53 /  56   629 / 845   303 / 347   2:24:20  11:01       0:37
   54.  Scott Peterson          Spokane, WA              1199  M   40  2:24:52  11:03  54 /  56   641 / 845   306 / 347   2:25:53  11:08       1:01
   55.  Eiji Takahashi          Urbana, IL               1407  M   44  2:29:33  11:24  55 /  56   670 / 845   315 / 347   2:30:07  11:27       0:34
   56.  Kenneth Standinger      Spokane, WA              1270  M   43  3:00:20  13:45  56 /  56   768 / 845   338 / 347   3:00:20  13:45       0:00


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Marie Boyd              Missoula, MT             1457  F   44  1:24:06   6:25   1 /  73    14 / 845     3 / 498   1:24:06   6:25       0:00
    2.  Mary Foutz              Nine Mile Falls, WA      1039  F   40  1:30:29   6:54   2 /  73    32 / 845     6 / 498   1:30:33   6:54       0:04
    3.  Alison Scott            Spokane, WA              1751  F   40  1:32:40   7:04   3 /  73    45 / 845    11 / 498   1:32:43   7:04       0:03
    4.  Shelly Olin             Hayden Lake, ID          1745  F   41  1:34:34   7:13   4 /  73    54 / 845    15 / 498   1:34:36   7:13       0:02
    5.  Kris Ellis              Coeur D'alene, ID        1740  F   41  1:39:31   7:35   5 /  73    85 / 845    25 / 498   1:39:35   7:36       0:04
    6.  Janine Fraser           Spokane, WA              1624  F   41  1:43:40   7:54   6 /  73   125 / 845    35 / 498   1:43:42   7:55       0:02
    7.  Demaris Taylor          Helena, MT               1175  F   43  1:43:49   7:55   7 /  73   127 / 845    36 / 498   1:44:12   7:57       0:23
    8.  Melinda Hoekema         Newman Lake, WA          1750  F   40  1:45:00   8:01   8 /  73   142 / 845    40 / 498   1:45:19   8:02       0:19
    9.  Gail Nord               Spokane, WA              1621  F   43  1:46:16   8:06   9 /  73   153 / 845    44 / 498   1:46:22   8:07       0:06
   10.  Leann Dunning           Spokane, WA              1649  F   43  1:46:50   8:09  10 /  73   159 / 845    46 / 498   1:47:13   8:11       0:23
   11.  Tina Hilding            Moscow, ID               1601  F   40  1:46:51   8:09  11 /  73   161 / 845    48 / 498   1:46:58   8:10       0:07
   12.  Kate Coomes             Spokane, WA              1583  F   40  1:47:51   8:14  12 /  73   171 / 845    49 / 498   1:48:32   8:17       0:41
   13.  Shirley Cornelius       Colfax, WA               1410  F   43  1:48:03   8:15  13 /  73   173 / 845    50 / 498   1:48:25   8:16       0:22
   14.  Julie Jackson           Spokane, WA              1025  F   41  1:48:57   8:19  14 /  73   189 / 845    58 / 498   1:49:29   8:21       0:32
   15.  Marian Stuart           Kalispell, MT            1591  F   41  1:50:06   8:24  15 /  73   205 / 845    66 / 498   1:50:31   8:26       0:25
   16.  Vickie Repp             Sagle, ID                1368  F   44  1:51:48   8:32  16 /  73   228 / 845    76 / 498   1:52:04   8:33       0:16
   17.  Kay Reynolds            Deer Park, WA            1849  F   43  1:52:56   8:37  17 /  73   248 / 845    86 / 498   1:53:58   8:42       1:02
   18.  Lisa Rezansoff          Nelson, BC               1183  F   41  1:56:18   8:52  18 /  73   301 / 845   109 / 498   1:56:39   8:54       0:21
   19.  Julie Oeinck            Spokane, WA              1110  F   44  1:57:09   8:56  19 /  73   321 / 845   125 / 498   1:57:38   8:58       0:29
   20.  Doris Dueck             Kelowna, BC              1221  F   41  1:58:12   9:01  20 /  73   339 / 845   137 / 498   1:58:40   9:03       0:28
   21.  Barbara Johnson         Spokane, WA              1870  F   41  1:59:01   9:05  21 /  73   351 / 845   145 / 498   1:59:30   9:07       0:29
   22.  Becky Gehret            Spokane, WA              1553  F   41  1:59:34   9:07  22 /  73   357 / 845   150 / 498   1:59:42   9:08       0:08
   23.  Tracey Best             Nelson, BC               1186  F   41  2:00:00   9:09  23 /  73   368 / 845   156 / 498   2:00:46   9:13       0:46
   24.  Tracy Mikesell          Huson, MT                1851  F   40  2:01:28   9:16  24 /  73   389 / 845   169 / 498   2:01:47   9:17       0:19
   25.  Laureli Erick           Spokane, WA              1143  F   42  2:01:57   9:18  25 /  73   397 / 845   172 / 498   2:02:33   9:21       0:36
   26.  Heidi Michael           E Wenatchee, WA          1587  F   42  2:03:45   9:26  26 /  73   417 / 845   184 / 498   2:04:16   9:29       0:31
   27.  Melanie Sherman         Athol, ID                1577  F   41  2:04:21   9:29  27 /  73   424 / 845   189 / 498   2:05:03   9:32       0:42
   28.  Jamie Bursell           Juneau, AK               1116  F   41  2:04:34   9:30  28 /  73   428 / 845   193 / 498   2:04:58   9:32       0:24
   29.  Laurie Smith            Pullman, WA              1101  F   42  2:04:50   9:31  29 /  73   430 / 845   194 / 498   2:05:08   9:33       0:18
   30.  Diana Sheldon           Spokane, WA              1769  F   43  2:06:28   9:39  30 /  73   444 / 845   200 / 498   2:06:46   9:40       0:18
   31.  Anne-Marie Frolich      Seattle, WA              1139  F   40  2:07:31   9:44  31 /  73   458 / 845   210 / 498   2:08:04   9:46       0:33
   32.  Deb Miller              Moses Lake, WA           1541  F   42  2:08:59   9:50  32 /  73   480 / 845   224 / 498   2:09:35   9:53       0:36
   33.  Jackie Coomes           Cheney, WA               1439  F   41  2:10:27   9:57  33 /  73   499 / 845   236 / 498   2:11:08  10:00       0:41
   34.  Lori Thomas             Walla Walla, WA          1037  F   42  2:10:52   9:59  34 /  73   503 / 845   239 / 498   2:11:12  10:00       0:20
   35.  Lynda Broberg           Spokane, WA              1692  F   42  2:11:20  10:01  35 /  73   510 / 845   244 / 498   2:11:32  10:02       0:12
   36.  Terri Conger            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1747  F   42  2:12:23  10:06  36 /  73   529 / 845   260 / 498   2:12:53  10:08       0:30
   37.  Shelley Smith-Houn      Liberty Lake, WA         1437  F   44  2:13:05  10:09  37 /  73   538 / 845   267 / 498   2:13:35  10:11       0:30
   38.  Julie Miller            Plummer, ID              1421  F   43  2:13:15  10:10  38 /  73   543 / 845   272 / 498   2:13:46  10:12       0:31
   39.  Kerri Sandaine          Clarkston , WA           1861  F   41  2:13:20  10:10  39 /  73   544 / 845   273 / 498   2:14:06  10:14       0:46
   40.  Julie Hudson            Coeur D'alene, ID        1165  F   43  2:13:20  10:10  40 /  73   545 / 845   274 / 498   2:14:06  10:14       0:46
   41.  Lori Mitchell           Spokane Valley, WA       1735  F   40  2:14:36  10:16  41 /  73   566 / 845   288 / 498   2:15:17  10:19       0:41
   42.  Nancy Millard           Everett, WA              1275  F   41  2:16:32  10:25  42 /  73   579 / 845   297 / 498   2:17:20  10:29       0:48
   43.  Freida Cook             Cheney, WA               1248  F   40  2:18:04  10:32  43 /  73   589 / 845   304 / 498   2:18:23  10:33       0:19
   44.  Lisa Roberts            Spokane, WA              1414  F   40  2:18:32  10:34  44 /  73   594 / 845   307 / 498   2:19:10  10:37       0:38
   45.  Jill Lembeck            Veradale, WA             1744  F   41  2:20:11  10:42  45 /  73   601 / 845   310 / 498   2:20:53  10:45       0:42
   46.  Theresa Neeser          Liberty Lake, WA         1755  F   43  2:22:26  10:52  46 /  73   618 / 845   320 / 498   2:22:47  10:53       0:21
   47.  Susan Robson            Clayton, WA              1238  F   43  2:22:36  10:53  47 /  73   619 / 845   321 / 498   2:23:32  10:57       0:56
   48.  Cynthia Smith           Rathdrum, ID             1792  F   41  2:23:43  10:58  48 /  73   628 / 845   326 / 498   2:24:20  11:01       0:37
   49.  Lesley Hilts            Spokane, WA              1458  F   40  2:25:11  11:04  49 /  73   642 / 845   336 / 498   2:25:31  11:06       0:20
   50.  Lorrie Putnam           Vancouver , WA           1570  F   42  2:26:46  11:12  50 /  73   650 / 845   342 / 498   2:27:27  11:15       0:41
   51.  Valerie Soumas          Hayden, ID               1338  F   44  2:28:04  11:18  51 /  73   658 / 845   347 / 498   2:28:32  11:20       0:28
   52.  Paula Jones             Missoula, MT             1126  F   43  2:28:38  11:20  52 /  73   662 / 845   350 / 498   2:29:18  11:23       0:40
   53.  Lori Riddell            Sammamish, WA            1181  F   44  2:30:37  11:29  53 /  73   680 / 845   362 / 498   2:31:10  11:32       0:33
   54.  Vickie Peick            Issaquah, WA             1030  F   42  2:30:38  11:29  54 /  73   681 / 845   363 / 498   2:31:10  11:32       0:32
   55.  Terri Luce              Spokane, WA              1677  F   43  2:33:24  11:42  55 /  73   692 / 845   372 / 498   2:33:57  11:45       0:33
   56.  Darcy Staudinger        Spokane, WA              1269  F   43  2:34:55  11:49  56 /  73   698 / 845   377 / 498   2:34:55  11:49       0:00
   57.  Lisa Kozeluh            Missoula, MT             1089  F   40  2:34:57  11:49  57 /  73   699 / 845   378 / 498   2:35:35  11:52       0:38
   58.  Nancy Davis             Kalispell, MT            1863  F   42  2:36:08  11:55  58 /  73   703 / 845   382 / 498   2:37:02  11:59       0:54
   59.  Mary Healey             Coeur D'alene, ID        1884  F   43  2:39:38  12:11  59 /  73   712 / 845   391 / 498   2:39:52  12:12       0:14
   60.  Connie Dionne           Spokane, WA              1530  F   44  2:40:37  12:15  60 /  73   715 / 845   394 / 498   2:40:49  12:16       0:12
   61.  Janel Martindale        Spokane, WA              1365  F   43  2:40:39  12:15  61 /  73   716 / 845   395 / 498   2:40:50  12:16       0:11
   62.  Amy Hotchkiss           Newman Lake, WA          1546  F   41  2:49:49  12:57  62 /  73   742 / 845   412 / 498   2:50:44  13:01       0:55
   63.  Melissa Bloom           Coeur D'alene, ID        1045  F   41  2:50:30  13:00  63 /  73   746 / 845   416 / 498   2:50:53  13:02       0:23
   64.  Elizabeth Mackey        Coeur D'alene, ID        1556  F   41  2:51:18  13:04  64 /  73   748 / 845   417 / 498   2:52:14  13:08       0:56
   65.  Sheryl Terris           Spokane, WA              1691  F   41  2:54:35  13:19  65 /  73   759 / 845   425 / 498   2:55:13  13:22       0:38
   66.  Nadine Woodward-Felt    Spokane, WA              1606  F   42  3:02:20  13:55  66 /  73   772 / 845   433 / 498   3:03:01  13:58       0:41
   67.  Debbie Pehan            Spokane, WA              1488  F   44  3:09:40  14:28  67 /  73   784 / 845   444 / 498   3:10:43  14:33       1:03
   68.  Kris Bjorklund          Spokane, WA              1452  F   41  3:12:54  14:43  68 /  73   790 / 845   450 / 498   3:13:34  14:46       0:40
   69.  Patty Hanna             Spokane, WA              1693  F   43  3:14:50  14:52  69 /  73   792 / 845   452 / 498   3:15:53  14:57       1:03
   70.  Debbie Zografos         Kent, WA                 1303  F   42  3:34:08  16:20  70 /  73   837 / 845   492 / 498   3:34:21  16:21       0:13
   71.  Robin Lichtenstein      Stevenson Ranch, CA      1355  F   42  3:37:28  16:35  71 /  73   838 / 845   493 / 498   3:37:43  16:36       0:15
   72.  Anne Fritz              Spokane, WA              1194  F   40  3:37:30  16:35  72 /  73   839 / 845   494 / 498   3:37:43  16:36       0:13
   73.  Ruby Fitzgerald         Spokane, WA              1419  F   44  4:05:32  18:44  73 /  73   844 / 845   497 / 498   4:08:14  18:56       2:42


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Rich Hanlon             Coeur D'Alene, ID        1732  M   47  1:22:05   6:16   1 /  40     6 / 845     6 / 347   1:22:06   6:16       0:01
    2.  Cory Yost               Spokane, WA              1676  M   45  1:23:12   6:21   2 /  40     9 / 845     8 / 347   1:23:14   6:21       0:02
    3.  Charlie Lucero          Great Falls, MT          1020  M   45  1:23:34   6:22   3 /  40    10 / 845     9 / 347   1:23:35   6:23       0:01
    4.  Neal Leen               Priest River, ID         1327  M   47  1:28:05   6:43   4 /  40    26 / 845    21 / 347   1:28:08   6:43       0:03
    5.  Dragan Danevski         Bozeman, MT              1859  M   47  1:28:22   6:44   5 /  40    27 / 845    22 / 347   1:28:24   6:45       0:02
    6.  James House             Spokane, WA              1413  M   46  1:31:23   6:58   6 /  40    38 / 845    29 / 347   1:31:33   6:59       0:10
    7.  Rick Carlson            Hayden, ID               1529  M   46  1:32:37   7:04   7 /  40    44 / 845    34 / 347   1:32:41   7:04       0:04
    8.  Don Otis                Sandpoint, ID            1565  M   48  1:33:27   7:08   8 /  40    49 / 845    37 / 347   1:33:32   7:08       0:05
    9.  Mike Renteria           Mullan, ID               1763  M   49  1:35:33   7:17   9 /  40    60 / 845    43 / 347   1:35:37   7:18       0:04
   10.  Gene Conradi            Spokane, WA              1070  M   48  1:38:32   7:31  10 /  40    76 / 845    53 / 347   1:38:43   7:32       0:11
   11.  Patrick Warner          Liberty Lake, WA         1420  M   47  1:40:11   7:39  11 /  40    94 / 845    65 / 347   1:41:02   7:42       0:51
   12.  Chris Marr              Spokane, WA              1566  M   49  1:41:21   7:44  12 /  40   102 / 845    70 / 347   1:41:27   7:44       0:06
   13.  Rex Porter              Spokane, WA              1805  M   46  1:41:44   7:46  13 /  40   105 / 845    72 / 347   1:41:58   7:47       0:14
   14.  Mike Walls              Pleasanton, CA           1578  M   48  1:41:58   7:47  14 /  40   107 / 845    74 / 347   1:42:18   7:48       0:20
   15.  Randy Sather            St Maries, ID            1726  M   46  1:42:09   7:48  15 /  40   108 / 845    75 / 347   1:42:34   7:49       0:25
   16.  Mike Duquette           Spokane, WA              1208  M   46  1:47:12   8:11  16 /  40   165 / 845   117 / 347   1:47:23   8:11       0:11
   17.  Ted Hogeweide           Otis Orchards, WA        1557  M   48  1:47:19   8:11  17 /  40   167 / 845   119 / 347   1:47:34   8:12       0:15
   18.  Cliff Allen             Coeur D'alene, ID        1914  M   45  1:48:01   8:14  18 /  40   172 / 845   123 / 347   1:48:19   8:16       0:18
   19.  Joe Connors             Fairfield, WA            1736  M   46  1:48:37   8:17  19 /  40   179 / 845   126 / 347   1:49:09   8:20       0:32
   20.  Mark Coomes             Cheney, WA               1440  M   46  1:48:45   8:18  20 /  40   182 / 845   127 / 347   1:49:26   8:21       0:41
   21.  Bill Walsh              Newman Lake, WA          1098  M   48  1:49:53   8:23  21 /  40   201 / 845   138 / 347   1:49:55   8:23       0:02
   22.  Kent Anderson           Lewiston, ID             1827  M   48  1:50:35   8:26  22 /  40   211 / 845   141 / 347   1:51:21   8:30       0:46
   23.  Tim Hoffnagle           La Grande, OR            1267  M   45  1:53:32   8:40  23 /  40   253 / 845   165 / 347   1:53:45   8:41       0:13
   24.  Anthony Morss           Coeur D'alene, ID        1523  M   46  1:53:34   8:40  24 /  40   254 / 845   166 / 347   1:53:51   8:41       0:17
   25.  Mike Nelson             Missoula, MT             1206  M   47  1:55:18   8:48  25 /  40   284 / 845   181 / 347   1:55:38   8:49       0:20
   26.  Steve Smith             Spokane, WA              1396  M   49  1:56:34   8:54  26 /  40   308 / 845   194 / 347   1:57:12   8:56       0:38
   27.  Steven Malek            Post Falls, ID           1012  M   49  1:58:23   9:02  27 /  40   341 / 845   204 / 347   1:58:37   9:03       0:14
   28.  Keith Hegg              Spokane, WA              1146  M   49  1:59:39   9:08  28 /  40   360 / 845   209 / 347   1:59:57   9:09       0:18
   29.  Lloyd Halpern           Liberty Lake, WA         1922  M   45  1:59:50   9:08  29 /  40   362 / 845   210 / 347   2:00:27   9:11       0:37
   30.  Neville Maytom          Nelson, BC               1197  M   49  2:03:12   9:24  30 /  40   410 / 845   232 / 347   2:03:58   9:27       0:46
   31.  Brian Ernst             Spokane, WA              1007  M   46  2:06:03   9:37  31 /  40   442 / 845   243 / 347   2:06:25   9:39       0:22
   32.  Don Potts               Spokane, WA              1526  M   47  2:08:21   9:47  32 /  40   471 / 845   253 / 347   2:08:33   9:48       0:12
   33.  Glen Cambron            Sagle, ID                1659  M   47  2:10:56   9:59  33 /  40   504 / 845   265 / 347   2:11:03  10:00       0:07
   34.  Ron Cole                Coeur D'alene, ID        1549  M   49  2:11:37  10:02  34 /  40   515 / 845   268 / 347   2:12:26  10:06       0:49
   35.  Jeff Lichtenstein       Stevenson Ranch, CA      1317  M   46  2:14:23  10:15  35 /  40   563 / 845   277 / 347   2:14:27  10:15       0:04
   36.  Bill Boone              Spokane, WA              1807  M   48  2:17:19  10:28  36 /  40   582 / 845   284 / 347   2:18:16  10:33       0:57
   37.  Mark Cook               Dalton Gardens, ID       1367  M   49  2:23:22  10:56  37 /  40   624 / 845   300 / 347   2:23:45  10:58       0:23
   38.  Daniel Soumas           Hayden, ID               1358  M   46  2:28:03  11:18  38 /  40   657 / 845   311 / 347   2:28:32  11:20       0:29
   39.  Michael Demma           Ferndale, WA             1760  M   46  2:57:18  13:31  39 /  40   762 / 845   335 / 347   2:57:37  13:33       0:19
   40.  Robert Hanna            Spokane, WA              1694  M   47  3:14:51  14:52  40 /  40   793 / 845   341 / 347   3:15:53  14:57       1:02


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Jennifer Boyer          Huson, MT                1598  F   46  1:34:56   7:14   1 /  63    57 / 845    16 / 498   1:35:04   7:15       0:08
    2.  Carol McSweeney         Kalispell, MT            1562  F   49  1:39:43   7:36   2 /  63    89 / 845    26 / 498   1:40:09   7:38       0:26
    3.  Amy Leibensberger       Coeur D'Alene, ID        1274  F   47  1:40:54   7:42   3 /  63    99 / 845    32 / 498   1:40:58   7:42       0:04
    4.  Peggy Moran             Spokane, WA              1746  F   46  1:49:35   8:22   4 /  63   195 / 845    62 / 498   1:49:58   8:23       0:23
    5.  Chris Briske            St Ignatius, MT          1385  F   45  1:50:07   8:24   5 /  63   206 / 845    67 / 498   1:50:25   8:25       0:18
    6.  Nanette Spear           Spokane, WA              1273  F   48  1:50:28   8:26   6 /  63   209 / 845    70 / 498   1:51:17   8:29       0:49
    7.  Linda Venters           Spokane, WA              1785  F   46  1:51:47   8:32   7 /  63   227 / 845    75 / 498   1:52:12   8:34       0:25
    8.  Mary Wilkins-Hunt       Spokane, WA              1416  F   45  1:52:46   8:36   8 /  63   247 / 845    85 / 498   1:53:03   8:37       0:17
    9.  Kris Brown              Walla Walla, WA          1485  F   49  1:53:40   8:40   9 /  63   255 / 845    89 / 498   1:54:02   8:42       0:22
   10.  Kathleen Salvadore      Hayden Lake, ID          1703  F   48  1:54:39   8:45  10 /  63   268 / 845    96 / 498   1:55:04   8:47       0:25
   11.  Kathleen Olsufka        Spokane Valley, WA       1401  F   45  1:55:43   8:50  11 /  63   289 / 845   105 / 498   1:56:16   8:52       0:33
   12.  Margie Adams            Greenacres, WA           1742  F   49  1:56:55   8:55  12 /  63   313 / 845   119 / 498   1:57:27   8:58       0:32
   13.  Fran Johnson            Spokane, WA              1683  F   48  1:57:49   8:59  13 /  63   335 / 845   134 / 498   1:58:21   9:02       0:32
   14.  Helen Hedges            Spokane, WA              1393  F   46  1:58:44   9:03  14 /  63   345 / 845   140 / 498   1:59:00   9:05       0:16
   15.  Lynn Hauer              Post Falls, ID           1689  F   47  1:58:54   9:04  15 /  63   347 / 845   142 / 498   1:59:07   9:05       0:13
   16.  Terry Kaul-Connors      Fairfield, WA            1390  F   46  1:59:12   9:06  16 /  63   354 / 845   148 / 498   1:59:47   9:08       0:35
   17.  Lori Hartmann           Great Falls, MT          1022  F   45  2:00:46   9:13  17 /  63   381 / 845   164 / 498   2:01:13   9:15       0:27
   18.  Joice Vogrig            Blanchard, ID            1784  F   45  2:01:49   9:18  18 /  63   394 / 845   170 / 498   2:02:24   9:20       0:35
   19.  Ellen Brown             Hope, ID                 1733  F   48  2:02:27   9:20  19 /  63   401 / 845   174 / 498   2:02:43   9:22       0:16
   20.  Maureen Rice            Redmond, WA              1335  F   48  2:03:07   9:23  20 /  63   407 / 845   177 / 498   2:03:11   9:24       0:04
   21.  Elaine Kilpatrick       Summerland, BC           1127  F   45  2:03:20   9:24  21 /  63   412 / 845   180 / 498   2:03:43   9:26       0:23
   22.  Rose Sarkinen           Vancouver, WA            1883  F   48  2:03:52   9:27  22 /  63   418 / 845   185 / 498   2:04:03   9:28       0:11
   23.  Liese Thompson          Haydne, ID               1354  F   45  2:06:51   9:41  23 /  63   450 / 845   205 / 498   2:07:24   9:43       0:33
   24.  Roni Anderson           Coeur D Alene, ID        1322  F   46  2:06:51   9:41  24 /  63   451 / 845   206 / 498   2:07:25   9:43       0:34
   25.  Wynne O'Brien Persons   Spokane, WA              1599  F   45  2:06:56   9:41  25 /  63   454 / 845   208 / 498   2:07:07   9:42       0:11
   26.  Vicky Smith             Veradale, WA             1251  F   48  2:08:38   9:49  26 /  63   474 / 845   220 / 498   2:08:51   9:50       0:13
   27.  Kim Ramuta              Redmond, WA              1841  F   45  2:09:26   9:52  27 /  63   489 / 845   230 / 498   2:10:14   9:56       0:48
   28.  Vicki Pearce            Liberty Lake, WA         1328  F   49  2:10:12   9:56  28 /  63   497 / 845   235 / 498   2:10:34   9:58       0:22
   29.  Deborah Silva           Coeur D'alene, ID        1137  F   49  2:11:01  10:00  29 /  63   507 / 845   241 / 498   2:11:29  10:02       0:28
   30.  Vickie Carpenter        Spokane, WA              1281  F   47  2:12:06  10:05  30 /  63   521 / 845   252 / 498   2:12:33  10:07       0:27
   31.  Debbie Hackworthy       Sagle , ID               1132  F   46  2:13:07  10:09  31 /  63   539 / 845   268 / 498   2:13:23  10:10       0:16
   32.  Rhonda Clayville        Spokane, WA              1756  F   46  2:17:02  10:27  32 /  63   580 / 845   298 / 498   2:17:39  10:30       0:37
   33.  Kaye Boone              Spokane, WA              1801  F   48  2:17:22  10:29  33 /  63   583 / 845   299 / 498   2:18:16  10:33       0:54
   34.  Kathi Cook              Spokane, WA              1497  F   46  2:17:39  10:30  34 /  63   586 / 845   302 / 498   2:18:44  10:35       1:05
   35.  Kathy Booth             Coeur D'alene, ID        1185  F   45  2:19:01  10:36  35 /  63   596 / 845   308 / 498   2:19:10  10:37       0:09
   36.  Ellen Wait              Hayden Lake, ID          1036  F   48  2:19:17  10:37  36 /  63   599 / 845   309 / 498   2:20:15  10:42       0:58
   37.  Kathi Best              Spokane, WA              1558  F   46  2:20:11  10:42  37 /  63   602 / 845   311 / 498   2:21:02  10:45       0:51
   38.  Kathy Hatcher           Spokane, WA              1379  F   49  2:21:00  10:45  38 /  63   610 / 845   315 / 498   2:21:45  10:49       0:45
   39.  Maryann Lorenz          Spokane, WA              1765  F   47  2:22:38  10:53  39 /  63   621 / 845   323 / 498   2:23:32  10:57       0:54
   40.  Susan Ewing             Redmond, WA              1910  F   48  2:24:29  11:01  40 /  63   634 / 845   330 / 498   2:24:38  11:02       0:09
   41.  Jeannine Ewing          Redmond, WA              1133  F   45  2:24:29  11:01  41 /  63   635 / 845   331 / 498   2:24:39  11:02       0:10
   42.  Sandi Stark             Brush Prairie, WA        1230  F   49  2:26:46  11:12  42 /  63   649 / 845   341 / 498   2:27:27  11:15       0:41
   43.  Vicky Wessling          Vancouver, WA            1079  F   48  2:29:08  11:23  43 /  63   664 / 845   351 / 498   2:29:51  11:26       0:43
   44.  Nancy Taylor            Hayden Lake, ID          1800  F   45  2:29:09  11:23  44 /  63   666 / 845   353 / 498   2:29:18  11:23       0:09
   45.  Debra Poindexter        Spokane, WA              1482  F   49  2:29:52  11:26  45 /  63   674 / 845   359 / 498   2:30:13  11:28       0:21
   46.  Diana Erickson          Spokane, WA              1433  F   49  2:29:52  11:26  46 /  63   675 / 845   360 / 498   2:30:13  11:28       0:21
   47.  Carol Jarms             Cheney, WA               1292  F   49  2:31:30  11:33  47 /  63   685 / 845   365 / 498   2:32:13  11:37       0:43
   48.  Colleen Stevens         Spokane, WA              1672  F   48  2:33:22  11:42  48 /  63   688 / 845   368 / 498   2:33:56  11:45       0:34
   49.  Jean Marczynski         Spokane, WA              1673  F   48  2:33:22  11:42  49 /  63   689 / 845   369 / 498   2:33:56  11:45       0:34
   50.  Lisa Walker             Lewiston, ID             1035  F   49  2:33:35  11:43  50 /  63   693 / 845   373 / 498   2:33:58  11:45       0:23
   51.  Susan Cuff              Hayden, ID               1622  F   48  2:35:05  11:50  51 /  63   702 / 845   381 / 498   2:35:35  11:52       0:30
   52.  Ginny Campbell          Post Falls, ID           1135  F   49  2:41:08  12:17  52 /  63   718 / 845   396 / 498   2:41:22  12:19       0:14
   53.  Mary McKeehan           Manteca, CA              1261  F   48  2:52:22  13:09  53 /  63   751 / 845   418 / 498   2:52:22  13:09       0:00
   54.  Vicki Peterson          Rathdrum, ID             1172  F   46  2:54:19  13:18  54 /  63   758 / 845   424 / 498   2:55:27  13:23       1:08
   55.  Julie Johnson           Hayden, ID               1868  F   47  3:06:37  14:14  55 /  63   779 / 845   439 / 498   3:07:06  14:16       0:29
   56.  Diane Codd              Spokane, WA              1462  F   48  3:09:17  14:26  56 /  63   783 / 845   443 / 498   3:10:01  14:30       0:44
   57.  Susan Fowler            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1016  F   48  3:11:19  14:36  57 /  63   787 / 845   447 / 498   3:12:07  14:39       0:48
   58.  Krista Flis             Spokane, WA              1451  F   49  3:12:55  14:43  58 /  63   791 / 845   451 / 498   3:13:35  14:46       0:40
   59.  Laurie Lancaster        Spokane, WA              1311  F   47  3:17:56  15:06  59 /  63   805 / 845   464 / 498   3:18:55  15:10       0:59
   60.  Patricia Singleton      Colbert, WA              1387  F   48  3:30:38  16:04  60 /  63   829 / 845   484 / 498   3:33:38  16:18       3:00
   61.  Lisa Johnson            Medical Lake, WA         1892  F   49  3:30:39  16:04  61 /  63   830 / 845   485 / 498   3:33:38  16:18       2:59
   62.  Ginger Cohen            Spokane, WA              1148  F   46  3:32:19  16:12  62 /  63   834 / 845   489 / 498   3:32:32  16:13       0:13
   63.  Carol Olsen             Spokane, WA              1136  F   48  3:44:44  17:09  63 /  63   841 / 845   496 / 498   3:45:38  17:13       0:54


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Tim Brooker             Plains, MT               1567  M   53  1:30:04   6:52   1 /  56    31 / 845    26 / 347   1:30:08   6:53       0:04
    2.  Bill Funk               Newman Lake, WA          1463  M   50  1:32:10   7:02   2 /  56    41 / 845    31 / 347   1:32:12   7:02       0:02
    3.  Bruce Hunt              Spokane, WA              1422  M   50  1:33:16   7:07   3 /  56    48 / 845    36 / 347   1:33:22   7:07       0:06
    4.  Andrew MacGillivray     Spokane, WA              1568  M   52  1:33:44   7:09   4 /  56    51 / 845    39 / 347   1:33:53   7:10       0:09
    5.  Roger Risinger          Spokane, WA              1679  M   50  1:34:48   7:14   5 /  56    56 / 845    41 / 347   1:34:50   7:14       0:02
    6.  Robert Fisher           Pocatello, ID            1855  M   50  1:39:16   7:34   6 /  56    83 / 845    59 / 347   1:39:19   7:35       0:03
    7.  Tim Quinn               Couer D'alene, ID        1493  M   52  1:40:35   7:40   7 /  56    97 / 845    67 / 347   1:40:41   7:41       0:06
    8.  Ted Etter               Missoula, MT             1002  M   50  1:41:39   7:45   8 /  56   103 / 845    71 / 347   1:42:00   7:47       0:21
    9.  Randy Bennett           Coeur D'alene, ID        1496  M   50  1:43:30   7:54   9 /  56   120 / 845    86 / 347   1:43:35   7:54       0:05
   10.  Ron Haeger              Spokane, WA              1398  M   50  1:44:22   7:58  10 /  56   135 / 845    98 / 347   1:44:59   8:00       0:37
   11.  David McIlrath          Spokane, WA              1507  M   53  1:44:53   8:00  11 /  56   140 / 845   101 / 347   1:45:11   8:01       0:18
   12.  Robert Lafferty         Spokane, WA              1329  M   53  1:44:54   8:00  12 /  56   141 / 845   102 / 347   1:45:10   8:01       0:16
   13.  Ron Inge                Spokane Valley, WA       1877  M   51  1:46:40   8:08  13 /  56   155 / 845   111 / 347   1:46:44   8:09       0:04
   14.  James Tinney            Pullman, WA              1432  M   50  1:47:17   8:11  14 /  56   166 / 845   118 / 347   1:47:26   8:12       0:09
   15.  William Schroeder       Spokane, WA              1372  M   52  1:47:27   8:12  15 /  56   168 / 845   120 / 347   1:47:44   8:13       0:17
   16.  Jim Eickhoff            Missoula, MT             1058  M   52  1:48:25   8:16  16 /  56   177 / 845   124 / 347   1:49:14   8:20       0:49
   17.  Greg Ewing              Redmond, WA              1909  M   50  1:49:31   8:21  17 /  56   193 / 845   133 / 347   1:49:49   8:23       0:18
   18.  Ronald Friedly          Colbert, WA              1576  M   53  1:50:37   8:26  18 /  56   212 / 845   142 / 347   1:51:21   8:30       0:44
   19.  Ken Vorhees             Spokane, WA              1797  M   51  1:51:53   8:32  19 /  56   232 / 845   153 / 347   1:52:38   8:36       0:45
   20.  Mike Boseth             Sandpoint, ID            1665  M   51  1:52:12   8:34  20 /  56   235 / 845   155 / 347   1:52:20   8:34       0:08
   21.  Fred Pfursich           Spokane, WA              1154  M   50  1:52:31   8:35  21 /  56   243 / 845   159 / 347   1:53:12   8:38       0:41
   22.  Svante Andersson        Hayden Lake, ID          1888  M   50  1:53:16   8:38  22 /  56   252 / 845   164 / 347   1:53:41   8:40       0:25
   23.  Randy Erickson          Spokane, WA              1434  M   50  1:54:00   8:42  23 /  56   257 / 845   167 / 347   1:54:20   8:43       0:20
   24.  Jon Atwood              Otis Orchards, WA        1775  M   54  1:54:41   8:45  24 /  56   269 / 845   173 / 347   1:55:09   8:47       0:28
   25.  Jim Falkner             Greenacres, WA           1731  M   51  1:56:07   8:51  25 /  56   296 / 845   189 / 347   1:56:54   8:55       0:47
   26.  Rich Houghan            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1912  M   54  1:57:21   8:57  26 /  56   326 / 845   199 / 347   1:57:34   8:58       0:13
   27.  Bruce Jones             Canyon, BC               1357  M   54  1:59:58   9:09  27 /  56   365 / 845   211 / 347   2:00:34   9:12       0:36
   28.  Reg Hulbert             Spokane, WA              1481  M   53  2:00:20   9:11  28 /  56   376 / 845   215 / 347   2:00:30   9:12       0:10
   29.  Robin Amend             Spokane, WA              1809  M   51  2:00:29   9:11  29 /  56   378 / 845   216 / 347   2:01:28   9:16       0:59
   30.  Robert Inwards          Spokane, WA              1778  M   54  2:00:30   9:12  30 /  56   379 / 845   217 / 347   2:00:37   9:12       0:07
   31.  Mark Darnell            Spokane, WA              1650  M   51  2:01:46   9:17  31 /  56   392 / 845   223 / 347   2:02:17   9:20       0:31
   32.  Kevin Heacox            Mukilteo, WA             1074  M   50  2:02:19   9:20  32 /  56   400 / 845   227 / 347   2:02:47   9:22       0:28
   33.  Darrell Lambert         Spokane, WA              1388  M   50  2:03:33   9:25  33 /  56   416 / 845   233 / 347   2:04:04   9:28       0:31
   34.  Vernon Newby            Dover, ID                1651  M   51  2:04:03   9:28  34 /  56   422 / 845   234 / 347   2:04:28   9:30       0:25
   35.  Dennis Desmarais        Hayden Lake, ID          1806  M   51  2:07:38   9:44  35 /  56   460 / 845   249 / 347   2:07:57   9:46       0:19
   36.  Randell Lanfell         Hayden, ID               1078  M   53  2:08:35   9:49  36 /  56   473 / 845   254 / 347   2:09:14   9:51       0:39
   37.  John Broughton          Athol, ID                1459  M   54  2:08:51   9:50  37 /  56   477 / 845   256 / 347   2:09:48   9:54       0:57
   38.  Harold Newby            Airway Heights, WA       1924  M   54  2:09:39   9:53  38 /  56   491 / 845   260 / 347   2:10:25   9:57       0:46
   39.  Don Hendrix             Spokane, WA              1369  M   50  2:12:03  10:04  39 /  56   520 / 845   269 / 347   2:12:09  10:05       0:06
   40.  Dave Jennings           Spokane, WA              1306  M   50  2:15:27  10:20  40 /  56   573 / 845   280 / 347   2:16:19  10:24       0:52
   41.  Tom Petrie              Issaquah, WA             1902  M   54  2:19:16  10:37  41 /  56   598 / 845   290 / 347   2:20:15  10:42       0:59
   42.  Douglas Rundle          Mead, WA                 1708  M   54  2:20:48  10:44  42 /  56   607 / 845   293 / 347   2:21:09  10:46       0:21
   43.  Ryan Yohe               Spokane, WA              1061  M   51  2:21:04  10:46  43 /  56   611 / 845   296 / 347   2:21:14  10:46       0:10
   44.  Dale Nelson             Spokane, WA              1818  M   53  2:25:45  11:07  44 /  56   644 / 845   307 / 347   2:26:50  11:12       1:05
   45.  Arthur Hilton           Kellogg, ID              1817  M   54  2:27:03  11:13  45 /  56   652 / 845   309 / 347   2:28:10  11:18       1:07
   46.  Gary Beard              Nampa, ID                1428  M   51  2:27:25  11:15  46 /  56   654 / 845   310 / 347   2:28:24  11:19       0:59
   47.  Andy Smythe             Spokane, WA              1723  M   51  2:28:04  11:18  47 /  56   659 / 845   312 / 347   2:29:01  11:22       0:57
   48.  Tom Fritz               Spokane, WA              1830  M   52  2:29:31  11:24  48 /  56   668 / 845   314 / 347   2:29:42  11:25       0:11
   49.  Jerry Butt              Cincinnati, OH           1198  M   54  2:30:02  11:27  49 /  56   677 / 845   316 / 347   2:30:29  11:29       0:27
   50.  Terry Weeks             Spokane, WA              1394  M   51  2:30:36  11:29  50 /  56   678 / 845   317 / 347   2:31:17  11:32       0:41
   51.  Pat McChesney           Spokane, WA              1539  M   54  2:34:25  11:47  51 /  56   694 / 845   321 / 347   2:35:17  11:51       0:52
   52.  Dan Butler              Sandpoint, ID            1725  M   53  2:42:53  12:25  52 /  56   721 / 845   324 / 347   2:43:31  12:28       0:38
   53.  Pete Jett               Coeur D'alene, ID        1554  M   50  2:51:18  13:04  53 /  56   747 / 845   331 / 347   2:52:14  13:08       0:56
   54.  Glen Dalberg            Coeur D'Alene, ID        1705  M   54  2:52:02  13:07  54 /  56   749 / 845   332 / 347   2:52:28  13:09       0:26
   55.  James Cooney            Spokane, WA              1084  M   52  3:22:41  15:28  55 /  56   814 / 845   342 / 347   3:22:41  15:28       0:00
   56.  Ricardo Wilson          Spokane, WA              1951  M   51  3:58:00  18:09  56 /  56   843 / 845   347 / 347   3:58:47  18:13       0:47


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Stefanie Wilcox         Liberty Lake, WA         1478  F   51  1:43:02   7:52   1 /  50   114 / 845    34 / 498   1:43:10   7:52       0:08
    2.  Reitha Weeks            Seattle, WA              1762  F   52  1:45:42   8:04   2 /  50   147 / 845    42 / 498   1:45:50   8:04       0:08
    3.  Sally Pritchard         Spokane, WA              1872  F   50  1:48:42   8:18   3 /  50   181 / 845    55 / 498   1:49:08   8:19       0:26
    4.  Kristine Newby          Hayden Lake, ID          1707  F   50  1:51:49   8:32   4 /  50   229 / 845    77 / 498   1:52:14   8:34       0:25
    5.  Debra Stimpson          Spokane, WA              1360  F   50  1:52:28   8:35   5 /  50   241 / 845    84 / 498   1:52:45   8:36       0:17
    6.  Barb Bumann             Spokane, WA              1353  F   50  1:53:02   8:37   6 /  50   250 / 845    88 / 498   1:53:52   8:41       0:50
    7.  Pepper Ballien          Spokane, WA              1789  F   50  1:56:24   8:53   7 /  50   304 / 845   112 / 498   1:56:41   8:54       0:17
    8.  Carolyn Erickson        Veradale, WA             1739  F   50  1:56:58   8:55   8 /  50   316 / 845   121 / 498   1:57:30   8:58       0:32
    9.  Debbie McDermott        Coeur D'Alene, ID        1487  F   50  1:57:39   8:58   9 /  50   331 / 845   131 / 498   1:57:55   9:00       0:16
   10.  Kathy Dalberg           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1704  F   50  1:59:06   9:05  10 /  50   352 / 845   146 / 498   1:59:36   9:07       0:30
   11.  Terry Watanabe          Spokane, WA              1717  F   52  2:00:03   9:09  11 /  50   372 / 845   158 / 498   2:00:29   9:11       0:26
   12.  Barb Hatton             Penticton, BC            1560  F   52  2:03:20   9:24  12 /  50   413 / 845   181 / 498   2:03:43   9:26       0:23
   13.  Rena Brunko             Athol, ID                1743  F   52  2:07:33   9:44  13 /  50   459 / 845   211 / 498   2:07:55   9:45       0:22
   14.  Debby Graham            Spokane, WA              1397  F   51  2:07:49   9:45  14 /  50   462 / 845   213 / 498   2:08:52   9:50       1:03
   15.  Joann Schaller          Coeur D'alene, ID        1173  F   52  2:07:58   9:46  15 /  50   467 / 845   216 / 498   2:08:32   9:48       0:34
   16.  Darcy Simmons           Vancouver, WA            1564  F   51  2:08:21   9:47  16 /  50   472 / 845   219 / 498   2:08:47   9:49       0:26
   17.  Benilda Delgado         Whitefish, MT            1298  F   51  2:08:54   9:50  17 /  50   479 / 845   223 / 498   2:09:34   9:53       0:40
   18.  Carol Rasor             Spokane, WA              1184  F   54  2:11:08  10:00  18 /  50   508 / 845   242 / 498   2:11:28  10:02       0:20
   19.  Melanie Houghan         Coeur D'Alene, ID        1913  F   53  2:11:17  10:01  19 /  50   509 / 845   243 / 498   2:11:29  10:02       0:12
   20.  Nan Smith               Spokane, WA              1795  F   52  2:12:07  10:05  20 /  50   522 / 845   253 / 498   2:12:31  10:07       0:24
   21.  Ray Verbrugge           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1435  F   50  2:12:29  10:06  21 /  50   533 / 845   263 / 498   2:12:53  10:08       0:24
   22.  Dolores McKenzie        Summerland, BC           1008  F   54  2:13:50  10:13  22 /  50   547 / 845   276 / 498   2:14:11  10:14       0:21
   23.  Kay Ely                 Mead, WA                 1854  F   51  2:20:39  10:44  23 /  50   605 / 845   313 / 498   2:21:01  10:45       0:22
   24.  Diane Robertson         Spokane, WA              1245  F   53  2:22:36  10:53  24 /  50   620 / 845   322 / 498   2:23:33  10:57       0:57
   25.  Laura Lanfell           Hayden, ID               1169  F   52  2:24:45  11:02  25 /  50   637 / 845   333 / 498   2:25:24  11:05       0:39
   26.  Susan Fitzpatrick       Veradale, WA             1604  F   52  2:26:41  11:11  26 /  50   648 / 845   340 / 498   2:27:20  11:14       0:39
   27.  Deb Lane                Snohomish, WA            1345  F   52  2:28:19  11:19  27 /  50   661 / 845   349 / 498   2:29:15  11:23       0:56
   28.  Rhonda Lee              Spokane , WA             1314  F   51  2:30:02  11:27  28 /  50   676 / 845   361 / 498   2:30:29  11:29       0:27
   29.  Becky Pfrimmer          Spokane, WA              1005  F   51  2:31:22  11:33  29 /  50   684 / 845   364 / 498   2:32:13  11:37       0:51
   30.  Ann Cunningham          Spokane, WA              1674  F   52  2:33:23  11:42  30 /  50   690 / 845   370 / 498   2:33:57  11:45       0:34
   31.  Lynn Hathaway           Spokane, WA              1741  F   54  2:34:25  11:47  31 /  50   695 / 845   374 / 498   2:35:17  11:51       0:52
   32.  Jackie Kinzer           Sagle, ID                1660  F   50  2:34:34  11:47  32 /  50   696 / 845   375 / 498   2:34:42  11:48       0:08
   33.  Susan Falter            Vancouver, WA            1077  F   51  2:37:07  11:59  33 /  50   705 / 845   384 / 498   2:37:50  12:02       0:43
   34.  Angie Titus             Spokane, WA              1283  F   54  2:48:28  12:51  34 /  50   737 / 845   408 / 498   2:49:27  12:56       0:59
   35.  Mary Sparr              Columbia Falls, MT       1720  F   53  2:49:52  12:57  35 /  50   743 / 845   413 / 498   2:50:41  13:01       0:49
   36.  Karen Malisani          Cheney, WA               1095  F   51  2:50:05  12:58  36 /  50   744 / 845   414 / 498   2:50:28  13:00       0:23
   37.  Mary DeTienne           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1821  F   52  2:54:19  13:18  37 /  50   757 / 845   423 / 498   2:55:26  13:23       1:07
   38.  Cynthia Sweet           Spokane, WA              1209  F   50  3:00:51  13:48  38 /  50   770 / 845   431 / 498   3:01:55  13:53       1:04
   39.  JoAnn Hart              Spokane, WA              1881  F   54  3:06:15  14:12  39 /  50   778 / 845   438 / 498   3:07:04  14:16       0:49
   40.  Deena Phipps            Spokane, WA              1794  F   53  3:09:41  14:28  40 /  50   785 / 845   445 / 498   3:10:43  14:33       1:02
   41.  Kimberly Morse          Spokane, WA              1374  F   52  3:12:29  14:41  41 /  50   788 / 845   448 / 498   3:13:04  14:44       0:35
   42.  Debbie Turner           Omak, WA                 1857  F   52  3:16:12  14:58  42 /  50   799 / 845   458 / 498   3:17:06  15:02       0:54
   43.  Dana Broderson          Spokane, WA              1145  F   50  3:16:58  15:01  43 /  50   801 / 845   460 / 498   3:17:51  15:06       0:53
   44.  Janet Gilliam           Spokane, WA              1505  F   51  3:18:09  15:07  44 /  50   808 / 845   467 / 498   3:18:38  15:09       0:29
   45.  Wendy Largent           Spokane, WA              1500  F   50  3:19:46  15:14  45 /  50   809 / 845   468 / 498   3:20:38  15:18       0:52
   46.  Harvelyn Cooney         Spokane, WA              1091  F   52  3:22:41  15:28  46 /  50   815 / 845   473 / 498   3:22:41  15:28       0:00
   47.  Chris Meyer             Plummer, ID              1243  F   52  3:25:30  15:41  47 /  50   820 / 845   478 / 498   3:26:25  15:45       0:55
   48.  Kathleen McDanal        Coeur D'alene, ID        1260  F   52  3:30:29  16:03  48 /  50   825 / 845   480 / 498   3:31:15  16:07       0:46
   49.  Jan Patterson           Spokane, WA              1559  F   52  3:31:26  16:08  49 /  50   833 / 845   488 / 498   3:32:30  16:13       1:04
   50.  Amy Graham              Spokane, WA              1141  F   54  3:44:43  17:08  50 /  50   840 / 845   495 / 498   3:45:37  17:13       0:54


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Jon Lewis               Sagle, ID                1758  M   58  1:42:36   7:50   1 /  25   112 / 845    79 / 347   1:42:43   7:50       0:07
    2.  Bill Boggs              Coeur D'Alene, ID        1646  M   56  1:43:13   7:52   2 /  25   116 / 845    82 / 347   1:43:28   7:54       0:15
    3.  Alton Leisle            Davenport, WA            1474  M   55  1:44:50   8:00   3 /  25   138 / 845   100 / 347   1:45:18   8:02       0:28
    4.  Gary Miller             Spokane, WA              1426  M   59  1:47:33   8:12   4 /  25   169 / 845   121 / 347   1:48:16   8:16       0:43
    5.  Jim Hoppe               Spokane, WA              1833  M   57  1:52:23   8:34   5 /  25   237 / 845   157 / 347   1:52:59   8:37       0:36
    6.  Jim Meyer               Hayden Lake, ID          1662  M   57  1:54:23   8:44   6 /  25   264 / 845   171 / 347   1:54:37   8:45       0:14
    7.  Ed Harrod               Kennewick, WA            1059  M   59  1:54:46   8:45   7 /  25   276 / 845   176 / 347   1:55:15   8:47       0:29
    8.  James King              Spokane, WA              1831  M   57  1:58:05   9:00   8 /  25   338 / 845   202 / 347   1:58:17   9:01       0:12
    9.  David Irish             Nine Mile Falls, WA      1464  M   59  1:59:28   9:07   9 /  25   356 / 845   207 / 347   1:59:33   9:07       0:05
   10.  Allan Goetz             Pinehurst, ID            1477  M   56  1:59:59   9:09  10 /  25   367 / 845   212 / 347   2:00:15   9:10       0:16
   11.  Gary Hoffman            Post Falls, ID           1288  M   58  2:05:17   9:33  11 /  25   432 / 845   237 / 347   2:05:38   9:35       0:21
   12.  Russ Murray             Spokane, WA              1253  M   58  2:05:23   9:34  12 /  25   434 / 845   239 / 347   2:06:32   9:39       1:09
   13.  Frank Anselmo           Spokane, WA              1657  M   59  2:06:02   9:37  13 /  25   441 / 845   242 / 347   2:06:40   9:40       0:38
   14.  Howard Daugharty        Coeurdalene, ID          1513  M   56  2:10:23   9:57  14 /  25   498 / 845   263 / 347   2:11:10  10:00       0:47
   15.  Phil Henderson          Colfax, WA               1313  M   56  2:10:38   9:58  15 /  25   500 / 845   264 / 347   2:11:03  10:00       0:25
   16.  Mark Conlin             Spokane, WA              1918  M   57  2:15:08  10:18  16 /  25   569 / 845   279 / 347   2:15:20  10:19       0:12
   17.  Chad Hallett            Post Falls, ID           1371  M   58  2:16:30  10:25  17 /  25   578 / 845   282 / 347   2:17:06  10:27       0:36
   18.  Don Hadley              Spokane, WA              1613  M   56  2:17:14  10:28  18 /  25   581 / 845   283 / 347   2:17:50  10:31       0:36
   19.  Dan Brainard            Boise, ID                1612  M   55  2:18:30  10:34  19 /  25   593 / 845   287 / 347   2:18:59  10:36       0:29
   20.  Mike Williams           Spokane, WA              1324  M   56  2:23:22  10:56  20 /  25   625 / 845   301 / 347   2:24:15  11:00       0:53
   21.  Samuel Grubbs           Coeur D'alene, ID        1212  M   57  2:24:51  11:03  21 /  25   640 / 845   305 / 347   2:25:21  11:05       0:30
   22.  Larry Adams             Greenacres, WA           1728  M   55  2:31:05  11:31  22 /  25   683 / 845   320 / 347   2:31:31  11:33       0:26
   23.  Hedley Greene           Spokane, WA              1409  M   58  2:52:10  13:08  23 /  25   750 / 845   333 / 347   2:52:36  13:10       0:26
   24.  Louie Mahoney           Plummer, ID              1470  M   55  3:25:31  15:41  24 /  25   821 / 845   343 / 347   3:26:26  15:45       0:55
   25.  Gary Klassen            Spokane, WA              1788  M   58  3:28:42  15:55  25 /  25   822 / 845   344 / 347   3:29:25  15:58       0:43


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Jane Davey              Veradale, WA             1749  F   56  1:50:27   8:26   1 /  33   208 / 845    69 / 498   1:51:00   8:28       0:33
    2.  Chris Donaldson         Liberty Lake, WA         1166  F   55  1:56:50   8:55   2 /  33   310 / 845   116 / 498   1:57:00   8:55       0:10
    3.  Nancy McKenzie          Thompson Falls, MT       1242  F   59  1:57:49   8:59   3 /  33   334 / 845   133 / 498   1:58:29   9:02       0:40
    4.  Sharon Sell             Liberty Lake, WA         1264  F   59  1:58:27   9:02   4 /  33   342 / 845   138 / 498   1:58:37   9:03       0:10
    5.  Georgia Nelson          Spokane, WA              1814  F   57  2:00:54   9:13   5 /  33   384 / 845   167 / 498   2:00:54   9:13       0:00
    6.  Thelma Ennila           Nelson, ID               1349  F   56  2:00:56   9:13   6 /  33   385 / 845   168 / 498   2:01:42   9:17       0:46
    7.  Carma Clark             Everett, WA              1415  F   58  2:03:18   9:24   7 /  33   411 / 845   179 / 498   2:03:46   9:26       0:28
    8.  Margaret Noren          Julietta, ID             1403  F   58  2:03:27   9:25   8 /  33   415 / 845   183 / 498   2:03:41   9:26       0:14
    9.  Karen Mathews           Spokane, WA              1648  F   55  2:04:24   9:29   9 /  33   425 / 845   190 / 498   2:05:15   9:33       0:51
   10.  Margie Murray           Spokane, WA              1252  F   56  2:05:23   9:34  10 /  33   435 / 845   196 / 498   2:06:32   9:39       1:09
   11.  Kathy Wram              Whitefish, MT            1297  F   55  2:08:53   9:50  11 /  33   478 / 845   222 / 498   2:09:33   9:53       0:40
   12.  Jeanne Cowan            Rathdrum, ID             1767  F   55  2:09:35   9:53  12 /  33   490 / 845   231 / 498   2:09:56   9:55       0:21
   13.  AnnaMae Greene          Spokane, WA              1891  F   59  2:15:41  10:21  13 /  33   575 / 845   295 / 498   2:16:00  10:22       0:19
   14.  Patricia Bartlett       Spokane, WA              1550  F   59  2:17:57  10:31  14 /  33   587 / 845   303 / 498   2:19:03  10:36       1:06
   15.  Pennie Rundle           Mead, WA                 1772  F   55  2:20:45  10:44  15 /  33   606 / 845   314 / 498   2:21:06  10:46       0:21
   16.  Norma Myers             Spokane, WA              1266  F   56  2:23:20  10:56  16 /  33   623 / 845   324 / 498   2:23:36  10:57       0:16
   17.  Bonnie Carver           Medical Lake, WA         1436  F   56  2:24:26  11:01  17 /  33   633 / 845   329 / 498   2:24:46  11:03       0:20
   18.  Glenda Michaud          Sagle, ID                1543  F   57  2:24:35  11:02  18 /  33   636 / 845   332 / 498   2:25:17  11:05       0:42
   19.  Donna Schmidt           Portland, OR             1130  F   58  2:29:44  11:25  19 /  33   671 / 845   356 / 498   2:30:00  11:27       0:16
   20.  Carol Sweeney           Surprise, AZ             1052  F   59  2:47:15  12:45  20 /  33   734 / 845   406 / 498   2:47:54  12:48       0:39
   21.  Barbara Robbins         Spokane, WA              1259  F   56  2:52:32  13:10  21 /  33   753 / 845   420 / 498   2:52:32  13:10       0:00
   22.  Heather Wilson          Summerland, BC           1839  F   55  2:53:28  13:14  22 /  33   755 / 845   421 / 498   2:53:50  13:16       0:22
   23.  Claudia Montgomery      Puyallup, WA             1686  F   57  2:59:02  13:39  23 /  33   766 / 845   430 / 498   2:59:22  13:41       0:20
   24.  Kathy Scearce           Redmond, WA              1200  F   55  3:11:04  14:34  24 /  33   786 / 845   446 / 498   3:11:39  14:37       0:35
   25.  Mary Smith              Colbert, WA              1341  F   58  3:15:29  14:55  25 /  33   794 / 845   453 / 498   3:16:16  14:58       0:47
   26.  Jo Simpson              Newport, WA              1330  F   58  3:17:13  15:03  26 /  33   802 / 845   461 / 498   3:17:32  15:04       0:19
   27.  Terri Smoak             Spokane, WA              1284  F   56  3:18:02  15:06  27 /  33   806 / 845   465 / 498   3:19:01  15:11       0:59
   28.  Shirley Weis            Invermere, BC            1117  F   55  3:21:38  15:23  28 /  33   810 / 845   469 / 498   3:22:44  15:28       1:06
   29.  Nicole Nilsson          Creston, BC              1886  F   59  3:21:39  15:23  29 /  33   811 / 845   470 / 498   3:22:45  15:28       1:06
   30.  Susan Miller            Invermere, BC            1138  F   55  3:21:40  15:23  30 /  33   812 / 845   471 / 498   3:22:46  15:28       1:06
   31.  Evelyn Florio           Kettle Falls, WA         1282  F   57  3:24:07  15:34  31 /  33   817 / 845   475 / 498   3:24:39  15:37       0:32
   32.  Susan Dyck              Spokane, WA              1142  F   55  3:24:08  15:34  32 /  33   818 / 845   476 / 498   3:24:40  15:37       0:32
   33.  Martha Ryan             Coeur D' Alene, ID       1300  F   57  3:30:30  16:03  33 /  33   826 / 845   481 / 498   3:31:15  16:07       0:45


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Len Hodge               Coeur D Alene, ID        1846  M   61  1:35:59   7:19   1 /  16    63 / 845    45 / 347   1:36:02   7:20       0:03
    2.  Bill Haring             Kalispell, MT            1531  M   61  1:55:05   8:47   2 /  16   281 / 845   178 / 347   1:55:30   8:49       0:25
    3.  Frank Sell              Liberty Lake, WA         1265  M   61  1:58:39   9:03   3 /  16   344 / 845   205 / 347   1:58:49   9:04       0:10
    4.  Chris Wilcox            Liberty Lake, WA         1479  M   60  2:05:34   9:35   4 /  16   436 / 845   240 / 347   2:05:43   9:35       0:09
    5.  David Sweeney           Surprise, AZ             1053  M   60  2:05:41   9:35   5 /  16   437 / 845   241 / 347   2:06:20   9:38       0:39
    6.  Bill Daniel             Seattle, WA              1046  M   61  2:10:04   9:55   6 /  16   496 / 845   262 / 347   2:10:32   9:57       0:28
    7.  Michael Hirsch          Coeur D'alene, ID        1472  M   64  2:14:15  10:14   7 /  16   562 / 845   276 / 347   2:14:48  10:17       0:33
    8.  Martin Eberle           Spokane, WA              1443  M   63  2:14:29  10:16   8 /  16   564 / 845   278 / 347   2:14:55  10:17       0:26
    9.  Bill Bartlett           Spokane, WA              1552  M   61  2:18:05  10:32   9 /  16   590 / 845   286 / 347   2:19:11  10:37       1:06
   10.  Calvin Bay              Missoula, MT             1499  M   60  2:19:47  10:40  10 /  16   600 / 845   291 / 347   2:20:18  10:42       0:31
   11.  George Nichols          Spokane, WA              1890  M   64  2:29:07  11:22  11 /  16   663 / 845   313 / 347   2:29:13  11:23       0:06
   12.  Truvor Bodnar           Spokane, WA              1654  M   61  2:30:37  11:29  12 /  16   679 / 845   318 / 347   2:31:25  11:33       0:48
   13.  Francis Renda           Goleta, CA               1105  M   64  2:41:46  12:20  13 /  16   719 / 845   323 / 347   2:42:22  12:23       0:36
   14.  Eldon Poisel            Rathdrum, ID             1761  M   61  2:43:37  12:29  14 /  16   725 / 845   325 / 347   2:43:54  12:30       0:17
   15.  Byron Johnson           Spokane, WA              1418  M   64  2:45:09  12:36  15 /  16   731 / 845   328 / 347   2:45:59  12:40       0:50
   16.  Bob Hoover              Caldwell, ID             1430  M   63  3:45:18  17:11  16 /  16   842 / 845   346 / 347   3:45:57  17:14       0:39


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Jane Lundquist          Spirit Lk, ID            1773  F   60  1:52:03   8:33   1 /  12   234 / 845    80 / 498   1:52:03   8:33       0:00
    2.  Susan Rowe-Adler        Spokane, WA              1177  F   60  2:20:18  10:42   2 /  12   603 / 845   312 / 498   2:20:49  10:44       0:31
    3.  Carolyn Pope            Liberty Lake, WA         1006  F   62  2:24:48  11:03   3 /  12   638 / 845   334 / 498   2:25:27  11:06       0:39
    4.  Sherrie Wright          Spokane, WA              1381  F   60  2:27:29  11:15   4 /  12   655 / 845   345 / 498   2:28:27  11:19       0:58
    5.  Sarah Parshall          Spokane, WA              1675  F   61  2:33:23  11:42   5 /  12   691 / 845   371 / 498   2:33:57  11:45       0:34
    6.  Sandra Steigman         Battle Ground, WA        1348  F   60  2:37:07  11:59   6 /  12   706 / 845   385 / 498   2:37:50  12:02       0:43
    7.  Kay Kindig              Coeur D'alene, ID        1714  F   62  2:38:59  12:08   7 /  12   709 / 845   388 / 498   2:39:44  12:11       0:45
    8.  Lynne Bownds            Spokane, WA              1140  F   62  2:53:30  13:14   8 /  12   756 / 845   422 / 498   2:54:32  13:19       1:02
    9.  Ann Johnson             Spokane, WA              1417  F   64  2:57:15  13:31   9 /  12   760 / 845   426 / 498   2:58:04  13:35       0:49
   10.  Pati Marcella           Spokane, WA              1404  F   63  3:09:17  14:26  10 /  12   782 / 845   442 / 498   3:10:01  14:30       0:44
   11.  Melanie Johnson         Spokane, WA              1080  F   63  3:24:08  15:34  11 /  12   819 / 845   477 / 498   3:24:40  15:37       0:32
   12.  Harriet Skaarvold       Spokane, WA              1073  F   61  3:30:36  16:04  12 /  12   828 / 845   483 / 498   3:31:21  16:07       0:45


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Bart Haggin             Spokane, WA              1757  M   67  1:43:33   7:54   1 /  11   122 / 845    88 / 347   1:43:38   7:54       0:05
    2.  Robert Massie           Spokane, WA              1494  M   65  1:44:11   7:57   2 /  11   133 / 845    96 / 347   1:44:28   7:58       0:17
    3.  Rich Olin               Hayden Lake, ID          1780  M   66  1:45:37   8:03   3 /  11   146 / 845   105 / 347   1:45:47   8:04       0:10
    4.  Jim Price               Spokane, WA              1086  M   65  1:56:58   8:55   4 /  11   315 / 845   195 / 347   1:57:36   8:58       0:38
    5.  Alex Nilsson            Creston, BC              1887  M   69  2:02:32   9:21   5 /  11   402 / 845   228 / 347   2:03:29   9:25       0:57
    6.  Pat Simpson             Newport, WA              1316  M   68  2:15:52  10:22   6 /  11   576 / 845   281 / 347   2:16:09  10:23       0:17
    7.  Court Jones             Ellensburg, WA           1533  M   68  2:18:03  10:32   7 /  11   588 / 845   285 / 347   2:18:24  10:33       0:21
    8.  Calvin Brown            Spokane, WA              1392  M   67  2:20:48  10:44   8 /  11   608 / 845   294 / 347   2:21:31  10:48       0:43
    9.  Don Sherfey             Harrison, ID             1616  M   69  2:52:32  13:10   9 /  11   754 / 845   334 / 347   2:52:32  13:10       0:00
   10.  Gardner Bailey          Spokane, WA              1289  M   67  2:59:47  13:43  10 /  11   767 / 845   337 / 347   3:00:05  13:44       0:18
   11.  Kenneth Miller          Spokane, WA              1239  M   65  3:29:01  15:57  11 /  11   823 / 845   345 / 347   3:29:01  15:57       0:00


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Carol Cressey           Spokane, WA              1819  F   67  1:56:29   8:53   1 /   5   306 / 845   114 / 498   1:56:29   8:53       0:00
    2.  Jean Greene             Spokane, WA              1491  F   69  2:32:08  11:36   2 /   5   686 / 845   366 / 498   2:32:48  11:39       0:40
    3.  Carolyn Hague           Coeur D'Alene, ID        1889  F   65  2:50:29  13:00   3 /   5   745 / 845   415 / 498   2:50:54  13:02       0:25
    4.  Helen Lewerenz          Coeur D'alene, ID        1254  F   67  3:30:27  16:03   4 /   5   824 / 845   479 / 498   3:31:14  16:07       0:47
    5.  Elnora Wildermuth       Spokane, WA              1033  F   69  3:30:36  16:04   5 /   5   827 / 845   482 / 498   3:31:21  16:07       0:45


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  John Parrott            Spokane, WA              1304  M   71  2:00:59   9:14   1 /   3   386 / 845   218 / 347   2:01:30   9:16       0:31
    2.  Ralph Riddick           Spokane, WA              1287  M   72  2:18:35  10:34   2 /   3   595 / 845   288 / 347   2:19:09  10:37       0:34
    3.  Ray Gilbert             Post Falls, ID           1293  M   71  2:22:01  10:50   3 /   3   616 / 845   298 / 347   2:22:49  10:54       0:48


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  Jan Spradley            Spokane, WA              1406  F   72  4:05:32  18:44   1 /   1   845 / 845   498 / 498   4:08:14  18:56       2:42


                                                                        CHIP     CHIP     AGE       PLACE         SEX      GUN      GUN      TIME TO 
   NO.  NAME                    CITY & STATE           RACE # SEX AGE   TIME     PACE     DIV       OVERALL     OVERALL    TIME     PACE    START LINE 

    1.  William Cattoi          Santa Barbara, CA        1103  M   75  2:40:49  12:16   1 /   1   717 / 845   322 / 347   2:41:23  12:19       0:34

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